Frage von serpenteye:
Hi all, I hope you can help me. At Christmas, I gave myself the Canon EOS 7D. It makes 1A pictures and videos are synonymous, the first class.
Now to my problem:
The recorded video with the Canon I wanted to cut it into Premiere CS3 Test ways together, and accompany with a little music. Unfortunately, I then realized that the video material is s.ruckeln (1080p) in Premiere so extreme that a clear cut let alone the alignment of Clips s.der Music is basically impossible. The 720p slightly smaller material may run a bit better but still very choppy. This is to say that no color correction on the material.
The HD material from my SonyFX1 (1080i) can play in Premiere without any problems and fluid process.
In synonymous in VLC and Quicktime Player to run the unedited video of the Canon completely liquid. Also edged out the premiere material runs smoothly.
Why might that be? What can you do?
One of the *. mov convert into another format has brought nothing, except that it has cost a lot of time and has been loss of quality.
My system:
Win XP
Intel Core2 6600@2.4GHz
2GB Ram
Premiere CS3
Thank you very much
Antwort von Axel:
Why might that be? What can you do?
One of the *. mov convert into another format has brought nothing, except that it has cost a lot of time and has been loss of quality. This is normal. It makes no sense to natively edit H.264. There is already hardware / software - suits that
can do this (with "can" we mean at least three lanes, a fluent style, the material is in the timeline and will not appear at all without rendering warning is not enough), but no later than the expensive color correction makes the stuff the qualitative bankruptcy (must be some zwischengerendert, for example, might be exported to the rough cut of AAE, and thus the quality is gone).
An intermediate
must round it.
Here if not Canopus, or even uncompressed, then at least one intraframe-based codec such as DVCPRO HD P2 aka 1080p (not tested).
- Convert to ... X cut, exporting to X.
- Convert X to cut, media (replace with H.264 movs "online").
Antwort von hkrull:

Hi Daniel,
You can take my time with your (e) Lens (called e), with whom you have taken your first class videos? You Used zoom lenses or lenses only? All shots with tripod use?
I am of my HD videos of my 7D very disappointed - Full-HD is certainly not. My CANON HV30 makes much sharper images, and I do not mean with respect to the much larger depth range from a camcorder to a DSLR. Thank you!
Greeting hkrull
Antwort von meawk:

No - this is not normal: The video footage of the 7D can be edited natively. Purchase yourself a sensible program such as Sony Vegas and let the fingers of Adobe, Final Cut Pro, etc. all need to do their homework, that you can natively edit the material;)
PS: you have 2GB of RAM but a bit weak. . . at least 4GB, better 8GB! Raw files to an external FP, not on the FP, where, etc. Beg was installed.
But - Axel has full right, of course, with his remarks. Since everything has to fit, so you can work natively. In this respect, if the budget does not allow for the best PC power etc is sufficient, then absolutely nothing goes with h.264 or AVCHD.
Antwort von meawk:

I am of my HD videos of my 7D very disappointed - Full-HD is certainly not. My CANON HV30 makes much sharper images, and I do not mean with respect to the much larger depth range from a camcorder to a DSLR. Thank you!
Greeting hkrull Please go in hard practice, practice, practice. . . - Logical kannste with the HV30 to time by the way videos look pretty good then synonymous. The 7D/5D II can not do that - you just need to work to achieve perfect results, as with a real Filmcam, for example, or an ARRI RED ONE. . . If you want to shoot only once since then Go for them, then get the Filmcams unfortunately, synonymous with no special attention. And please, use if possible, not the kit Lenses, but aperture lenses.
Therefore, even for the amateurs, the HV30's produced, etc., so that the light is a weng.
Addendum: For those who want to use the "big" APS-C sensor to the shooting, but want it a little easier, I recommend to remain the GH1 (slightly smaller sensor), which is much easier to act than the 7D or the 5D II can be synonymous with the draufhalten times the only way and it is quite good (permanent AF, etc.). . .
Antwort von hkrull:

Well ... Thanks meawk!
Answers to those I've just been waiting for more! My question ware a completely different - that I can not go with a 7D as darauflosfilmen with a camcorder, I know synonymous. I miss a akurat sharpness and get results, and only muddy picture of this phenomenon synonymous with the 7D, I have already read occasionally.
Antwort von meawk:

For muddy pictures / images you alone are responsible. . . No one else. The problem here is sitting in front of the 7D, if you know what I mean. . .
And therefore practice - practice, practice and more practice, then at some point gehts better. Above all, note erstmal establishes basic rules: So in 720/50p with 1 / 100 film, with 1080/25p with 1 / 50, etc. - then even a little bit next biste with your mud. . .
Antwort von hkrull:

Hello meawk,
I think we break them from such a discussion here better - helping your schoolmasterish tone posts next to me not much. I prefer to wait to receive relevant answers to my question!
Even for info: I find myself with my shots, no preference whether Stillimage or video, more
behind my 7D. :-)
Antwort von meawk:

Even for info: I find myself with my shots, no preference whether Stillimage or video, more behind my 7D. :-) Nööö - I've already meant the way the stands, the problem is often synonymous s.sich the recording, that is what you want to shoot, but if you ask so well, it seems synonymous with you find behind the action too be. . .
Anything read in some forums and then times muddy in terms of "parroting" - that's cheese, sorry. You can look at the mud synonymous in the post itself reinfriemeln - ever heard about this? So - muddy recordings are usually produced of the person who uses the Cam or they are in the mail of him, fed quasi.
Antwort von Axel:
No - this is not normal: The video footage of the 7D can be edited natively. Purchase yourself a sensible program such as Sony Vegas and let the fingers of Adobe, Final Cut Pro, etc. all need to do their homework, that you can natively edit the material;)
LG Well, he
has nunmal CS3, and how far you come with
an application without having to export the meantime, is another question. I know that you are corresponding threads on Picture Styles with know-contrast followed by grading, because you've posted there, and why should there not to serpenteye AAE, especially one correction to a comprehensive synonymous secondary color. At this turn, the exposure correction on masks that can sometimes be synonymous easy to animate. If Vegas is impeccable Maskenkeyframes with H.264, without any visible errors, we get them all.
I want to discourage any of them to try to Vegas, it seems to a lot. But you should qualify. The diversity of ways of AAE, it will be difficult to compare, and for AAE can be recommended for many reasons, no inter-frame codecs. serpenteye and has mastered Adobe CS, working with an intermediate is simply obvious until further notice. And so it will not last terribly long, to be made here, "the homework" (although one with the 64 bit-CS5, hopefully, is going to be more elegant solution for HDV is measly: indexing? No Capture Preview?).