Frage von ucboy:
I have a Win 2k Pro OS running.
Now I have the Firewire PCI card installed and was synonymous properly recognized in Device Manager.
I did it first with the cable supplied with samples, which unfortunately was unsuccessful. Windows and my Panasonic NV-DS 37 with non-Plug and Play could recognize.
Bin Conrad and then got a better cable worried.
Have the PC down and the camera to VCR up.
Windows runs properly and it comes highly synonymous hoped the screen that a new device was found.
During installation, the warning that my WAN mini port is already occupied, etc.
I was gefagt if I continue with the installation and would like to have this answered in the affirmative.
Apparently the camera was found but unfortunately so is still no removable disk to find and synonymous in the device manager was not a new device discovered.
My Internet still works flawlessly, not what I thought after an error message regarding WAN Miniport, but my camera is still not of a Capture program detected.
Please help me as soon as possible next, because I have a video for a round s.Dienstag birthday present needs. Unfortunately I can not synonymous with another calculator a try.
and thanks in advance!