Frage von seevideo:
Video films in public spaces, filming permit, public presentation, commercial use and sale of the film
I would like to ask to assess the legal position, at best, a clear YES or NO, from a legal perspective, the following facts.
What I want to make:
I have a registered business in the "new media" as an individual entrepreneur.
I would like to make a video with the city-and landscape-impressions and sell them on DVD's in greater numbers.
I film only from the public space of (, sidewalk, pedestrian street, square, park-meadow)
I want to show only the exteriors of buildings.
I want to film the building:
Grade II listed building houses (mills, with public facilities such as offices or private) lives
Artworks in public spaces (; LIMITATION. Brunnen) in pedestrian zone
Shopping District
Residential Street
Lake / river with boats
Passing cars on the road
Landscape, meadow, forest
Aerial photography by balloon flight
Balloon Flights On-and removal
and city panoramas.
I film only of bodies that can be achieved as pedestrians in public space (;) except for balloon flight.
In addition, I have a few questions from a legal point of view:
1) Can I do all the above, or one MUST obtain permits?
2) Do I need a "permission to shoot" of the city, the "building owner" or has no connection?
3) Can we unasked described filming the movie and perform publicly?
4) Is it possible in this context, people without their knowledge and consent, (filming; LIMITATION. Passersby) in Satdtpanorama?
Close up of individual people should not be seen. High, I show only groups of people away, or isolated people of so far that the individual is not identified. I want to show people just so that we can no longer recognize the individual, because, for example, too far away.
5) How is it when I (on the tower of a castle, this inlet is on) go above and surrounding buildings of movies?
6) What about when I'm filming of a heritage listed house, castle, which is in private ownership, the exterior? MUST be there to ask permission?
7) No O-sound, film is backed with licensing and Gema-free Music.
Can I legally sell this film on DVD as the license, rights-and Gema-free and free to use, for example, as broadcast on television?
8) Does the above synonymous for photos?
9) Where can I find this more legal information? (; Links and Books)
Thanks for answers.
Antwort von Alikali:
I would like to ask to assess the legal position, at best, a clear YES or NO, from a legal perspective, the following facts. Do you believe in all seriousness, (in a public forum;!) Offers free legal advice, the synonymous only a hint of a legal relevance?
Leaving aside the fact that it already had dozens of these threads here.
But to question 9) I know what:
Books gibts in every university library or at Amazon.
How hard can that be, at amazon enter times "film rights" and just to read the results? C5M =%% C5Z% D5% D1 & url = search-alias% 3Dstripbooks & field-keywords = & Filmrecht x = 0 & y = 0
Too lazy or too stupid for that?
Antwort von bjelgorod:

@ Alikali
If you do not want to help the questioner, then let it simply your stylus of the keyboard. Your other posts are unfortunately a similar nature. I wonder really what people like you want in this forum anyway?
Antwort von kalle70:

If I were owner of a company and wanted to make at doing this, then I would have a professional legal advice worth something.
Sowas is synonymous with security later projects.
A "legal advice" in a forum full of half-knowledge that is absolutely useless.
Antwort von Alikali:

To what extent your contribution helps the questioner to think time itself?
Not at all. Then it s.besten Follow your own advice:
If you do not want to help the questioner, then let it simply your stylus of the keyboard.
Antwort von bjelgorod:

@ Alikali
Where the post does not help the questioner, but he was not synonymous s.ihn addressed, but s.Dich. I've already thought of me, however, that you absolutely have to have the last word.
Antwort von Kar.El.Gott:

But to question 9) I know what:
Too lazy or too stupid for that? There really is silly, yes, that one is linked with almost every other issue in the field of Aunt Google Video to this forum and then such stressed 'hochbeschäftigten, extreme, overwhelmed with work "guys like you in implementing its orders to be upset. From me a big "sorry" for the upset .... you lie down again!
Antwort von Alikali:
From me a big "sorry" for the upset .... You do not disturb. At least not more than usual
PS: I'm free today.
PPS: do not find yourself books relating to film rights from Amazon, allows for imagination and research ability of the "filmmaker" unfortunately only äißerst unpleasant conclusions.
Well no preference ...
This I say a heartfelt Generation Doof "Adieu!"
Are you happy now?
Antwort von Kar.El.Gott:

This I say a heartfelt Generation Doof "Adieu!"
Are you happy now? Jep
Antwort von Kar.El.Gott:

This I say a heartfelt Generation Doof "Adieu!"
Are you happy now? Jep
Antwort von derpianoman:
... Thanks for answers.
seevideo Hi!
How does it look like: Has anyone THE TIP, for example, for a specific counselor, the issue fully lit??
DAS would be a nice, helpful answer! :-)))
Liebe Grüße!
Antwort von kalle70: = Perhaps here?
Antwort von Pianist:
I would like to make a video with the city-and landscape-impressions and sell them on DVD's in greater numbers. In itself, your question is easily answered, and I do not exactly understand so completely the recent hoax of Mitsch Reiber. Virtually all of what you have written, you must not do exactly as you wrote it. Also of public road land. Is made possible by the so-called "freedom of Panorama". And what people are synonymous terms in the Picture, then you're lying right when you say that there are increasing amounts, so that the people who pass as "accessory". Individuals or small groups of people yet, but you can just ask, most people still have no objection.
You just need to be careful with the towers: Because you can not pay you permission to shoot mostly with a camera that is greater than the average, not up or is contrary to their house you right when you use these images commercially. Anyone who has elevated locations, so would like to earn money. The worst are Catholic churches.
And synonymous with what you need of top movie, you're not careful. Panoramas are back to normal, but not the long focal length recording from the garden or living room of other people.
So - and now the question s.The others: What was it now so complicated?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Scheiss question. Appears on every couple of months. All the questions are wonderfully explained in other threads. The short version is: yes, we may (and nearly everything) to film simple.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

