Frage von Jörnsen:
I have Adobe Premiere with a video clip created and would like him to be happy in various communities (Myspace, YouTube, etc.) to upload.
When encoding with Adobe Media Encoder I have the preset "MySpace" is selected, ie
File Format: H.264 (I think is the same as Mpeg4)
Resolution: 360 x 240 pixels
30 frames / sec.
Field Order: No (Progressive).
The file is approximately 60MB in size, as I said the quality is fairly good.
I then had the video uploaded on MySpace - the quality loss was enormous! In particular, there is constant noise (square blocks in the picture).
I have other then viewed videos on Myspace: Most have a super quality!
Hence my question: Who, what I s.den attitudes must change to a video with good quality and above all without image disturbance on my page to see?
I would be you very grateful if you could help me!
Best Regards
Antwort von tommyb:

Well ... the file you've uploaded of MySpace was once again compressed.
Because you never come around, because the new compress make such providers always.
What you can do:
- In higher Resolutionexportieren, eg 512x384
- File gently compress slightly (eg with XviD and Q2 as the setting)
That means if possible, not everything from the videos rausholen, but still a little "room" can be for a new compression on MySpace.
Furthermore, it is always on the content of the videos. Videos with a lot of movement (rumgewackel, plenty of action, etc.) can compress worse than those with peaceful images. Obviously synonymous noise leads to a further deterioration of the compressibility.
Antwort von Jörnsen:

Ah ok, thank you! :) Will I like it a try!
Synonymous somewhere I've read that all these sites like Myspace, etc., the videos in Flash files, which then these disturbing artifacts can arise.
Because what it would take if I use my Adobe Premiere Project outset of a flash memory? MySpace yes I would then somehow the task of converting decrease.
Best Regards
Antwort von tommyb:

MySpace ALWAYS turns around, so you must of not so nice to them;)
Antwort von TheBubble:

30 frames / sec.
Only useful if synonymous with 30 frames / second was filmed.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

The problem I had synonymous ...
- In video information portals is that the videos before uploading into the best format should be available (Flash) and some size. It is precisely in Help (MyVideo, youtube, etc.), what format and size etc. should be. What there is, just as you exportierst the videos (from your editing program) and will be the best possible quality (in video portals) have. ((Or with good conversion programs))
Antwort von Jörnsen:

Super, thanks! :)
I am off times tonight and will try your tips!