Frage von eklundh:Moin moin:)
've given the following problem: I did in After Effects and animated logo NEN as a Quicktime movie with MPEG 4 compression than exported. Where allet in butter, since the video looks like AFX. If I have to file it back in or synonymous AFX import Sony Vegas, so the quality leaves something to be desired (it is much more blurred and washed out). Also during this export from Vegas or AFX changes nothing. Can I do it or what is the nature so'n when the whole import? Freu me any answer, so far as they help me;)
Antwort von thos-berlin:
If you compress the whole thing is exported, then synonymous picture info, etc. So sharpness is lost. ME is the most valuable (and memory fressensde) form is a single sequence as TGA