Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Voigtländer Nokton 1.1: Extreme Lowlight-Optics for Panasonic GH1? Of rob - 22 May 2009 09:29:00 For those interested in the Panasonic GH1 as a video-cam, now has a 50mm ultra bright optics via adapter available. Voigtlander / Cosima has released a new 50mm Nokton with an intensity of 1.1 and Leica M mount. The price is 999, -. First sample shots (; photos) of the expected in mid-June, the lens can be found
here. This is an auto-generated entry
This is news to report with pictures and link to the pages slashCAM Magazine
Antwort von cantsin:

One should not forget that the Micro Four Thirds sensor size of the GH1 this lens as a 100mm lens (; 35mm equivalent) acts, is not good as a universal focal length.
Antwort von rob:

Hello Cantsin,
absolutely correct.
Antwort von Ficeduld:

Hmmmmmm, but in terms of the DOF but would have to be the twilight of the gods ..... or am I mistaken?
Antwort von tommyb:

Sure. Only one has to be perhaps 30 feet of the person to move away reinzukriegen it altogether.
As would be as a part s.einem film adapter even more useful - synonymous if the difference between the 1.2 would fail marginally to 1.4 optics.
Antwort von Axel:
Hmmmmmm, but in terms of the DOF but would have to be the twilight of the gods ..... or am I mistaken? Sure. Only one has to be perhaps 30 feet of the person to move away reinzukriegen it altogether. ... And then you can do better with every Optics, because:
As would be as a part s.einem film adapter even more useful - synonymous if the difference between the 1.2 would fail marginally to 1.4 optics. 1.
1 and 1.4 so apart almost an Aperture. How small a field at F1.1 and sharpness would be a long focal? So that the person would have to be 30 meters away already dead. A raven flies as a black blob from the total blur, lands on his shoulder and croaks "Nevermore" (; dubbed, of course).
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... in terms of the DOF but should be the twilight of the gods ... That due to a new lens right end of the world, let's hope not ;-) A 1.2/85 s.einer 5D but should be on the same plane. Incidentally, there is already a long-M 50mm Leica lens with intensity 1.0: There is then the depth of certain more than a few fractions of a millimeter smaller. And that seems to be in the moment, yes THE criterion ...