Frage von popaj:
can someone tell me what the best sound card for a
Video Editing is good? Or 0815 reaches a synonymous?
Thank you.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The Sondkarte, you need to get priority
1) To intercept s.PC
I have now my video monitor and the Abhörton s.meinen DV recorder brownfield and therefore no analog audio output.
If you listen to 5.1 or something, then a suitable sound card could be useful.
2) To restore sound of analog, for example: the dubbing by Micro or in connection with the import of analog video
If I (which is rare) but even analog off, then I make the synonymous over the AD converters on my DV recorder. After contacts do I (still) not.
Conclusion: I am my last Asbach-old SoundBlaster.
When A-and off of DV, you need to get no sound, just as with the DVD creation.
Antwort von popaj:

Ah ok, thank you.