Frage von margseirg:
Since I'm new to the forum, may I ask for some indulgence if I am not always understandable expressions:
Have about 20 cassettes Video8/Hi8, mostly (invaluable) Families - Video - sequences. ) I would like to digitize (must:
- Cut nonlinearities
- In the longer term may be that once a player lacks a functional longer available.
- Normal linear decline in the quality of my copy - VHS VCR.
Special Issue:
The Hi8 - images are a total of (very critical quality of the time used and now "dead" Sony CCD-V800E - camcorder had a broken head drum and a bad
Tape guide, with several repair attempts were unsuccessful.)
Just as I (about 8 years ago) is a GSE neuwertiges MPE200SX Schnitterät conveniently acquired, gave the camera, which was intended as a player on the final spirit. On the other hand - since it does not work very well, anyway, I had little hope in it, to have a usable configuration section (aka thought s.einen SONY EV-S9000E, but they are still unaffordable synonymous).
After I overhauled and now have a perfectly functioning 2nd CCD-V800E could buy, I finally have a player again, and next steps can s.The think (transfer to the PC):
Version 1:
CCD-V800E Player -> buying a Canopus ADVC300 (because of the TBC and the audio - Lock - function) -> FireWire interface.
Version 2:
CCD-V800E Player -> GSE MPE 200SX (1. TBC) -> Canopus ADVC300 (2. TBC) - FireWire interface.
Version 3:
Purchase of a Sony DCR-TRV345e etc. (TBC ???)--> FireWire - Interface
Version 4:
SonyDCR-TRV345e etc. -> CanopusADVC300 -> Firewire - Interface
I am struck by repeated playbacks of sequences over the GSE MPE 200SX that the equalization of there, "SIR," said timebase - Correction situation varies widely, sometimes one gets the impression that it was "really smooth", sometimes that it was "completely aushakt "- can that be?
As already indicated above (version 2): 2 series-devices with TBC have a better effect?
(Hopefully not too confusing presentation)
Antwort von MK:

The SIR in the MPE-200 is not much of TBC, which was available only in the MPE-2000. The TBC the ADVC-300 is synonymous not only as the full-fledged TBC TBC has a line, and thus the correction options are limited.
Antwort von margseirg:
The SIR in the MPE-200 is not much of TBC, which was available only in the MPE-2000. The TBC the ADVC-300 is synonymous not only as the full-fledged TBC TBC has a line, and thus the correction options are limited. What other way would there?