Frage von stefanph:
What do you of such tripods with wheels?
I want it at events in halls etc. and believe her, DSAs man with such a Steadicam way to a feeling close to you?
Thank you
Antwort von rush:

So which would tend to advise against, but the wheels look a bit "shaky" from ... apart from that you do not know how well the tripod or the tripod head is at ...
then you can place the tripod as it looks really synonymous only for trips and not use the roll.
on level ground could really be for a short stretch fold - but run smooth and curvy rides so you will not clean my hinbekommen
Antwort von jansi:

No, go to a tripod is not suitable for cars.
I myself as a part, as a ground spider very useful, but driving is even on level ground with no rubber rollers.
Antwort von issc:

Ok and then you can calmly filming when the brake is activated or is synonymous not so easily possible because the wheels can then yes to rotate its axis?
I would not go so fast but when I switch the position so I would like to have then the tripod is not always taken.
Antwort von jansi:

Yes, it should be reasonably stable.
Antwort von issc:

And do you get with this model reasonably clean pans out? The head is fluidgefüllt but it is quite cheap.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
And do you get with this model reasonably clean pans out? The head is fluidgefüllt but it is quite cheap. Buy, test and when not satisfied within 14 days of return. And test results to post here, that would be nice.
Antwort von issc:

this is a good idea ... I will probably do but look at me a little to
Antwort von Markus:
Professional Dolly Video Tripod FOTOMATE VT-7005D (NEW) I had to smile when I read the description. Never gives me a really professional come in part, on the "professional" is. Especially since a video was not really a stand with a photo tripod is common, but the title in capital letters PHOTO leads.
I would steer clear of it.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

So, after you already ahnst that with the rollers but probably not as hinhaut ... look after his 7000th Velbon DV Lots of people here have the part - myself included - and are very pleased with it. You get it for <100 ¬ eg