Frage von Andreas Wenzke:
Hello NG!
I had already written, it should be recorded seminars.
The existing digital camcorder offers no microphone input and
does not s.vorhandenen Grabber (Auto-standby can not be
disable). Videos must be converted.
It is now a good, used (= cheap) camera, which are
is s.den grabber? leaves and anbleibt brav.
Ideally with microphone input, as we ourselves with double
Microphone preamplifier directly s.Grabber only a rather quiet tone
Alternatively, a webcam or an alternative, but only if the
synonymous already "finished" data records, so no subsequent
Conversion would be necessary anymore.
What can you as a friend?
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:

Quick look
RF Modulator
This is not a pot, but in principle it is a part.
On the picture is not visible in the bottom are the times
for video, audio and power supply
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:

Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> "Bernd Nomi"
wrote in news post
> Re: Which analog camera =? ISO-8859-15? Q? FCr_Grabber = f = 3F ?=###
> - Snip --
>>> BTW: Does the standard really Cam Connections, or Sony-exotic cable?
>>> Ralf
>> It has, if I remember only a composite video output and
>> Right next to Audio. It gabfür the Camera to a modulator
>> Attachment that you put on these sockets and extends over a fixed
>> Installed the power jack synonymous outdated.
> "Antenna" out s.Modulator?
Antenna s.Modulator out. A
BNC Say not, that would be a hammer.
I do not know exactly, BNC, and then put the entanglement
it was not, it was either the normal or RCA antenna jack
then everyone had Television. (of course the output jack)
On the box there was one, with a small screwdriver
adjustable with the potentiometer, the output frequency could
(something around the channels 30-34 or so?
> Is it only the audio problem.
When the teacher (?) Agrees, would be a radio --
Inconspicuous but good (lavalier) Otherwise course
synonymous every major wireless microphone, of course, synonymous with the cable.
> If the thread is not important now, because I'm just curious, because I
> At the (otherwise excellent) Sony devices already abstruse
> Plugins have seen: Cam s.der Audio out in 3.5 mm
> Stereo mini-jack or RCA 2x?
In the Camera, there were 2 cinch for AUDIOOUT. But that is precisely abstruse
The SONY's not because, for example 3.5 mm jack is anything but
unusual. In Geigentum, me, at least for the more expensive SONY
always positive attention that they are in the facilities are plentiful,
through various connectivity options available and the many cables
and adapter to lie. It was these things so directly after the
Unpacking use only accessories ordered without them.
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Bernd Nomi" wrote in news post
Re: Which analog camera =? ISO-8859-15? Q? FCr_Grabber = f = 3F ?=###
- Snip --
>> BTW: Does the standard really Cam Connections, or exotics Sony cable?
>> Ralf
> It has, if I remember only a composite video output and
> Right next to Audio. It gabfür the Camera to a modulator
> Attachment that you put on these sockets and extends over a fixed
> Installed the power jack synonymous outdated.
"Antenna" out s.Modulator? BNC Say not, that would be a hammer.
> For the Camera, I had a stereo with a Aufsteckmikrofon the
> Zoom lever was equipped. The Microphone was really good, in any case
> More later as one of the ECM sauteuren ... for the PC110. That would be Mike
> Ideal for recording from a distance and it is hardly borne noise
> Sensitive
Hmmm, if the space in which to be filmed, very hallarm, would the
hinhauen, but I believe that Andrew has such a Microphone not
It remains for him only the audio problem.
If the thread is not important now, because I'm just curious, because I
in the (otherwise excellent) Sony devices already abstruse
Connectors have seen: Cam s.der Audio out in 3.5 mm
Stereo mini-jack or RCA 2x?
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
te what is already superior.
> Sounds good.
> That means, with the knowledge of the Manual of the Cam, as a title
> Or possibly a logo using the camera could be displayed, a custom
> Default setting of the grabber, and a well latürnich preamplified
> Audio Signal Andreas had the surgery now the possibility of its
> Live DVD manner, and it must not again
> Through an editing program be hunted ;-)
> BTW: Does the standard really Cam Connections, or exotics Sony cable?
> Ralf
It has, if I remember only a composite video output
and right next to Audio. It gabfür the Camera to a modulator
Attachment that you put on these sockets and extends over a
permanently installed jack synonymous outdated electricity.
