Frage von quanchi:
Hi, I'm exactly a SonyHC39 bought synonymous and makes everything fun, but I was violently surprised consume much space, the videos on your PC. Is there a way to compress the videos? Moreover, the films have strong geruckelt, although I've Eigntlich installed the most popular codecs. Is that perhaps s.der Sony software? synonymous've heard that I should connect the camera via Firewire rather than USB, bringts the real?
Antwort von Acer:

Of course, you need to connect via firewire diene Cam! The data transfer at USB is located approximately at 280 fps, but you need bissl'mehr n, ne? Firewire is only the exact data rate, with whom you dine can transmit uncompressed movies. There are Programs, with whom you. Avi files ind mpg2 komprimierst.Du verlierstkaum quality, your videos, but net more accurately process, since mpeg2 saves only the differences of the individual frames.
Since in any case worth Firewire card and ne ne riiieessiige FP.
Antwort von quanchi:

ne large hdd I have ... But with programs which I can convert the avis in mpg2? And good for the sony software is now really nothing? which software is recommended?
Antwort von Acer:

Pinnacle Studio 9 / 10 can convert avi files to mpeg2, then you can export it. Actually könn'n must each Progarmm.
Antwort von quanchi:

ok, thanks ... s.dieser "CAMSTATION" are three connections: a DV-out, an AV-out and another one in which you can tuck the included USB cable. Where do I connect that Firewire cable? just so I did not buy the wrong cable ...
Antwort von Acer:

Würd ich ma 'say on DV - Out, is indeed digital. Av-out is analog and USB can forget
Antwort von Kellergeist:
... s.dieser "CAMSTATION" are three connections: a DV-out, an AV-out and another one in which you can tuck the included USB cable. Where do I connect that Firewire cable? just so I did not buy the wrong cable ... acer as already said, the DV output. If you must buy the cable yet, just look at your FW input to s.Computer. There are 2 FW connector shapes. USB function for the photo. Read it at your manual, should be anything goes.
Greeting Keller Spirit
Antwort von quanchi:

jup, thank you. But unfortunately, today I'll probably get no more cable: (