Infoseite // Video format at LEGRIA CANON HF 200

Frage von Glü:

We use the camcorder in the subject mentioned in training. Unfortunately, we have the problem that the videos are recorded as a MTS file, which results in infinitely large files. So far we have not managed to change the setting so that we have video files in a format that synonymous with a Windows Media Player can be played and have a reasonable file size. About a tip we would be very grateful! With kind regards,


Antwort von deti:

The MTS can format with the Media Player 7 s.Windows be played without problems. In addition, VLC is synonymous for it. The data rate happens to be relatively high because it is HD video. In the lowest range it would be just under 10 Mbps.



Antwort von Glü:

Thanks for the quick feedback. But there is not any possibility at the Camera, the format of the same change to the start to a common format that is synonymous with an older operating system can be played? We are a company and still work with Windows XP. We are happy to reduce the quality of the recordings, since it is only performed in the framework of these courses, where the quality is not so important. The videos have to be a file size of about 2 GB, so they are not sent via e-mail.

LG Günter


Antwort von deti:

"Glue" wrote: But there is not any possibility at the Camera, the format of the same change to the start to a common format ...
No the key solution is to post or transcoding. Worried you an editing software and export the video in just a lousy quality at low Resolutionund already you have a file that can be sent via email and negates the progress of the video production.



Antwort von Glü:

Thank you for Deti again very fast and informed response. I know our desires are not congruent with the quality requirements of video geeks, but unfortunately, a work with such large files in daily practice, not simply feasible. But the cited solution helps us to have next! Thank you! LG Günter


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