For the camera I had a stereo with a Aufsteckmikrofon the
Zoom lever was equipped. The Microphone was really good, in any case
more later as one of the ECM sauteuren ... for the PC110. The Mike
would be ideal for recording from a distance and it is hardly
Structure-borne sound sensitivity
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Bernd Nomi" wrote in news post
Re: Which analog camera =? ISO-8859-15? Q? FCr_Grabber = f = 3F ?=###
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> I am now too lazy to google: Can Focus at the Camera and
>> Aperture manual settings?
> Yes, you can ... and still so much more, the camera is really very
> Versatile. I know her very well because it is exactly but it was the
> I had synonymous times. What of a 900 I had written was a
> Error, with the 900 was a recorder;)
> Besides the usual optional insertion of date / time or time code
> On the recorded film can be synonymous fast on a sheet of paper
> Aufgemalte title or any other title than großbuchstabigen
> Picture and then save by "superimpose" in a variety of colors across the
> Live Picture, or synonymous with the Picture can walk. For this effect
> There are 2 locations. Something I had always used again because
> I was just movies "manually" edit could. (Sound-mixer,
> Cassette recorder, tape recorder, record player, camera as the playback device,
> VCR as a recording device ....) Vieeeel expensive than it is today and for
> Reasonably impressive title had to be something superior.
Sounds good.
That is, with the knowledge of the Manual of the Cam, as a title
or possibly a logo using the camera could be displayed, a custom
Preconfiguration of the grabber, and a well latürnich preamplified
Audio signal would have the surgery now the possibility Andreas, his
Live DVD manner, and it must not again
through an editing program be hunted ;-)
BTW: Does the standard really Cam Connections, or exotics Sony cable?
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> I am now too lazy to Google: Can you at the Camera Focus and Aperture
> Setting the manual?
Yes, you can ... and still so much more, the camera is really very
versatile. I know her very well because it is exactly but it was,
I had times synonymous. Of what I had written a 900 was
a mistake with the 900 was a recorder;)
Besides the usual optional insertion of date / time or
Time code recorded on the film can be synonymous to a fast
Sheet of paper aufgemalte title or any other
Picture Title großbuchstabigen than save and then by "superimpose" in
a variety of colors over the live image, or synonymous with the Picture walk
let. For this effect, there are 2 memory slots. I had something
time to time because I had used films only "manually" edit
could. (Sound-mixer, tape recorder, tape recorder, turntable,
Camera as a player, VCR as a recording device ....) Vieeeel
expensive than today and for reasonably effective title had to be
what is already superior.
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvn2h7 $ 33g $ ...
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> I am now too lazy to google: Can Focus at the Camera and
>> Aperture manual settings?
>> Would 'ne way, the presentation is sharp in the field to Picture
>> Hold. It lacks even the "cameraman".
> Unfortunately, I could hardly even about the camera found.
Quick to 'nem Manual Search! At least "Technical data".
> It seems to have quite a few buttons to have ;-):
Heidenzack. First Looks promising.
>> I say 'cautiously times:
>> Congratulations to the "new" camera.
> Thank you. For 10 euros you can so eh not so much wrong.
> Best regards,
> Andreas
If what works is synonymous really works: Yet again
Makes the camera a clean picture?
If so, you can now turn to the problem with the audio recording
rush ;-)
Until demnäx
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> I am now too lazy to google: Can Focus at the Camera and
> Aperture manual settings?
> Would 'ne way, the presentation is sharp in the field to Picture
> Hold. It lacks even the "cameraman".
Unfortunately, I could hardly even about the camera found.
It seems to have quite a few buttons to have ;-):
> I say 'cautiously times:
> Congratulations to the "new" camera.
Thank you. For 10 euros you can so eh not so much wrong.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvn0ao $ 33g $ ...
> Bernd Nomi wrote:
>> The Series (synonymous to V600) was actually quite good, especially, the
>> Auto Focus better than the predecessor models. They started not
>> As the "Handycam" on how crazy out and her to focus when
>> Short times someone ran through the Picture:)
I am now too lazy to Google: Can you at the Camera Focus and Aperture
manual settings?
Had 'ne way, the presentation is sharp in the field to Picture
hold. It lacks even the "cameraman".
> Very nice, especially, the Durchs Picture race actually happen.
>> When the cameras with tape drive is of course that the
>> Weak point.
> This is broken anyway. ;-)
> The seller had the camera for a while probably no longer used
> Then try something and tried to play, it was only
> Snow.
> Mir's right should be, yes I will always only a live image.
> Best regards,
> Andreas
I say 'cautiously times:
Congratulations to the "new" camera.
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Bernd Nomi wrote:
> The series (synonymous to V600) was actually quite good, especially, the
> Auto Focus better than the predecessor models. They started not
> As for the "Handycam" on how crazy out and her to focus when
> Short times someone ran through the Picture:)
Very nice, especially, the Durchs Picture race actually happen.
> When the cameras with tape drive is of course that the
> Weak point.
That's always been broken. ;-)
The seller had the camera for a while probably no longer used
then try something and tried to play, it was only
Mir's right should be, yes I will always only a live image.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvlqk0 $ NKE $ ...
- Snip --
> So, but in the Microphone input of the camera go?
> Best regards,
> Andreas
Prior to that I really wanted to deter ;-)
Is it time two seconds in a quiet room, pulls the automatic
Audio Control the volume high.
Constantly changing dynamics in the sound, but it can be very funny, what you
Then suddenly everything can hear (and räusper Hüsteln, scratching the feet,
Yawn ...)
Well, for a "better" camera can be a separate microphone input
manual control.
That makes sense but only if you with the Camera "directly" in the
Calculator can dine (or USB IEE1394)
So it remains in a usable audio preamp s.Grabber ...
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvek1b $ 6dd $ ...
> Hallo NG!
> I had already written, it should be recorded seminars.
Yepp, you have.
> The existing digital camcorder offers no microphone input and
> Does not s.vorhandenen Grabber (Auto-standby can not be
> Disable). Videos must be converted.
I assume you want 'ne DVD produce? You may get an extra-long (1
Day per DVD in 352x288 screen resolution?) Or should the participants
an AVI file get issued? Or should it even as a Flash video into
Would be nice if you could indicate what the ultimate target format
should be. If you as a super-long DVD will generate could synonymous in
the format of "captured" in order to avoid lengthy Umrechnereien.
> It is now a good, used (= cheap) camera, which are
> Is s.den grabber? leaves and anbleibt brav.
> Ideally with microphone input, as we ourselves with double
> Microphone Preamplifier directly s.Grabber only a rather quiet tone
> Right.
These qualities you find in almost all the "better" old VHS, VHS-C
or Hi8 cameras.
However, with the restriction that only the newer equipment synonymous
Stereo sound recording. But with the Microphone Preamplifier s.Grabber
should go smoothly. As I said: Lots of cable pack ;-)
> Alternatively, a webcam or an alternative, but only if the
> Synonymous already "finished" data records, so no subsequent
> Conversion longer necessary.
No bad idea. Modern webcams provide some very
Ordinary images.
And webcams are built close to the object, ie front desk
or the presentation stage. 'Ne Total intake should look rather limp.
> What can you as a friend?
So I ask again against: Which video format should have your final result?
Which would be synonymous, the choice of technology-dependent. For example, one could
with a usable webcam has a speaker in the film Halbporträt if
Your recording eh in 352x288 or 640x480 issued. In DVD Format
(768x576 with cca.4 kbit / s) worth an analog camcorder with a large CCD --
You would delight s.der quality. Well, and in avi divx-there are so
Between comic formats, but usually only s.PC ansehbar. Also here is the
Quality of raw material (Camera) is crucial. For Flash video
are totally different questions ...
If you live near me, I could tell you 'ne Cam borrow.
Otherwise, ebay has everything your heart desires.
> Best regards,
> Andreas
Also liebe Grüße
PS When is the seminar? Urges the time, or do you have "game" room?
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> I assume you want 'ne DVD produce? Possibly 'ne
> Extra-long (1 day per DVD in 352x288 screen resolution?) Or should
> Participants avi file get issued? Or should it even
> Flash video on the net?
> Would be nice if you could indicate what the ultimate target format
> Should be. If you as a super-long DVD will generate could synonymous
> In the format "captured" in order to slow Umrechnereien
> Avoided.
It is not in the network, to a DVD should be in the format specified as 6-12
Hours of video fit should in any case s.PC Play
be synonymous when it comes on a DVD player goes, it would be a Pros.
The codec should also synonymous for commercial purposes or for free
least effective.
> These properties you find in almost all the "better" old VHS,
> VHS-C or Hi8 cameras.
Super, which I had hoped.
