Frage von Dextromethorphan:
I'm not sure whether I'm right here with the issue. Test anyway. I would like to embed into my home several videos of Vimeo, but not directly! Have a sample found on the net "" if there click on the photos automatically opens the video and the background is black. Is a function of Vimeo or do you program that yourself? Got it already with the embedded codes tried. Unfortunately that does not works. Perhaps here one a tip. Thanks
Antwort von nicecam:

On the subject, I can not say anything. But the likelihood that you'll get answers is not so great, namely because you add your question in OffTopic-test forum.
These contributions are in the left list:
Latest Posts (all forums) do not appear - for that reason probably not because they are dealing with the issue of video in a broad sense nothing.
You yourself might have been surprised that your thread did not show up on the left.
You could ask the admins to move the article in another appropriate subforum to (yes you can even make a suggestion), or you can immediately ask the question again in another subforum.
Antwort von Corpse:

That you need to do so themselves. Your keyword is AJAX and Lightbox.