Infoseite // Videos from your camcorder under Win2K via cable SVCD

Frage von Duracell:

Hello folks!

I hope that I can help quite quickly. So the following facts:

Calculator very old -> no Firewire port
Camera ---> SonyDCR-TVR900E> no USB port

Currently only possible alternative:

- Have the camera via cable SVCD s.die graphics card connected, but which will detect this connection?

About quick help I would be very pleased.



Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Duracell" wrote: Calculator very old -> no Firewire port
Camera ---> SonyDCR-TVR900E> no USB port

As you USB in this case nothing would help, this is a lack of connection to ;-) Can you live with your calculator for a few euros a Firewire port and spendier s.einfachsten so the problem solved?

"Duracell" wrote: ... have the camera via cable s.die SVCD graphics card connected ...
What is a cable SVCD?

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von urban-orange:

I do not have any slots free, because I had already thought synonymous. But there must be a solution for it, because somehow it is synonymous with possible analog video digitizer.


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Anonymous" wrote: ... somehow, it is synonymous with possible analog video digitizer.
But it takes so-called A / D converter, the converted digital video data to pass s.den PC. Only they do it via firewire ... I remember, however, in the Forum have read that it is synonymous with such devices USB port there, but had the experiences with the latter not optimistic. On details I remember no more, but perhaps the search function brings you a little more next.

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von urban-orange:

I've been here forever and I'm looking now synonymous been a lot smarter, but the problem I somehow do not get solved!


Antwort von Bernd E.:

Do you have this fairly recent thread already read?

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von urban-orange:

So now I've read it, but really helps the next me not synonymous. Certainly it would be possible to move Combi cards, etc., but actually I had not before for my old calculator still spend money.

I would like to have a solution with the now available resources.


Antwort von PowerMac:

The thing is not:

- SVCD cable "
- "S-VHS cable"

The thing is:

- "S-video cable"


Antwort von Nightfly!:

"PowerMac" wrote: The thing is not:

- SVCD cable "
- "S-VHS cable"

The thing is:

- "S-video cable"

The expert was right!

If it was normal to be related to the necessary A / D converter simply look at Terratec over.




Antwort von mmax:

Thanks for the hint as to exactly how this is really great cable * g *.

Thank you for your help first. I've now decided yet but a few euros in the old cripple computers to invest. So has the problem ertsmal done!


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