Frage von wurli:
Moin community
I use the time an NV-GS27. So far so good. 16:9 is lacking, and problems do Interior (ballet). Since the recording light is worse in almost unusable. I realize that one can expect no big money for little miracles. But what is cheap 3CCD camcorder can / should we buy ourselves with the shots with little to improve? New or any synonymous needed? HD may think we exclude that, I do not get pushed through.
Thank you very much,
Antwort von Commanderjanke:

How much would you spend it? I still have a Panasonic NV-GS 500 that I would possibly give.
Greetings from the Commander
Antwort von wurli:

I have them on erstmal 300-400 euros, "forewarned".