Frage von Thomas Dobusch:
Hello ...:)
In an article in C'T 13/01 p.34, I found a short article about the video editing program POWER DIRECTOR of "".
With the "English" I am sorry to "loggerheads" so that I can not translate what it is all so: (
Maybe someone has this program and can give me information what it will cost and whether it is with the FireWire card CAMEO400 works?
Some video editing programs which I test of Shareware CD `s work is not installed with this: (
I'm an absolute newbie with CANON MV450i, DURON800 AMD, 512 MB RAM, 32MB MX graphics card and 40 GB HD Seagate.Reicht of this hardware?
MfG Thomas Dobusch
Antwort von Helmut:

Hello ...:)
: In an article in the 13/01 p.34 C'T, I found a short article on the
: Video editing program POWER DIRECTOR of "".
: With the "English" I am sorry to "loggerheads" so that I
: Can not translate what it is all so: (
: Has this program maybe someone can give me information and what it costs and whether
It with the FireWire card CAMEO400 works?
: A few video editing programs which I test of Shareware CD `s installed
: Does not work with this: (
: I'm an absolute newbie with CANON MV450i, DURON800 AMD, 512 MB RAM, 32MB MX
: Graphics card and 40 GB HD Seagate.Reicht of this hardware?
: MfG Thomas Dobusch
Hello Thomas,
your hardware is more than enough!
If thou hast CAME400, but take the enclosed Media Studio 6.0 VE, MPEG2 support, except you have everything you need-(Beginners as one could say, even too much. The training is not easy. The 360-page Manual of the full version should be you this, download Ulead.
Other editing programs all run, none have yet tried, which is not running!
Must s.einem fundamental problem - the operating system or drivers are!
Is not easy for Beginners!
Read a lot helps a lot!
gruß Helmut
Antwort von Peter:

Hello, Thomas!
Did it just me in version 1.1 and evacuated viewed:
From a little below the quality of Ulead Video Studio located - that is a better puppet theater!
Who MSP6 VE, which need not be on such third-eyed editing software.
Many greetings
Antwort von Helmut:

Thanks Schön ür responses of Helmut and Peter
More than too much: (I'm not clear what I must adjust to a half hour from
: Camcorder to record überspielen.Ein 1 1 / 2 minute "piece" I have
: Managed to burn on CD, as well as AVI and MPG1:) (huge)
: Thanks for the tip, I will do the same.
A URL for the instructions as I have with the program easy to MSP6 VE
: Initial results come would be to get? :)
: Thomas
Antwort von Thomas Dobusch:

Thanks Schön ür responses of Helmut and Peter
If thou hast CAME400, but take the enclosed MediaStudio VE 6.0, except
: MPEG-2 support, you have everything you need-(Beginners as one could say
: Even too much.
More than too much: (I'm not clear what I must adjust to a half hour from the camcorder to record überspielen.Ein 1 1 / 2 minute "piece" I managed to burn on CD, as well as AVI and MPG1:) (huge )
The training is not easy. The 360-page Manual of the
: Full version you should download this with Ulead.
Thanks for the tip, I will do the same.
A URL for the instructions as I have with the program MSP6 VE easy access to results come, would be to get? :)