Frage von Ikke:
My problem is, I do not know what format supports Avid.
I want to cut a DVD and individual sequences into a Powerpoint presentation. Am I aufn the right track?
Greeting s.alle
Antwort von StefanS:
Am I aufn the right track?
Do not know exactly. Describe your way but once.
Antwort von figae2001:

So I got my DVD movie into an avi format and will now continue to edit with Avid. After importing, I have only white frames on the timeline, so an empty movie, so to speak.
Antwort von StefanS:

aha, and in which "AVI" format?
And what?
In the file extension "AVI" can of MPG4 to DV so much to hide.
Antwort von figae2001:

So the program is Softpepper Video Converter
Do you know what format because Avid supported.
Danke schon mal for the tip
Antwort von StefanS:

I know the Softpepper not take but just because of the after beaten description states that it is a universal converter acts like Super.
The first is not wrong.
But please explain me, in which the DVD AVI You've changed.
I personally do not know of Avid, but there is either a professional video editing program (which costs) or the free, stripped down version, can it at least once, the only sensible format for editing, namely IR. The other formats are either in the Help file or in the manual or on the homepage. Since I am now too lazy to.