Frage von Daniel_23:
Can someone once ask me what I say, stop at Adobe Premiere Elements has so I edited the DV movies in ner sound quality on the calculator can save? If I take the profiles of Premiere Elements dfas aspect ratio is wrong (more in the full-screen black bars left and right), pauses the video and I'm in there worst fragments. I've already Try some settings, all crap! This makes the Windows Movie Maker, the better!
Antwort von DamienTrickster:

Then compress the video with the MovieMaker
Antwort von Daniel_23:

Yes I'm waiting 4 hours until it is finished O_o
Antwort von DamienTrickster:

Then you do something wrong ... how long is the video?
Exporting from Premiere as DV avi and the Importierst you then into Movie Maker, Virtual Dub, or from which you TMPGenc it exportierst compressed
Antwort von Daniel_23:

The vid is minute 1:50.
Antwort von DamienTrickster:

1h 50 min or 1 min 50 sec?
Antwort von Daniel_23:

1 hrs: 50 Sec.
Why the quality is so lousy?
Even if I set the same settings (2000 kbit / s, 720x576) in Premiere is the result of just bad. The WMM Duerte is only half as long, and it's a great picture, almost no visible quality loss. And with 3 clicks ...
Antwort von rush:

Antwort von Sir_quigley:

choose Export Movie and then do not take but DV-AVI and MPEG2 format exprotiere the film in this. The file is then about 12 GB in size. Then convert into mpeg to and you will have beautiful results.
Antwort von Daniel_23:

hm. Convert with what? With WMM? Or Premiere?
Antwort von Sir_quigley:

as you like: WMM or TMPEG or something. Esa is to transform a number of Programs.
Antwort von Daniel_23:

Ok. If, for moch still the question of why the result is so schelcht element. The codec's are still the same as those of WMM.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Daniel,
Before you something reconversion: What is your goal? Do you want the video in original quality to save on the calculator? Then export as DV-AVI.
If the movie can be played only s.Computer? Then take a compression format of your choice.
If later a DVD will be created, then compress in MPEG2 format. A VCD, however, demands by the MPEG1 format. DivX is strictly for computer use or understand your DVD player happens to DivX. Subsequent to minimize any further processing, that is very problematic.
If you want to keep all these options open to you, save your video in DV AVI format. Then you always have the best starting point for all other formats and compressions.
PS: The Windows Movie Maker has plenty of templates for NTSC video (30 fps), but few (none?) For PAL (25 fps).
Antwort von Daniel_23:

I want to save it aufm Calculator. DV-AVI is too big, takes up too much space.
Of burn WMV to DVD, I can always do.
And whether PAL or NTSC is synonymous no preference, the files are played back one way or the aufm Calculator, and the DVDbrennen automatically converted.
Antwort von Markus:

Ah, quality does not matter. - Then there's really no preference about which format you take and what you later reconversion.
Antwort von Daniel_23:

Quality plays no role-ne;)
Devaluation, the finished files should not be synonymous as large.
Antwort von Daniel_23:

So, now I'm in nem film (of the camera with imported prem.Elements) stored easily rausgeschnitten n pieces and then as a DV Avi. Back to the original is different because n see! I thought that should not be so?
The picture is different, somehow there seem to be srin lines. Wei is not how to describe it, at any rate are all edges of Objet "frayed". Why are not rational in the program settings to save to disk in there?
Why must the program cut umrendern parts of the originals again, if it saves in the same quality?
Antwort von Markus:
The picture is different, somehow there seem to be srin lines. Basics of television:
Zeilensprungverfahren (Interlace)Weitere Infos:
problems with the quality after reading
Antwort von Daniel_23:

I have the problem aufm PC, not s.TV.
Antwort von Markus:
I have the problem aufm PC, not s.TV. Which is precisely the reason why you see these problems: PC and TV are two completely different worlds. The recordings include your DV camcorder to score in most of the television world (usFarbraum, interlacing, pixel aspect ratio) and in only one aspect (to the computer digital data).
Related topics:
deinterlacing or not? "
Antwort von Daniel_23:

Aha. Why the recorded videos are better then others?
My buddy has ne as JVC, which is approximately 4 years old and makes better pictures. Expensive and sooo was not synonymous.
Heute.zB came the exchange unit from the dealer, a Pana NV GS 27, when I aifgenommenes material as a PAL DVD mpeg then save the format is vertical aufm PC, moved everything into the track. In the end then I'm ne. Xmpses file, which makes the?
The program simply missing some vernünfitge presets to store movie files aufm PC. The vorggegeben presets, I can start over gar nix, which are either too small (320x something) or large (5 minutes = 1GB) O_o
Gibts nich ne somewhere on the Internet where there are few reasonable Page presets? Ode is where what you set for the format and bit rate s.Resolutionund advanced settings need? I wanted to buy PE but only if the export quality is so extreme decision ****** then I'll take prefer the Windows Movie Maker, because at least I have sound quality ...
Antwort von Markus:
The vorggegeben presets, I can start over gar nix, which are either too small (320x something) or large (5 minutes = 1GB) O_o The default "or too large" is right for your application (DV editing). - Also the link is in my post (7. How are the photographs of the tape on the calculator?). ;-)
To have enough disk capacity, it should not fail with the DV editing.
Antwort von Wiro:
then I'll take the better Windows Movie Maker, because at least I have sound quality ... Hello,
to be honest - this is a reasonable idea of Gov.
Just leave the other league would rather those who, day after day to produce high quality films to penetrate competitive levels to the international class, and apparently have no problems with it. Not even on a 6m-screen ;-)))
The Movie Maker as a learning medium is better suited for you
says with all seriousness
Antwort von Daniel_23:

The film-maker but the problem is not jobs. It's all about saving.
Since I can not find a reasonable stop settings.
Antwort von DamienTrickster:

Then posite but even "reasonable" one, is the best eh
Antwort von Daniel_23:

Well if I knew what ... I had schonmal wmv 640x480 and 2500 kbit / s, so I'm synonymous few other films from the miners, however, were extremely poor in quality. I do not know why.
If I with the same settings in WMM storage do I get the Plank out.