Infoseite // Video dubbing your camcorder to PC with

Frage von schauan:


I have a SonyDCR-TRV730E. I connected my VCR and wanted to dub some tapes to my PC. Unfortunately, the dubbing is not pickled, without tape, and when a tape is in there is run at host startup and same is my video of it is nothing more to see and hear ...

Software: Windows Movie Maker or Nero

What do I need to set it where it works?

Thanks and regards,



Antwort von Markus:

"schauan" wrote: What do I need to set it where it works?

the manuals of Sonysind usually very well written and understandable. What does it say what to do?


Antwort von schauan:

Hi Markus,
sorry, I'm not the same notes. Unfortunately I have none. The device I have borrowed, and my friend has not placed with the instructions in the box. He is not the next few days achievable ...
Regards, Andre


Antwort von schauan:

Hi Markus,
With Nero, it seems to go. First, the tape will start the action, and when I press s.der Cam Stop running recording with the VHS-tape next. Only time I have to see if I can turn off the thumbnail, my calculator has shared memory ...
With Movie Maker, the recording does not work, get the software with and then bring the message "Recording completed successfully ..." or so.
Regards, Andre


Antwort von Markus:

"Schauan Andre" wrote: Unfortunately I have] no [bedienungsanleitung.
No problem, you just load them as a PDF file:


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