Frage von kowi:
I am currently planning to purchase a suitable equipment for HDV (PC, BR, HDTV ...). This includes of course the sound synonymous, ie the appropriate amplification system. Here's the question, I would stick to the soundtrack in stereo or is it now advisable to switch to Dolby 5.1?
What experience is there on the subject?
How expensive is it in (right) 5.1 to Verton?
How are the results? The effort worthwhile?
About your experiences I would be very pleased.
Antwort von Jake the rake:
cinefreaksTonmeister (left on the link "Surround" (under Forum, where all the PDFs to download and read, or just under "Standardization Documents Surround Sound forum:")
Put yourself inside all the time;) If for the initial range. Above all, you should (then) know what you're talking about ...
(Does not ask to misunderstand)
How expensive is it in (right) 5.1 to Verton? S.auf That depends what level you want to employ.
5.1 tonmeister only means at the 5 speakers in the ITU-circuit stand, plus a subwoofer for the LFE channel. This has nothing with as a consumer-5.1 installation to be done where the subwoofer bass management simply means all depths frequencies which plays the "satellite" is no longer able to play.
To find reference targets in multichannel want to produce the first hurdle is certainly a time of space in your facility ask. With some tricks (delay of the LS and the rear of the center ...) While it is almost an "acoustic circle" and to create safe synonymous to start working but then you will have with reflections, etc. and thus Phasenschweinereien to fight.
Antwort von tarkan1976:

hallo s.alle,
I have a question about 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround.
therefore already have in the forum about this topic a lot and have written everything durchgelesen.Einig think that it is not easy or cost a lot or some of my easy with Magix software of Ulead or should it go.
Sinking into my first problem.
I already have a commercial rotated.Das runs in its own small local television and runs well, so Sound and Picture.
Then the customer wanted that spot synonymous in regional cinemas soll.Deswegen was all on 35mm ausbelichtet (The commercial was produced in HD, so is suitable for some besseDASbesser Movies)
Sun and I have personally in the Movies gesehen.Es obviously not as good as a Hollywood production, or as a commercial of Mercedes Benz and Nokia, is already quite clear, because in addition to the advertisement is our very very cost effective.
So, it runs in the movies everything normal, until a single problem. and although the sound comes TON.Das so quietly that it is difficult to hear kann.Im Movies argued that the analogy is sound and not Dolby 5.1 is and will be due.
All the commercials, the movies are great because of course have the Dolby Surround 5.1 sind.and I know it usually costs a lot to do with hat.and I would not synonymous, just that my gut anhören.Nur I wanted to ask because I am here in Forum posts have read some who think it is possible. Although not quite set but with software like magix possible.
My question is, how can I get with my options s.besten sound similar to get out, as Dolby5.1 resembles (I know full well it will not be)
To my commercials is not something with microphones record bzw.redet no man or Person.Sonder will only be made images, depending on the desired picture or video. Then, when cutting gemischt.Vielleicht Royalty tones, it is something vorteihafter resulting ähnlicht dollby 5.1 töne out to get?
thank you very much
Antwort von tarkan1976:

None has an idea or recommendation for me?