Further information can be found on
"What is allowed as of record with whom where on it?" is synonymous with photographers an ongoing issue
with regularly changing answers. And with piles of rubbish bandied, such as "From five (and seven) is to ask a group of people who do not have to."
BTW: not enough questions. Signed, legally Model releases must be so.
Just the image list contains plenty of seevideo "It depends ..."- issues with the potential for 10 pages of replies.
In one third of subjects you have to ask in advance, you have to pay for some (; Palaces and Parks of the Cultural Heritage Foundation, etc.) from the balloon is no longer the panorama freedom, etc.
If one of this project halfway serious concerns for
a city, are the several months of work.
Therefore we should take time to 300 euros in the hand and composed of three hours with a lawyer.
Antwort von Pianist:
BTW: not enough questions. Signed, legally Model releases must be so. Now just please do not overdo it. We are not talking of photos where someone is on it to view full frame and is then extensively placarded under a nationwide advertising campaign. Then I would protect synonymous me. But if someone is seen very briefly in a relatively minor film with low proliferation, enough for me to be verbally stated agreed.
In one third of subjects you have to ask in advance, you have to pay for some (; Palaces and Parks of the Cultural Heritage Foundation, etc.) from the balloon is no longer the panorama freedom, etc. Which third of motives, he must ask for, if he wants to turn the public road of country? When he stands on the castle courtyard, sees the course again different.
And from the balloon can rotate wonderful aerial photographs, which are synonymous for 20 years should not be released. In Austria, the well is different. But the case in Germany: Aerial photographs are freely usable. Exception: Certain military objects. And of course, You can not zoom in so close that you create the personal lives of injured people.
Antwort von domain:

I would like to make a video with the city-and landscape-impressions and sell them on DVD's in greater numbers.
A general tip: Pure Impressions bring nothing, it must be synonymous information available. The best in the English language in speech or writing.
In Egypt, for example, such (; typical) DVDs are sold very cheap in masses backed Egyptian monuments with English lyrics and accompanied with Arabic music. So is synonymous Royalty Free Music Gedudel not recommended. There must exist a typical country-specific music, such as a clog in Bavaria music or Mozart in Salzburg, etc.
Antwort von KrischanDO:
But if someone is seen very briefly in a relatively minor film with low proliferation, enough for me to be verbally stated agreed.
Which third of motives, he must ask for, if he wants to turn the public road of country? When he stands on the castle courtyard, sees the course again different.
... And of course, You can not zoom in so close that you create the personal lives of injured people.
Matthias - It's just stretchy, which is insignificant and poor circulation.
The court clarified that because some Knödderkopp with hat on it, is not funny.
- When will enter the airport / train station / metro / church. From the road it's all pointless.
- Violation of the personal sphere of life: too stretchy.
The law will always be photographers / filmer - unfriendly.
U.S. photo agencies want to model releases for photos of various body parts (;!?).
Years ago I photographed for a new hotel in DO, the other hotels, everything from the sidewalk / road, very well behaved. Heading a small car with no caption.
Situated on a hotel car park, 30 meters, was a man who has threatened me with his fist. Have I ignored.
A few days later, one of calls to the hotel, since I had photos taken of her hotel, one of the guests would have felt harassed in what was the then. I have invented fix that I made a documentary about the life s.der B1, photo design studies, etc. ..
Since he was satisfied.
So there is one behind me, watch indicator, has rausgefunden about my name called and.
Because (some guy, I always still like to know what was going on!) In 30 feet away standing in a parking lot has.
I do, I think, not trousers, which I did not even wearing. But if I would work for weeks s.einem Project, I would do everything in order not to let the shoot because of a Querkoppes too.
Of the people who populate my agency photos from Washington DC and Paris, I have not synonymous MRs. Since I rely on the improbability synonymous ...
Antwort von Pianist:
- When will enter the airport / train station / metro / church. By entering, he has said nothing. He wants to shoot cityscapes of public land from. As soon as he wants more than that, so synonymous Interior rotate, then he must then naturally ask, but it was already clear to him anyway.
Antwort von KrischanDO:
By entering, he has said nothing. ... Well. The Meadow Park may already be borderline and the Stillimage of the castle down (; analogy: Hundertwasserhaus ruling) synonymous.
Whether from a DVD, the museums, parks, castles, railway stations, monuments, etc. only of the road shows, bestselling has potential?
The number of repeat buyers would be clear.
Antwort von Jan:

There I get a good free advice:
Law Forum In the area of video & Stillimage the questions should be there, but difficult, but well.
Otherwise, look into the Powermac of raised threads.
Antwort von domain:

For example, some issues are obviously very productive, such as:
I can not shoot,
NLE what would you recommend for me and not
What camcorder stands out as one from all other crap.
If it does not already exist periodically, then it would have to be directly invented so that the next talk in the forum is running and indeed synonymous in Sauregurkenzeit, possibly instigated through front men of the same people again and again.
Antwort von Interlaced_Killer:

* lol * someone asks how it looks in law, and get answers, who has threatened him with his fist ... We have club-law, or even the law?