> However, with the restriction that only the newer equipment synonymous
> Stereo sound recording.
Is that a disadvantage?
> But with the Microphone Preamplifier s.Grabber
> Should go smoothly. As I said: Lots of cable pack ;-)
Well, I've pre-amplified twice (once per Battery and then
behind once again with such a thing Vivanco with adapter), and the
Sound was audible, but still rather quiet.
I use the same Micro buckle directly s.meinen laptop (Mic-in), it
I have nice loud sound.
>> Alternatively, a webcam or an alternative, but only if the
>> Synonymous already "finished" data records, so no subsequent
>> Conversion longer necessary.
> No a bad idea. Modern webcams provide some very
> Ordinary images.
> And webcams are built close to the object, ie directly in front
> Lectern or presentation stage. 'Ne Total intake should rather
> Schlapp look.
The problem is that there is no desk or something, but someone in front
sitting or s.and times prior to the flip chart stands.
Before him, there is a chair circle. In the center are on the
Floor a few flowers on a stool, from the perspective of expected
But no good film can.
Currently we filming of far (behind the chair circle, 3-5m away)
using a tripod.
> If you live near me, I could tell you 'ne Cam borrow.
Thank you, this is already regularly used, we want to
buy something.
> Otherwise, ebay has everything your heart desires.
That I thought, the only question is what my heart desires. ;-)
> PS When is the seminar? Urges the time, or do you have "game" room?
Until 12.6. would be great, no later than 18.6. it should stand.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gveod6 $ 6dd $ ...
- Snip --
> It is not in the network, to a DVD should be in the format as 6-12
> Hours of video fit should in any case s.PC Play
>, If it is synonymous to a DVD player goes, it would be a Pros.
> The codec should also synonymous for commercial purposes or for free
> At least favorably.
Goes (almost) everything ;-)
On 'ne standard DVD (single layer) you get about 6 hours. Admittedly has
it only VCD quality and no longer present level.
Either quantity or quality. As a recording seminar for the participants
is ok, but is anything but pro-(commercial) quality.
A double-layer for the day but sounds nice?
>> These properties you find in almost all the "better" old VHS,
>> VHS-C or Hi8 cameras.
> Super, which I had hoped.
In the case of "better" note (grins)
Large CCD, mark of the video device - and Still Image technology, only to
Connection possibilities careful and good. So what looks like Canon or Panasonic ne,
if unproblematic Connections, then synonymous Sony ...
Often when the "used" the Batteries wide, but yes, you need to get
>> However, with the restriction that only the newer equipment synonymous
>> Stereo sound recording.
> Is this a disadvantage?
Only acoustic ;-) A question of entitlement. Spatial stereo sound halt.
>> But with the Microphone Preamplifier s.Grabber
>> Should go smoothly. As I said: Lots of cable pack ;-)
> Well, I've pre-amplified twice (once per Battery and then
> It again with such a thing Vivanco with adapter), and the
> Sound was audible, but still rather quiet.
> I use the same Micro buckle directly s.meinen laptop (Mic-in), it
> I have nice loud sound.
Your Mic-In is a s.Laptop Microphone Preamplifier.
What is with the Battery? Condenser Microphone?
The Vivanco, a technical or a user problem. In a
The preamp, you can actually gain control s.die distortion limit, or
synonymous beyond driving. Tilts of the Grabber to provide a level lower
and may regulate the Drivers? (mr seems as if many grave Bern
only 2 / 3 by volume).
Yet what, gaaanz important:
The Micro s.die heard the sound source, that is in proximity and in the direction of head
of the speakers positioned. alternatively of the ceiling.
Did you ever have lavalier microphones or headsets thought?
- Snip --
> The problem is that there is no desk or something, but someone in front
> Sits s.and or times prior to the flip chart stands.
> Before him, there is a chair circle. In the center are on the
> The floor a few flowers on a stool, from the perspective of expected
> But you can not film well.
Kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor ... Now I am curious what the
> Currently we filming of far (behind the chair circle, 3-5m away)
> Using a tripod.
Micro still has "forward"!
Serves anyone Camera, or just run with it? (Pan, zoom up
Flipchart, blah ...)
- Snip --
>> PS When is the seminar? Urges the time, or do you have
>> "Game" room?
> Until 12.6. would be great, no later than 18.6. it should stand.
> Best regards,
> Andreas
That is to create. It takes some time for you to try.
