Frage von stonecutter:
So to make things short: I was of my school beaufragt various Schulveranstalltungen to film and the whole so as to organize the 1st Floor 2 screens are available, in which one of the stage below. The whole aim with beamers run.
My idea: I take cam, below the base of it, because I get AV RCA and S-Video out. S-Video is a PC with TV card (or a must buy as synonymous gladly accept tips on) and in the PC comes from the RCA A mixer ...
Then I have a splitter (I still have to buy what had been in the eye), then comes in the video - RCA of the Cam and Audio - RCA from the mixer. The splitter skin then 2 times 3 cables, so AV RCA plugs out and I both still s.and beamer boxes next to it. Voilà ....
But RCA is net so great quality, but for a moderately good projector but it goes out right? With S-Video nehm ichs yes s.PC on DVD's for later.
But now the price question: Can one tell me whether the technical work can be so? Since RCA yes anyway net so great quality, is the voltage drop is not too large, the cable length of approximately 25 meters?
I would like everything synonymous with S-video, but S-Video cables are so much more expensive than RCA?
So I am to you for any help mega grateful ;-)
Antwort von Gästle:

Let us once a year s.unseren annual celebrations.
2 Cams on mixers (approx 25m RCA to BNC)
Output of the mixer:
1 x VCR (VHS tape as Doku) BNC to BNC
2 x Beamer (on 2 big screens) per 20 m BNC to BNC
Premium 75Ohm coax cable, as no adapter and the picture quality is FBAS fully in order.
Antwort von Stonecutter.:

Ok, just ask the technical terms and abbreviations again for a n00b ...
I know because I am only moderately, but am willing to learn ;-)
Antwort von Alpinist:
Ok, just ask the technical terms and abbreviations again for a n00b ...
I know because I am only moderately, but am willing to learn ;-) If you're already ausgibst for someone who you're obviously not, show your willingness to learn, where you and Google, Wikipedia uses.
Antwort von megalutzi:

änhlich almost as synonymous times I've started.
Sure, you can make it so, as thou hast written. Whether this is good but then, I doubt times (s.TV video card).
How are you doing this with the sound (recording, playback, transfers)?
In addition, a camera very boring. 2 or more should it be, then you are already fully in the live cut, with which you probably do not have experience.
If it wirlich GOOD to be, then your school should get someone who knows so (nothing against you, but students are often used as cheap labor). Or you yourself Holst someone.
The required technology, so it is good, you can borrow synonymous.
I am myself because soeiner who likes to help when possible.
We have, for example times a Abiball transferred. The technology and the know-how was of me. To the cameras, we have students that supports Intercom over, the very good pictures delivered. That is the mix of more expensive technology and cheap foreign students.
As a related link:
Antwort von Markus:
I would like everything synonymous with S-video, but S-Video cables are so much more expensive than RCA? That's true, good Y / C cable cost more than double that of composite cables. Optionally, you can synonymous two composite cables, so the brightness and color separately transferred. Here would be an additional power of Y / C on 2x BNC necessary, you will still need to solder.
RCA cables for video is only represented in the consumer area, so you'll get those lines with rather get BNC connectors. To connect s.Camcorders and then you take Beamer
solche BNC- Cinch -Adapters.
Sehr preisgünstige (and für diesen Anwendungszweck ausreichende) Compositekabel bekommst Du übrigens im Bereich der Video überwachung, z.B. bei Here you get synonymous unkonfektionierte cable, s.die You then can solder on RCA connectors.
Antwort von stonecutter:

BNC Male have a lower voltage drop and are better insulated or?
What would I do for a pay TV card where I S-Video and A / V RCA input them? So I am in fairly good quality, the whole can absorb ...
Does any hardware decoder yes, I suppose me to stop as würd ichs of the camera or pull? I've unfortunately with TV cards zero experience.
It need not be perfect, but good ;-)
Antwort von megalutzi:

What do you need than to have a TV card? Take the whole in camera on. This provides the best quality for the DVD afterwards. The external sound such as Toneingang into the camera. Or separately (eg MiniDisc).
The video splitter (or synonymous Video Splitter / Videoverteilverstärker called) so you can still connect directly s.die Camera (at least for video, the sound from the console, etc.).
If you are here reads something, you learn that TV cards ARE VERY BAD! Forget that!
Antwort von XB 70:

So the problem is the following:
The important thing is for the LIVE transmission. The documentation of the whole body is That means I do not want to tape every 60 minutes to change, it takes with the cables and Tripod s.and abbmachen have his 5 min. If I connect 2 Cams ists have been something else again ...
But you bring me a good idea .... We would be there if I stand alone DVD player connected simply, the quality is the net soo Renner, but for TV and Beamer still ok, s.PC remembers you stop it already is ... low
Or other ideas how I become a full-Edit Filmbekomme visible ...
And I've used google and wikipepdia, look all the way through but net ...
Why s.das BNC RCA cable to connect?
Thank you:)
Antwort von megalutzi:

So for most cameras, the tape switch without Tripod and cable arrange them. Thus, the live broadcast continued.
While there are synonymous models whose tray down concurrently. But another camera is surely synonymous rise.
Otherwise, your suggestion: You probably mean a standalone DVD recorder. The course can take synonymous. I would in any case prefer a TV card.
BNC Chich and are ultimately the only connector types can transmit both video signals. Professionel is holding BNC. You can take Chinch synonymous. However, you should have no audio to RCA cable. They have no 75Ohm. But probably no one remembers. At 25m length of cable is probably wirlklich no preference. There is camera quality, performance and Beamer much more other factors influence the outcome more.
Do not expect too much! My first live broadcast was pretty lousy. That I no longer wish to think back.
Antwort von stonecutter:

Could you then have me give some tips? I've got time to practice so ...
So I take BNC cable as well in the distance are, RCA is very bad ... or? Due to voltage drop and isolation?
So I send my video out to RCA and then pols s.BNC the same back then? This brauch ich halt plug ...
Then I take NEN RCA AV Splitter and hau on the projector?
Why should I not take a cinch? They are "worse" than V-or cinch? So since there are differences in quality or scho?
Antwort von megalutzi:

Do not be so Kopp.
Take a video cable, if there is now a BNC to RCA Male-off is completely schnurz. There are good and bad RCA plugs, you can say it synonymous with BNC. But you will not see if there is now a BNC or RCA-Male was in use. Maybe at 10 or 20 hintereinandergesteckte times.
Importantly VIDEO CABLE.
Which factions do you take? It does little, if you plug in the optimierst and the bottle neck is perhaps elsewhere (for example, because the bandwidth of the splitter is not sufficient (5 MHz for composite video).
Antwort von stonecutter:

So I was at my electronics partner recommended getting a part ...
From Hama ... he sent me down Hama 42508 # but since I find nix -.-
Tss .. probably prescribed or ding, the net in their Netshop ...
That would have cost less than 80 Euros ...
What do I need to because Eighth? Of course net splitting but only reinforcing ... But what else exactly?
So I got my cam comes with RCA video Compsosite out ... High in 1st Stock ... then I use the signal splitter to 2 RCA to come in the 2 Beamer ...
The sound comes from the mixer ... either the synonymous or split the top it is enough technology and as I get out of the mixer for 2 x2 RCA audio out ...
The whole is then 25 meters long? So just a "good" video - cinch to buy? At Beamer is no preference whether BNC or RCA?
Boah you are really great help ;-)
Antwort von megalutzi:

So as a splitter is as synonymous here:
Antwort von stonecutter:

I test it tomorrow at school, did meet with co-director ;-)
So, the Switcher is interesting, that is because I have to represent himself as strongly reinforced ichs ham will ...
Vortiel The truth is I have the manual or Spannnungsabfall offset?
When the sound is Spannungaabfall but no preference? I would then do everything on RCA ...
Even with cable lengths of about 5M or operate multiple displays s.nur a video source to recommend. That is because while, but I have probably a total of 20-30 meters ... nor does it then?
thank you:)
Antwort von megalutzi:

Simply turning the gain completely. Do yourself and the part that is in any case not from too much. Mir is not synonymous at all clear why the gain is.
To the voltage you need at 25m, are not really sure. The one sees not. Most devices are pointed, that the signal is weaker. The technical term is I think Schwarzwertklemmung. The recipient (in this case, the beamer) recognizes s.Sync in Austastlücke how big is the waste. Normally, the sync as 300mV, 200mV only if he receives, then it strengthens the signal by 1 / 3 and the signal is ok again
On the statement I give no guarantees, but so similar, it could work I myself use mainly only s.40m an amplifier for the signal to the jumps to help. So are you with your 25m to secure the page.
Antwort von Gästle:
BNC Male have a lower voltage drop and are better insulated or?
No, but BNC can "lock" and this should be a long cable lengths to make practicable. A (r) stumbles somewhere over the cable and the connection is ruck-zuck open and then the big search going on ...
Antwort von stonecutter.:

Ok so nothing with BNC ...
Then I get the part ... As I make the sound mti mus guckn is what I did in school ...
1e Cam, I just take ... Actually there are 2 events ... at the next s.20.12 test there is, so to speak ... wirds important event fatter until sometime in spring ...
So 1e Cam for the live broadcast, 1e Cam on the tape to have it will probably net times as DVD burning but the Bändenr come to the archive somewhere ...
@ Lutzi, do you use when you then synonymous RCA? Or BNC?
Stone Cutter
Antwort von megalutzi:
No, but BNC can "lock" and this should be a long cable lengths to make practicable. A (r) stumbles somewhere over the cable and the connection is ruck-zuck open and then the big search going on ... True! BNC is synonymous in the professional area.
However, BNC synonymous around 50% more expensive, it is even harder to solder.
When RCA is synonymous with failing Gaffa and knot nem to help, so do not necessarily always what happens, if someone stumbles.
I use almost exclusively Chinch. BNC Although I have some power. But the cable, etc. I make with RCA, because I have too much to see the price. ('m Schwabe)
Antwort von stonecutter.:

For audio, I must be up to 50 meter RCA no idea about the voltage drop it? So 25 meters werd I probably have ... can you tell me more?
Otherwise I will check the times in our technique s.and come again ;-)
Thank you
Antwort von Markus:
A (r) stumbles somewhere over the cable and the connection is open ruck-zuck ... ... even worse: Someone breaks the equipment around and possibly be injured himself then did you get a serious problem, because you acted negligently and the cables are not secured (eg with covered with Gaffa) searched.