Frage von Mole:
Our Wii Magazine plans after the relaunch synonymous in the direction of videos to go and we want in principle synonymous video podcasts and smaller features as well as filming interviews.
Now we have all but absolutely no idea what a Euipment we fundamentally need. OK, let's say it, we know that a camcorder, External Microphone and possibly NEN Tripod and windscreens of distress will be what the semi-footing.
But what would you rather irregular because recordings recommend? Which Connections what format ect.
And oh yes, it should be in a new acquisition for absolute beginners of any price and under the cover of the first eh utopian high;).
Here again what needs to be done:
* Video Podcasts
* Interviews
* Reports
* ...
Thanks in advance!
Gruß Marko
Antwort von GiZ:

So now I'm not the best to be answered, but some things it should make sense. Camera should suggest someone else I think. But with a Panasonic NVGS-300 are you on the right track I would say. Kenn now, unfortunately, not the latest version, but I had the time and has absolutely perfect pictures delivered. XH-A1 is just some higher classes and beyond, I think your frame ideas. As a tripod that I can definitely recommend Velbon DV -7000. It costs about 100 ¬ uro and is included in the price range are simply unbeatable. For semi-in any case be more than sufficient. When I use Micro personally Rode NTG-2 is about 200 ¬ uro the weight. For your purposes, synonymous well, unless you want such a small Micro Lapelle but since I have no real experience with. And then nurnoch an editing program and it can begin. Personally, I use Premiere Pro 2.0 Progs but these are unfortunately quite expensive and, in principle, can be synonymous with something gescheihtes Magix on the legs are.
Is not much but at least ^ ^
Gruß Martin
Antwort von flipmo:

HDV? (HC7 or HV 20, 30)
DV? (As above)
[thomann] T-Bone Em9600
Velbon DV7000 Tripod
Magix, Ulead, Final Cut Express, Edius is used, all of 20-200 ¬!
Please specify the price so all in all!
Antwort von flipmo:

all (of course!) not 4.Fall
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von flipmo:

Why not synonymous a good VX1000? As a 3-Chipper with SD Resolutionauch still not bad and unfortunately a lot of crap on the market - especially in the bay.
Antwort von ef.multimedia:

My Mepfelung:
Camera: SonyHDR FX7 or Canon XH A1. The GS 300 is not a semi-Camera.
Tripod: If, in principle, already the 7000th DV Otherwise halt Vinten, Sachtler, Manfrotto ...
Micro: Sennheiser MKE 300
Schittsoftware: Avid or Adobe Premiere
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von Bernd E.:
My Mepfelung ... ... ... XH A1 Vinten, Sachtler, Manfrotto ... Avid ... Certainly not a bad "Mepfelung" ;-), but for the targeted use of "absolute beginners" but probably a bit too much of a good thing: Because I would anyway more thought to use the content as necessarily have the perfect camera to have. Sure, the GS-away series of professional standards, but there's enough of and I suspect anyway - without the Wii-magazine to know - that one can not immediately compete with the BBC wants. But without knowing how much the budget for the equipment around, you can really difficult to do anything useful mepfeln ...
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von Mole:

So just a big thank you s.alle and I am amazed how quickly an industrious and zuhelfen veruscht is here:).
What are the budget should at first be greatly minimized, since we are not a huge portal with vast revenue sources. Good, we are not sooo small, but vast sums to our project manager is not synonymous for video beginnings issue, since it is synonymous with the first return value of new video content has come. As already 500 ¬ back reinzuholen therefore difficult, it is clear that in the higher NEN budget two or three field eh eliminated.
What we need and what how much money the boss s.Ende rausrückt I can not say, but so out of 500 ¬ is already difficult, especially since it was just eh for Netzund not for TV. Vo erübricht therefore be expensive and Euipment as we begin, we need not synonymous HD camcorder, but simple.
Basically, we want to be filming the following: * Live interviews eg SEGA Germany
* Smaller features such as Connvention Games 2008 in Leipzig
* Short video podcast productions in small format
* ... and what is just still so interesting film can;)
Now I have the basis of quite strongly Limited Budge following rausgesucht equipment. Is this feasible and therefore especially fit together?
Compilation Video Equipment: * Camera:
Panasonic NV-GS230EG-S ~ 285, --
* Tripod:
Velbon Video CX-480 ~35,-
* Microphone:
Thomann THE T. BONE EM9600 ~ 60, --
* ~ Pop with Logo 20-40 --
Total: ~ 400-420 euros Is that ok extent, adjust the components? As I said, I think everything is even less than semi-;).
Thank you in advance and for the help!
Gruß Marko
Antwort von flipmo:

ok as far as for network
but ... Average?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Cut ... Since it seems extremely cheap but must be the program that on the existing Calculator sowieso schon drauf should: iMovie or Movie Maker.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Mole:

it helped me to: D! At least if we are with the videos in the attack, I take my Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements 4.0 for ~ 110, - to.
Antwort von flipmo:

magix video deluxe 2008, for 40 ¬ (SD) (Better Version with all 60 ¬)
And since haste is also a good photo program to )-->( Xtreme Still Image Designer)
Antwort von anfänger93:
it helped me to: D! At least if we are with the videos in the attack, I take my Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements 4.0 for ~ 110, - to. Sorry, said the student-course versions of Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 for ~ 55, - and Adobe Photoshop CS3 for ~ 170, -. Otherwise, thank you again!
Compilation Video Equipment:
* Camera: Panasonic NV-GS230EG-S ~ 285, --
* Tripod: Velbon Video CX-480 ~ 35, --
* Microphone: Thomann THE T. BONE EM9600 ~ 60, --
* ~ Pop with Logo 20-40 --
Total: ~ 400-420 euros Even those who on the compilation?
Antwort von gast645:
all (of course!) not 4.Fall 4. Case or even doing word or word ... How? "The dative is the genitive his death" strikes me as just another ...
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von anfänger93:

LOL, sorry NEN 1ker gibts and not guaranteed for the additional battery NEN you smoke or something like DV tapes is obvious to me;).
But this TV studio is imitating Quark, sorry but we only want to visit here and even there to film and interview NEN nothing next. When it comes up are the Year 5 major reports, as times when I s.sowas wi Connvention Games, SEGA Games Day and possibly even think GIGA-Iceland. Nothing more, because we do not need a 600 ¬ camera, not a ¬ 150-Tripod, no Bauleuchten and especially not a studio!
It should be easy enough to start because the simplest equipment. Especially when you ne reportage on the GC as machst. The shot is always with music about erübricht is so expensive NEN Addition micro. Nen for simple recording of interviews should be synonymous rich.
The student with the license is for me personally, has nothing to do mitm Project;). In addition, we are not komrerzielles companies, but let's see you try to be our concern.
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von Meggs:

* Microphone: Thomann THE T. BONE EM9600 ~ 60, --
I would give a better Microsystems. The sound should not be underestimated. The Rode Videomic, or if the budget extends the Sennheiser MKE 400 are distributing have much better sound.
For an online (flash?) Video, it is of course with the screen resolution down (<Pal), so would be an HD camcorder nonsensical. But just the sound - with a reasonable bitrate stereo - turn up the data rate is not very high, and evaluates much on the video.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... should be easy enough to start because the simplest equipment ... If neither claims nor result s.das a budget exists, it can be thinking about the equipment actually synonymous yet saving for such a purpose, then practically everything ranging from what much of a camcorder is similar. As their latest, but at the first interview will remember that a good sound in case of emergency
s.wichtiger is a good picture and
b, not with a 5-euro-Microphone to get is
You should at least Microphone not be too stingy.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Meggs:
When it comes up are the Year 5 major reports, ...
... because we do not need a 600 ¬ camera, not a ¬ 150-Tripod, no Bauleuchten I think you do because NEN reasoning.
Better equipment does it take to create better videos to 'make. With the number of films per year has nothing to do.
If you once every 10 years, a good 2 minutes spot will rotate, all you need Equpment as good as if you do 3 of them daily.
However, one would in this case the equipment does not buy, borrow.
That you could synonymous superior.
Antwort von Mole:

Guys this is already clear to me and something like "Use ne Handy-Cam!" helps me not be next! Because the title of the thread, did not know how else to express ichs should;).
The problem is simply that we do not yet know exactly how much and how often exactly what we are filming. Synonymous in this, I can not say how much money we want to spend fürn Purchase.
But you know what we are now roughly plan. Say s.and ne person to interview, here and there times NEN video podcast, small movies reportage and other simple images.
What we have in mind comes with or mal ne Pressekonferenz to transfer and then the online stream.
What do I do now?
Was für ne Camera with what quality empfhielt her?
If you still NEN external micro-camera on this?
Which micro-language for interviews and documentaries?
Which Tripod should be most?
Thank you!
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von Bernd E.:
What ne ... Camera ... with the quality of external micro-camera voice ... What ... What Micro Tripod ... You had you already a basic equipment required:
* Camera: NV-GS230
* Tripod: Velbon Video CX-480
* Microphone: T. BONE EM9600 If the budget already for this allerunterste minimal equipment is not there, then let the video projects are quite better. Otherwise, for the first experiments with the medium of video suffice. Only one adapter cable like this
you still need to connect the XLR mics with the mini-jack to connect s.Camcorders. Hopefully, the GS230 but synonymous a microphone input, everything else worth nothing ... And without a sound Headphones to make, I would not risk synonymous.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Mole:
If the budget already for this allerunterste minimal equipment is not there, then let the video projects are quite better. Otherwise, for the first experiments with the medium of video suffice. Only one adapter cable like this
you still need to connect the XLR mics with the mini-jack to connect s.Camcorders. Hopefully, the GS230 but synonymous a microphone input, everything else worth nothing ... And without a sound Headphones to make, I would not risk synonymous. Yes, it has;). And what should I be up, if I s.der audio quality still want growth? From the tripod and camera but it fits right?
How it looks at something like scenes from press conference? Do I need to be improved because Micro Camera for attaching to and / or synonymous so ne extra light for better exposure?
To the budget, we need not discuss, because everything is so eh dare us now is the once purely the cost of a set Beginners interested in something with which we can realize.
Achso, ichs had almost forgotten: D. What does it cost in a retail store to rent something? Say times for one or the other interview with the appropriate ne Camera and Tripod Microphone? Gibts da NEN coarse lump sum?
Thank you!
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von anfänger93:

OK, could I get a good collection times for post beginners which can be synonymous and can afford for our projects are expected?
* Eg MiniDV Camera
* Tripod
* Microphone for example, interviews
* Paper microphone for example press conferences (if necessary)
* Aufsatzleucte for better lighting (if necessary)
What needs to be done, is so plentiful here. Thank you!
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von anfänger93:

Then let it help me to want to bring us such statements are not next: S! Hoffe du kapierst this!?
And to this "we can / want to afford us nothing clever," I want only what we know as absolute beginners that do not regularly operate as standard equipment need, what is synonymous clever and the low needs met. If we NEN price or get a good setup, we know what we have to spend! Lord God have one!
We want to initially only:
* Live interviews eg SEGA Germany
* Smaller features such as Connvention Games 2008 in Leipzig
* Short video podcast productions in small format
* Press conferences via live streaming over
* ... and what is just still so interesting film can;)
Can I now since a half times NEN aktzeptabel configuration that is priced in nem is reasonable and that the geeigmet would be present? Thanks!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... what should I be up, if I s.der audio quality growth still wants ... 1. A better microphone, such as Rode NTG-2 Sennheiser ME66 or, if we look at the area of directional microphones restrict
2. A camera with a manual control of the audio tone allows
3. Various microphones for different applications, because the universal perfect for every situation, there is unfortunately not.
... What does it cost in a retail store to rent something? ... Rental companies are usually s.professionelle user synonymous and are therefore appropriate equipment. This means that there something for a day or two to rent, it costs more quickly than those of you called to buy basic equipment. And dealing with such devices is not synonymous one in 30 minutes. But what an opportunity for you could be, is Over the course synonymous although some negative experiences, but they are cheap.
Lord God ... another thing ... The synonymous, I think, because if you continually have the same issue repeat as if none of the answers you could read, at least, I gradually lose the desire to continue to give tips. Yes but apparently going nowhere.
... reasonably priced ... aktzeptabel configuration in nem reasonable ... See next above in this thread.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von anfänger93:

If everything always torn us what you say, I can not help it synonymous;).
Nem Between 60 ¬ and 250 ¬ nem Micro's not clever in between? Believers, we are initially with existing camcorder + bought, inexpensive Micro Tripod + try.
Wenns someday what was eiteres must do I sign up again here. Thanks for the advice and your patience;).
Thank you very much!
Gruß Marko
Antwort von Daigoro:

Antwort von anfänger93:

OMFG you're egocentric and NEN verborter type, in any case are you so against me! I will not discuss with you what we do where, because that is you wet NEN disc cleaners!
Ich habs satt that NO OTHER YOU and me here rather spits in the soup instead of wanting to help! The thread I did wrong out I'm sorry, but not stupid name is probably the last thing you both should bring to despair!
Above all, we want to make things simple and not a TV studio equipment to build a value of millions of euros accumulate! Small interviews an interview with his partner, then before ne Cam is small and micro NEN face kept bekomnmt! Possibly. synonymous are some impressions of events such as the GC and a moderator before the return of Cam NEN Micro front face holds and since reinsäuselt!
as with the press conferences and the rumhängen is quite simple! Front speakers NEN table / desk where one sits and media quaselt, back up and our Cam with Microphone included, maybe even better for external mic fals times as far as it comes! All s.Laptop with WLAN and streaming!
This is not something with 100 ¬ or 200 ¬ or so to realize is ok, but the 10 or 100x portal for NEN was privately financed and some advertising revenue is simply unrealistic! Especially since video podcast or NEN NEN Stream eh not need high resolution and the videos of interviews and Co. synonymous kept rather small.
So, and for all! We are the first use of a cam of us has to take a favorable times anstöpseln Micro Tripod and NEN will buy. If the first few interviews and co. so well run and we receive positive feedback, then we are ready to invest.
Thanks s.alle helper !!!!!!!!
PS: Your Portal you know what so few seem to have good BWLer;). False gewirtschaftet I say probably because times: D!
Antwort von anfänger93:

Some people apparently can not bear to give feedback that they do not half-baked concept into fits.
If you had read carefully you would have noticed that it is not about money but about good ideas - that's you seem to be synonymous shortage and because ye are synonymous beratungsresistent.
If with illegal software to do what any other (better) account is all you relating to climate change, then good night.
Antwort von sanvodan:

The student with the license is for me personally, has nothing to do mitm Project;). In addition, we are not komrerzielles companies, but let's see you try to be our concern. You ask here for tips and blows you up if you like something no one in the right stuff says? The student license is probably illegal in this context that says yes you have;) behind the slogan "is not part of the Project".
Hopefully you'll still get quite a lot of trouble. There are a lot of people who violently money to pay for their stuff. Software could be much cheaper without all the crooks.
Get away easily.
Antwort von Markus:

Closed temporarily, because nothing really new here longer happens. The discussion must first cool down again.
by moderator