Frage von Video-Man:
Hello colleagues,
Background: Wedding with only invited guests, friends and acquaintances
Church and secular celebrations each with gemapflichtiger Live Music
Gemapflichtiger producing a DVD with original background music from the wedding events and submit s.Brautpaar = Client
This is a notification to the Gema, including obtaining the usage rights and payment of Gemagebühren, necessary?
Who knows what?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Fan29:

I would say just once: No, you need not register or pay anything at the GEMA, since there is no commercial goal, and also remains in the private sector. (As I have understood you you were synonymous guest at the wedding, right?)
All Angabgen without guarantee! ;-)
Antwort von Peter S.:

Of course you need to log on to the Gema. Once you give the film out of his hand and take money for it, starting pay fees. A CD with Gema-free Music is not as expensive as the fees and fines if you get caught. But: Where there is no prosecution, because no judge ...
MFG Peter
Antwort von Fan29:

That is precisely the question of whether he gets money for it or not. It is clear from his paper does not ...
If Money: GEMA taxable
If no money: not taxable GEMA
Antwort von jens:
Couple = Client
Sounds almost like that.
Video-Man is' s to know.
Antwort von Video-Man:

Gema when I read the pages on their website, it is for the notification or declaration of freedom completely no preference, whether it is required for the DVD transfer money, or it is wasted. The price is only in Height of duty s.The Gema, if this project is notifiable.
The DVD will be given away not quite sure s.Nichthochzeitsteilnehmer for Example, in my opinion.
The question is whether they s.das bride and groom or the wedding guests without a declaration may be lodged at the GEMA () closed society.
Greetings from the Video Man
Antwort von WeiZen:

even a question repeatedly arises, which is probably ausszutüffelnden legally bindendd and clearly only with the PRS itself. Just because they have no interest to you. Due to my modest knowledge, and of course, completely non-binding, it takes some getting no preference whether the media creates a fee or for free, whether it live music or of CD was mixed in, it means erstmal GEMA is due. Then do the gray zone on the private copy, which is only allowed if it is completely free. Recording of a school theater performance of the ghetto blaster with one copy s.The parents as one who produces the media can not even calculate its cost of blank. Thus we are rumors. If one now every piece of "live wedding trying to log" in the PRS, which would be intrested = zero, because a lot of work and almost no turnover. For lack of funds as there is already no intrested and therefore legally binding information is not synonymous to get ore, other than platitudes. Then there is the right of exploitation of the artists = add music publishers, GEMA Totz = four-digit sum per title.
Consequently, all wedding videographers must stand with one foot in jail.
I would not let me pay for the shoot and for Schittarbeiten customers s.of provided material. That should be legally kept clean. Fast, legal advice must not give, yes.
Antwort von wrunge:

Hi Ulrich,
you hit the nail on the head. Get respect from your advice about Gema, which stresses not only the general information pages, is virtually impossible.
Realistically, the amount calculated Gemagebühren for a normal wedding in the order of only a few euros.
The damage claim if gemapflichtig, but it exceeds by a multiple and stands in no relation.
Your last sentence seems a feasible way ... act only as a technical service provider Shooting and cutting ... and act on behalf of the couple's marriage, because if the bride and groom would shoot himself and would keep the DVD for yourself gemamäßig would be all right.
Anybody know any matching this contract or agreement, or knows where that would be obtained.
Thank you very much
Antwort von inwa:
Hello colleagues,
Background: Wedding with only invited guests, friends and acquaintances
Church and secular celebrations each with gemapflichtiger Live Music
Gemapflichtiger producing a DVD with original background music from the wedding events and submit s.Brautpaar = Client
This is a notification to the Gema, including obtaining the usage rights and payment of Gemagebühren, necessary?
Who knows what?
Thank you very much The music at the ceremony is only Gemapflichtig when the celebration will be publicly announced. The video is purely private and therefore not taxable Gema.
Antwort von Flati:

The music on the DVD is always Gemapflichtig, even if you make a copy for your best friend. Whether it is a private or public ceremony with the DVD itself has nothing to do. Since this is a new connection is (music / photo record). The release of the Gema is the smallest hurdle. If you submit the Gema in a release list, you must demonstrate that synonymous, the producer, publisher, or the use of the title granted you the authorization to use the permit, so that GEMA is to do nothing that you have to do in advance. (Cost of 3 minutes between ¬ 3,500 - 11,000, if you ever get those (chances less than 1%). Only if you can demonstrate these permits, it makes sense to Gema send a release request (Gema Responsible Dept.) industry.
Here is the link where you can share songs in order to identify the publisher:
Sorry I can not write better (myself am concerned, therefore) the exact knowledge.
Antwort von Video-Man:

I think a DVD, synonymous with background music through the tape for the friendly couple is still allowed and where it is synonymous for free no money required for the compilation.
see below copyright law
§ 53
Reproduction for private and other personal
(1) shall be admissible individual copies of a work
by a natural person for private use on
any medium, provided that they neither directly nor
indirectly used for commercial purposes, unless the
Reproduction of a manifestly unlawful
produced template is used. Of the
Authorized copies of copies can
synonymous can be produced by another, provided that this
it is done without charge or duplications
on paper or any similar medium, any
photographic technique or some other process with
similar effect is.
Antwort von Flati:

The cited § 53 of you does not work here. Reason is that the creation of the work with protected titles without permission / approval / release is already illegal.
Antwort von steveb:

love people ....
It's easy ... any GEMA Branch Directorate will provide information to the above asked question! Why is it so hard to make .... just call and ask ... write down the name and use as reference.
And again: That's their job to give information .... knock knock ... to get their money!
So why to fish in troubled waters?
Antwort von Video-Man:

Who knows a legitimate and viable solution in practice?
Antwort von Flati:

Hello Stefan, synonymous this question I can answer you from experience.
The department is responsible for this industry in Gema.
For example, the person with whom I had contact several times:
Natasha Veseli
GEMA Infostelle
Directorate for Industry
Rosenheim st 11
81667 Munich
Tel: 0 89 / 4 80 03-8 00
You will be surprised how "concrete" information to get you there are ....
Antwort von Flati:
Who knows a legitimate and viable solution in practice? Produce music yourself or rely on Gemafreimusik (mostly very bad and will cost synonymous (Single payment) s.den producer.
Antwort von Video-Man:
Who knows a legitimate and viable solution in practice?
Produce music yourself or rely on Gemafreimusik (mostly very bad and will cost synonymous (Single payment) s.den producer. That is ok for a normal movie, but at the wedding the bride and groom want for eg the original music of the specially committed to Hochzeitzwalzer music band, etc.
Antwort von Flati:
Who knows a legitimate and viable solution in practice?
Produce music yourself or rely on Gemafreimusik (mostly very bad and will cost synonymous (Single payment) s.den producer.
That is ok for a normal movie, but at the wedding the bride and groom want for eg the original music of the specially committed to Hochzeitzwalzer music band, etc. But I understand I have this stupid legal system which stifles all creativity, not invented. Rather, we were even just of concern at this point, a trip report when we had to replace a laser in free and filmed the original music, which of course nowhere near the feeling took over as the original. But it just is nunmal.
But beware: If the common property titles or titles that are older than 70 years, there are bsondere (simple) rules. As a waltz could be safely covered.
Antwort von Video-Man:
The cited § 53 of you does not work here. Reason is that the creation of the work with protected titles without permission / approval / release is already illegal. This would then apply in reverse for each synonymous so private video for yourself, as soon as a music, whether or gemapflichtig-free can be heard in the video.
Antwort von Flati:
The cited § 53 of you does not work here. Reason is that the creation of the work with protected titles without permission / approval / release is already illegal.
This would then apply in reverse for each synonymous so private video for yourself, as soon as a music, whether or gemapflichtig-free can be heard in the video. When you see it purely from the legal aspect: Yes.
However, it must be synonymous'll see the proportionality:
- Where no plaintiff because no action synonymous
- No criminal court would accept such an action when it comes to a few copies. (civilly looks like anderst and can be quite expensive).
Antwort von StefanS:

GEMA ask yourself you can well pay for my experiences.
I had tried once some time ago to clarify the following "case" to:
Closing ceremony of a primary school.
As usual, girls 6 to cause any current chart hit on a little dance.
A father is filming and distributed copies of this film on DVD.
Of course, the current hit, which is in the background blaring from the ghetto blaster, with on DVD.
Gemapflicht or not?
First call in Berlin:
How exactly do you not know that, but schools have a framework agreement, which must specify the name used by title only, so that settled that. But ask for safety again in Dortmund.
Second call, in Dortmund:
Aha, you make copies. Even if you take no money for it, requires the creation of copies in principle to pay the fees Gema.
Yes, schools do have a framework which will apply but for the performance. If you make a video like this and distribute it, this is a different matter.
It is not synonymous interested that there will be no public presentation of the video. Copying is the magic word.
After some time it was synonymous in this conversation the remark:
Where there is no plaintiff, since defendant does not synonymous.
So much for the information provided by the PRS. The next little like this also helps Antowrt this (unfortunately) does.
Antwort von Flati:
GEMA ask yourself you can well pay for my experiences.
I had tried once some time ago to clarify the following "case" to:
Closing ceremony of a primary school.
As usual, girls 6 to cause any current chart hit on a little dance.
A father is filming and distributed copies of this film on DVD.
Of course, the current hit, which is in the background blaring from the ghetto blaster, with on DVD.
Gemapflicht or not?
First call in Berlin:
How exactly do you not know that, but schools have a framework agreement, which must specify the name used by title only, so that settled that. But ask for safety again in Dortmund.
Second call, in Dortmund:
Aha, you make copies. Even if you take no money for it, requires the creation of copies in principle to pay the fees Gema.
Yes, schools do have a framework which will apply but for the performance. If you make a video like this and distribute it, this is a different matter.
It is not synonymous interested that there will be no public presentation of the video. Copying is the magic word.
After some time it was synonymous in this conversation the remark:
Where there is no plaintiff, since defendant does not synonymous.
So much for the information provided by the PRS. The next little like this also helps Antowrt this (unfortunately) does.
Stefan That's what I meant :-)
We had at that time a lawyer in Gemarecht forward after the Gema us to 3 questions 11 different answers, there :-)
Antwort von Video-Man:
Who knows a legitimate and viable solution in practice?
Produce music yourself or rely on Gemafreimusik (mostly very bad and will cost synonymous (Single payment) s.den producer.
That is ok for a normal movie, but at the wedding the bride and groom want for eg the original music of the specially committed to Hochzeitzwalzer music band, etc.
But I understand I have this stupid legal system which stifles all creativity, not invented. Rather, we were even just of concern at this point, a trip report when we had to replace a laser in free and filmed the original music, which of course nowhere near the feeling took over as the original. But it just is nunmal.
But beware: If the common property titles or titles that are older than 70 years, there are bsondere (simple) rules. As a waltz could be safely covered. The waltz was just one example, the couple just want the original music of "the wedding band"
Do you know how to solve the "big" Hochzeitsfimer?
Antwort von steveb:

So ask my experiences in the PRS were always successful .... but I've always told them that I am as a reference "use" ... sometimes I became synonymous next related (added) ...
... It's all a question of the question!
Antwort von Flati:
So ask my experiences in the PRS were always successful .... but I've always told them that I am as a reference "use" ... sometimes I became synonymous next related (added) ...
... It's all a question of the question! sorry, but your answer is arrogant!
Your sentence "It's all a question of the question!" is completely off, or do half the Forrenmitglieder here for non-mature and able to clearly formulate their concerns?
Antwort von steveb:
So ask my experiences in the PRS were always successful .... but I've always told them that I am as a reference "use" ... sometimes I became synonymous next related (added) ...
... It's all a question of the question!
sorry, but your answer is arrogant!
Your sentence "It's all a question of the question!" is completely off, or do half the Forrenmitglieder here for non-mature and able to clearly formulate their concerns? na. I think you have not understood it ... apparently ... and I mean it does not guarantee arrogant. But, it is actually quite simple. If I can not solve a problem, I ask someone who knows about it. If this gives me an answer and believes it is right as he puts it, then I use it as a source or as a reference. Furthermore, I must assume that he knows what he says ...
However, this is postulated that I is a "clear question, or a unique situation," describing ... but not so hard. If I do not do this, I can expect no answer ... or Authentic?
So .... all a matter of ..... but we leave it, You know that already.
What has the arrogance to do with .... please and who claims here that the forum members would not be able to do so. And what is your reason to claim such nonsense?
Should you feel you with my statements, however, directly addressed, then that is your problem. I do not know you, and would (on the contrary to you) I do not allow appreciation ...
Antwort von Flati:

But, it is actually quite simple. If I can not solve a problem, I ask someone who knows about it. If this gives me an answer and believes it is right as he puts it, then I use it as a source or as a reference. Furthermore, I must assume that he knows what he says ...
However, this is postulated that I is a "clear question, or a unique situation," describing ... but not so hard. If I do not do this, I can expect no answer ... or Authentic?
So .... all a matter of ..... but we leave it, You know that already.
What has the arrogance to do with .... please and who claims here that the forum members would not be able to do so. And what is your reason to claim such nonsense? The only thing is nonsense and is unrealistic, is your scribblings.
You can not take any telephone information as a reference! Since laughs in any court about death. And again, after you again (and this time clearly arrogant write):
However, this is postulated that I is a "clear question, or a unique situation," describing ... but not so hard. I think everyone here is his question was clear as synonymous in this thread.
Furthermore, I put no more value to your next Egoprobleme treat, I will pursue next, but this thread and if I was still Contributing businesslike (which you do not even have with your last 2 posts will be value-free) post I synonymous.
Antwort von steveb:

can it be that you're a lawyer ...? Oh, and sorry ... that no other opinion is allowed here next to your ....
Antwort von AndyZZ:

sorry, but your answer is arrogant!
Your sentence "It's all a question of the question!" is completely off, or do half the Forrenmitglieder here for non-mature and able to clearly formulate their concerns? Well, I werd'jetzt hateful views:
When I look at the spelling in the above quote (and see also in many other posts) and me to the countless, far from being clearly articulated questions à la "Help, my calculator spinning, what can I do?" call to mind, then I have some clearly feel that there are people who can not ask their questions clearly and others who are incompetent because they have a spell like a sixth grader (who do not know, is of age, not of legal age ).
Steveb has been right, it's pretty hard to ask a question fully and comprehensively, and above all synonymous for the opposite to understand.