Frage von Flashbam:
I have for three days, the 550D, which I actually bought to take pictures. Now I would like to ignore the video function and not wonder whether these settings because I have found for the 5D/7D (Marvell, Bloom, Maschwitz) are synonymous appropriate for the 550D.
If we deliberately down from these cameras sharpness and contrast, because mans s.Calculator can "fine adjust"?
Does the 550D synonymous such "black blocks" such as the 5D?
How do you make your camera to a shooting?
Thank you for your start.
Antwort von deti:

It's best to simply choose the Neutral Picture Style. Fürn beginning it is advisable to shoot in automatic mode, as the manual mode, but to use a lot more expensive. Later, it should be your goal by choosing an appropriate aperture to influence the depth desired. Also recommend the use of a tripod, because the focus-shift control or can be made much easier.
... And no, the 550D does not "black blocks", but the Alias | Wavefront Mayaing is still there.