Frage von corey:
Hallo erstmal,
I have a question.
I have been a few months with shooting and editing video.
One of my biggest problems is how I "look" of the typical American can shoot. Meanwhile, so synonymous have many German movies, or music videos of this Picture.
I do not know really how I should describe. there are always those typical of different German and American film.
ami the movies always look the very image of "smooth" and "Ruff" from the comparative. as if everything would somehow slow minimal. Is there a trick or filter?
thanks in advance
Antwort von mentao:
Antwort von Tuffy:

These are usDinge those who are important. There is not a direct filter.
Depends of the Recording s.sich from - a little Google, which is probably more often discussed than the election of Americans ;-)
Antwort von Bespi: This video filter of CoPilot are not worth the money. the same results you get with 2-3 AE effects in itself.
if so, then I would have to magic bullet, or similar access.
Antwort von Tuffy:

Many are too belämmert, get yourself added, for a quick click, the practical.
Basically synonymous presets are nothing more than a few effects in After Effects ;-)
Antwort von domain:

Interesting is that the "look" of copies of miserable miserable U.S. production so intruded into our viewing habits is that it people want to copy div.
In Photoshop, there is still some way, synonymous filter which pretend halfway to imitate the ancient style of painting can ........
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

the U.S. get this look is synonymous in Germany possible. These include several things. One is the light. The Americans make a fundamentally different light than we do. Particularly significant was the recently than I have a German offshoot of CSI Miami have seen. The same set but people were not capable of the same picture to generate. Amazingly, since the "manual" yes exists on DVD.
Look at the series closely. They work with shades, with hard light, with colors.
In addition, they work with 35mm, which means they have more sharpness / blur in the images. If you like, you look at my tutorials on these topics.
Furthermore, I can synonymous the Magic Bullet Effects recommend. There WARMISH or particular BERLIN. These filters create a truly American look to it. Be sure to provide the de Artifactor synonymous drauflegst.
But it is synonymous board a editing. I'm working s.einer new DVD in which I explain these techniques. If enough messages to this comment thread, I like to declare parts of synonymous here.
Many greetings
Antwort von Axel:
The Americans make a fundamentally different light than we do. Particularly significant was the recently than I have a German offshoot of CSI Miami have seen. The same set but people were not capable of the same picture to generate. Especially funny was the context in which any "Bourne" - film, which recently went on TV and partly in Germany played. The Americans recognize that
Germany, as it presents Little Bob, of course, from recent German shooting. So was the visual identification of the folkloric style of
offense lookalike. I switched to, and well thought s.einen cut German thriller, to Matt Damon Picture rushed through.
Of course it is synonymous German Filmmakers thoughts about the style. You obviously prefer the more "realistic" s.Dreh "on location". The Americans see the entire story as a fake, and manipulate each one as rigorous recording until a recording is no longer outside of a recording studio is different. This is not just a question of technique, but synonymous in the underlying attitude. And the Americans are right: with realism film has nothing to do (apart from the fact that realism is itself a style, that is something artificial, intentional).
Based on Video: If you look at a realistic recording of any scene, it sucks you get the film and wants to look. But with color alone is not to obtain. You have to want to show something, and this must be the objective of
capturing a given reject. You have every recording while technically manipulated to get everything from her Random rausgeprügelt has until the
picture has become.
But before you have to consider without video technology in mind, whether that which is before you see with the naked eye like already. (... And it may change, equipment,
lighting, masks, costumes)
(This is the secret to the wise Gandalf, s.seiner whistle schmauchend, maintain, while the Hobbits before his feet herumwuseln, Morpheus'Wahrheitspille.)
Postpro filter are then just the final touch, a bit of magic Krötenwurz in the boiler can never hurt.
Checklist also:
What do I want to
show (and what does not matter in the picture is lost, what is missing)?
How I achieve the best possible
Antwort von beiti:
You have to want to show something, and this must be the objective of capturing a given reject. You have every recording while technically manipulated to get everything from her Random rausgeprügelt has until the picture has become. A successful German producer, in a seminar of times based on a film he produced children explained what was behind it all.
In this particular case it was a simple, lasting only a few seconds in a German setting fantasy city: The main character comes with the bike home.
The entire film should have a polished, fairy look fair, which is not today's reality, but not synonymous of a specific time is allocated. So the set design looked at several German cities after a road, which houses a suitable style had. Finally, there was such a road. Disturbing elements that would be overly zeitgeist (satellite antennas, posters, parking, etc.) were weggemacht - sometimes in real life, sometimes later by retouching. Then the entire street right before the start of filming by Parkverbot of the otherwise modern cars there is free; instead along the road were some specifically selected (ie, of type and color to her look of the film right) placed vintage. There were some extras with specially-made, matching clothes and hairstyle, s.Gehsteig on-and off to the street scene to animate.
And all the effort for a few seconds Establishing shot - and in Germany with very limited budget.
Of course the final scene was then synonymous even digitally processed and color s.den rest of the film aligned, but without the preparation of the scene would have been ineffective.
Yes, Americans are driving some more effort - if CSI synonymous with the extreme style synonymous with the Ami-series is an exception. There are quite synonymous cheap American-made films and series.
A lot of series for us, just look so interesting, because our style, cars, etc. are not so familiar. Looking at old series like "The Fall Guy" (A Colt for all cases) s.and compares with the look of real roads in the vicinity of Los Angeles, it is clear that there is not too much effort into the preparation of the filming locations invested was. It really looks like this (or saw in the'80s as if the series was rotated), only we in Central Europe it is regarded as exotic.
I'm sure vice versa Americans Germany-scenes in "Borne" much more interesting place than we, because we are such streets everyday. One has to wonder just what tourists in Germany everything s.Details noticed that we are not yet out of habit sometimes more consciously perceive.
Antwort von Tuffy:

[quote = "beiti"]
I'm sure vice versa Americans Germany-scenes in "Borne" much more interesting place than we, because we are such streets everyday. One has to wonder just what tourists in Germany everything s.Details noticed that we are not yet out of habit sometimes more consciously perceive. Often you will see something a hundred times,
before you realize how uninteresting it is. Henri Matisse
But is underestimated. Many want their circumstances (the forest behind the house, the beach or the island) do not use because they find it lame and everyone there knows enough to act it would be cheap.
For the sloping Großstädter, however, is there a setting that he would like that is synonymous not be surprised if we used what we have.
A little abgedriftet - but hey, I thought it is interesting :-)
Antwort von

jep, the most important is the depth ... because you should get a 35mm adapter to purchase or build yourself.
then comes the striking color, but can be done simply synonymous in the post-production make. and as already posted here the light ...
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

I am still a little haggard, which makes the film look. For 3 years I turn 720/25p. This is synonymous to do. Is well known, "jerky" yes in the Picture 25p as opposed to 50i. In order to avoid the shakes, turns it differently. Softer tuned pans, zooms, etc. Just like with a film camera.
Put the Camera on 50p looks like it again on video. I love the 25p format, other synonymous if I had to format. Coupled with the other things but it just shows more the film look. Who with a 35mm adapter can handle, the better.
Many greetings
Antwort von shipoffools:
jep, the most important is the depth ... because you should get a 35mm adapter to purchase ...
What you think is most honest "depth", which is a difference: