Frage von Lichtler:
Hallo leute.
I try Video 's in my HTML page, without which the user must save the video. Sowas gibts ja zb with Quicktime, etc. ... Quicktime gefällt mir sehr gut. the only thing I've yet to rausgefunden is that on the server any stream must install. I have no idea one can help me? What code do I need and what do I need to install on our server?
Danke Gruß
Antwort von Stefan:

A stream server you do not necessarily have. For the beginning I would be synonymous to the complex.
The keywords are
embed, video and
html ...
PS: I have it as surfers like to still have a download for the video is available.
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von Markus:
PS: I have it as surfers like to still have a download for the video is available. And not only that, if a Web site with a streaming video synonymous loaded (must be loaded), then slows the surfers from synonymous when the video he did not want to see.
The next time he considered it twice, if he calls your web site again.
Antwort von Lichtler:

Therefore there is an extra area with log-in for the videos;) And download is obviously synonymous very kompremiert possible ....
erstma thank you for the reply ....