Frage von Freebird:
Hi, I'm new here and greet you all.
I have two questions at the beginning and it would be nice if you could help me. If the questions here do not fit into the forum it would be nice if a mod would move it.
Sometimes I fix a camera and make s.meinem Modellheli video from the air. When I use a helmet camera Camera GoPro Hero HD. Please check out times on this video, because that's what. If what I ask the same in the video is not quite clear on my Youtube channel are still more videos.
My problem is the wave movements on the video. What is the reason. If the fine vibrations from the helicopter, or is this an effect of the refresh rate (30fps) and the rotating main rotor or the shade? How can I stop this?
The second question: I am looking for a video editing software with the 100, - ¬. Since I have references of Amazon have read many programs, but there is a lot of negative things I'm still undecided.
It is about the Programs Pinnacle Studio, and Magix Video Studio. Which of the program can recommend their experts.
Thank you.
LG Michael
Antwort von Jott:

Probably the rolling shutter CMOS sensor. You have a camera hanging crafts, which traps the vibrations of the model helicopter. And if the camera has an image stabilization, for testing purposes turn off times.
Antwort von nicecam:

Maybe help from the
Videotreffpunktideas for shake-flight shots? Videotreffpunkt
The same suspicion as Jott here, there has synonymous Harald.
VideotreffpunktOriginal of Harald
VideotreffpunktOriginal of nicecam
he could about the dynamic image stabilization on the Canon HF S11 really positive report only Videotreffpunkt
Possibly. litter end vibration for all CMOS camcorder very dangerous. You can see examples of the above synonymous s.einem Udo -> skyscrapers jelly. With CCD, it is only slightly blurred.
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Wow, for a model helicopter flies the part but very very high. I know me not because of it, so do not know if these descriptions is normal for model units, but maybe it works only in video synonymous Sun From where you control for that? Respectively. as far as the radio? Not that the sudden crashes sometimes when he comes out of the radio range.
To start editing program: I MAGIX VDL with time and use it in part even today. I think very well, has never let me down and I can just get used s.keinen other workflow, so I still it resorts time and again.
Antwort von Pianist:

Time and again, amazing what is possible for photographs with this little GoPro HD, I've synonymous since a short time. The waves, however, reminds me of anything. At first I thought that it is thermal air movement, but that can not be synonymous s.sich. Whether this is a rolling shutter effect, I can not say for lack of experience. We see as soft waves in the woods, but between the helicopter and camera seems to be no vibration. The chip is synonymous quite small. I have recently made with this camera recordings s.einem railway vehicle, that is synonymous much movement in the Picture, and could not notice any artifacts. Am therefore at a loss.
Antwort von TheBubble:

It could perhaps be synonymous effects of EM field, which interferes with the camera electronics.
Antwort von Pianist:
It could perhaps be synonymous effects of EM field, which interferes with the camera electronics. Sure, but then those were the three-dimensional waves, which look rather caused optical? To see the magnetic interference different. And if a helicopter is capable of producing such fields? Is there perhaps somewhere a powerful transmitter nearby? Medium? Wave? Radar think not ...
Antwort von TheBubble:

I can well imagine that the rotor or its engine can produce EM fields, the speed is so synonymous quite high. If this is now a disturbing part of the (analog) Signal Processing, then the wave pattern would possibly also be explained.
The waves look so synonymous a little off, as if parts are easily stretched or compressed, which can be seen quite well s.dem otherwise fixed landing gear and with shutter-effects can not be explained so easily.
Antwort von mbwkrause:

Looks like a classic rolling shutter. You must - as already mentioned here - work s.der camera mount or use a camera with CCD sensors. Or both.
Antwort von TheBubble:
Looks like a classic rolling shutter. And how do you explain so that the waves s.feststehenden landing gear?
Antwort von Pianist:

Somehow I think so still s.thermische air movements. Is that a combustion engine, the exhaust is so that he can warm up the air in front of the camera? In itself, it looks something like only at long focal lengths and the GoPro is very wide angle, but somehow to me it looks more like hot air. In my recordings s.dem train at least one such problem is not at all to see.
Antwort von mbwkrause:

The waves in this case by the vibrations that caused the helicopter engine, not (only) by the camera movement. Of these, the landing gear is concerned synonymous. High-frequency vibrations are poison for CMOS Senoren.
Antwort von Pianist:

So if you know certain that this is so, then this will probably be the solution. I have indeed seen such an effect before.
Antwort von WoWu:

And how do you explain so that the waves s.feststehenden landing gear? The frame vibrates (because a related entity) with the camera and the camera is thus to a fixed object. (No RS Effect)
If you hang the camera on but muted, would only show the frame of the Effect. However, the landscape synonymous nor diminished from the rotation out.
Antwort von Freebird:

Thank you for the many responses.
One of the questions. The helicopter flies on the video in about 70 feet above the ruins, so above me. The term limit is the helicopter (rotor 1.45 meters) at about 250-300 meters, with good eyes :-). The technical reach of the 2.4 GHz radio transmitter is 14 n.and the range that is specified by the Manufacturer guaranteed / is 3 km, so far outside the visible area. If the helicopter crashes, that's probably a total loss due to the inaccessible area. A beeper could help.
The rotor speed was flown with the umin is about 1800.
The helicopter is operated electrically with 42V. The electric motor generates a magnetic field. This does not interfere the other electronics. The helicopter is no station, only one recipient. Heat or Luftflimmern the waves are not, as the effect of weather conditions occur.
Vibrations generated by the helicopter already, but these are not visible. With this glow engines are clearly visible and more synonymous.
The camera mount rests on rubber pads.
If this image sensors so sensitive to vibrations are times I have to see how I can decouple the camera. This is not always so easy because different materials absorb very different frequencies. Since I will probably not try professionals Getting Around.
Has anyone tips regarding a software?
LG Michael
Antwort von WoWu:

This works well:
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Construction of the suspension of Cam s.einen Gyro Stabilizer compensates for the movements.
If you indeed be known as so what is it?
with board and two gyros are about 250-350 ¬ going on - the cam is so easy.
In QuadCopter forums will find dozens of manuals on the subject - Software will not help you here, truly.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Freebird:
Construction of the suspension of Cam s.einen Gyro Stabilizer compensates for the movements.
If you indeed be known as so what is it?
with board and two gyros are about 250-350 ¬ going on - the cam is so easy.
In QuadCopter forums will find dozens of manuals on the subject - Software will not help you here, truly.
B. DeKid Hello DeKit B.,
Heli in an electronic three-gyro stabilizer system is fitted, no automatic pilot or the like. This has nothing to do but with the waves, as the synonymous then occur when the helicopter hovers still.
The software I need not respond to the problem.
I currently work with Windows Movie Maker and Reveal :-). I need simply can import and export a fast crash free functional extensive image editing software, mp4 and.
LG Michael
Antwort von musicmze:

EXACTLY the problem I had today with my FX-7 from a Cessna over Saxony. The client wanted 1a Aerial photos - get what he has been rocking-and wave pictures (you have not seen the plane).
The whole nervous then with cheap-hd Sonyproiert - same problem.
In the end we tried another machine and lo and behold: everything perfectly and smoothly! Had I never thought that any interference frequencies (disturb whether mechanical or electronic way through the shaking) I can Steadyshot. Once again, we are now wiser.
I was already s.verzweifeln and thought the cam was broken ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Magix or Sony Vegas worthwhile.
As a helicopter is built is aware ;-)
What I meant is just ne suspension of the action
s.besten still NEN transmitters Sends the video down so that you can control the Suspension is synonymous (eg, everything if you ne good used Graupner MC Steurung)
So is the vibrations moved Cam - free of.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Freebird:
This works well: Wowu Hello, I've downloaded on my level. How to restart it?
RollingShutter for After Effects. This seems to be a plugin. Which software?
B. DeKit, can you me cheap technology or a product to show the HD videos of the Hero HD sends down? To my knowledge, is the greatest feeling that currently the Immersionsflugset just a PAL signal 2.4 or 5.6 GHz in 640x480 with modest quality may send. may I'm not sure if you break the link with a mobile mounting the vibration.
LG Michael
Antwort von B.DeKid:

AE or After Effects is an expensive specialty product from Adobe which is intended for the plug-in.
The 640x480 rich indeed goes as View Control is doing it, the drum is what provides the Cam looks or what she films .... the HDGoPro be put to good use via Fernsteurung not exist (ie Start / Stop and Zoom, for example)
Sure are good gyro stabilizer suspension brackets for such projects ;-)
I would take the web 6.5 it is good to send quite well .... but there are large enough synonymous DIY craft solutions in relevant forums to find.
B. DeKid