Has not anyone in your friends' an old camcorder? I
for you see a lot more problems, which affects the sound ...
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> On 'ne standard DVD (single layer) you get about 6 hours. Admitted
> Then it has only VCD quality and no longer present level.
> Either the quantity or quality. As for the Seminar Recording
> Participant is ok, but is anything but pro-(Commercial)
> Quality.
> A double-layer for the day but sounds nice?
On a DL then synonymous to acquire sound quality?
If the grabber at this quality?
It is a Terratec Grabster 400th AV
> Large CCD brand video equipment - and Still Image technology, only to
> Following options sure and good. So what looks like Canon or 'ne
> Panasonic if unproblematic Connections, then synonymous Sony ...
Any tip for a particular model?
> Often, when the "used" the Batteries wide, but yes, you need to get
> Not.
>>> However, with the restriction that only the newer equipment synonymous
>>> Stereo sound recording.
>> Is this a disadvantage?
> Only acoustically ;-) A question of entitlement. Spatial stereo sound halt.
Well, is already fit.
> Your Mic-In is a s.Laptop Microphone Preamplifier.
> What is with the Battery? Condenser Microphone?
"Electret condenser" is at, which I did here, on the other had
I have no description, but it looks similar and behaves synonymous
On a battery-powered preamp, behind the then-partially Vivanco.
> The Vivanco, a technical or a user problem. At
> An preamp allows you to actually gain control s.die
> Distortion limit, or beyond synonymous drive.
In I was already informed that the
probably it would be that the line-Grabber Level expect the amplifier
but only on Microphone-level increase. Therefore, should I get the two
Amp switch in a row:
"I thought I'll give you now a link to a stereo
Input for Mikrophonvorverstaerker with Electret Microphone (5V
Phantom Power over 2k, not 48V and not for dynamic mics)
by small jack and stereo RCA output, but nothing there, only
Kits or 19 "slots, I've probably not the appropriate
Keywords. "
The rest is here then: gs6vc8 $ pf5 $
> Tilts to grabber
> About the level to reduce, and may regulate the Drivers? (mr seems
> As would many grave Berne only 2 / 3 by volume).
If I look again, now I have just re-Grabber
not here.
> Even what gaaanz important:
> The Micro s.die heard the sound source, that is in proximity and in the direction of head
> Of the speakers positioned. alternatively of the ceiling.
At the moment, we added to the video unusable even with a
small, Voice Recorder MP3 audio on a pure, based on the stool with
the flowers in the middle of the room lies. The volume is not
exhilarating, but ok.
> Did you ever have lavalier microphones or headsets thought?
If a lavalier Microphone the same as a Electret Micro?
You could possibly synonymous Micro even closer fit, a headset would be
but impractical, especially as possibly synonymous Between questions or a participant,
for a demonstration after coming forward, are profiled.
> Should I somehow familiar ... Now I am curious what the
> Seminar.
If a communication training.
>> Currently we filming of far (behind the chair circle, 3-5m away)
>> Using a tripod.
> The Micro still has "forward"!
That should be enough so synonymous. ;-)
> Serves someone Camera, or just run with it? (Pan, zoom up
> Flipchart, blah ...)
No, the only runs with.
> This is to create. It takes some time for you to try.
> Did not anyone in your friends' an old camcorder?
Hmmm, could I possibly rumfragen times. Actually, I would, however, so
little time as possible with trial & error, know that I do
already have little time ...
> I see you for a lot more problems, which the sound
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> Large CCD brand video equipment - and Still Image technology, only to
> Following options sure and good. So what looks like Canon or 'ne
> Panasonic if unproblematic Connections, then synonymous Sony ...
Hola, just compatriots on eBay, there is really only what s.150
Euro upwards?
Would a webcam then maybe the better solution?
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvf23a $ 6dd $ ...
- Snip --
> On a DL then synonymous to acquire sound quality?
> If the grabber at this quality?
> It is a Terratec Grabster 400th AV
Yes, the grabber hardware encoded to DVD format (720x576), which is
classic DVD for TV, two to three hours of film. At 352x576 bekommst
You "more" film on the silver, the quality suffers "something". In the case of a DL
You might well 6 hours unterbekommen without the image result
Depression must result.
- Snip --
> Hmm.
>> What is with the Battery? Condenser Microphone?
> "Electret condenser" is at, which I did here, on the other had
> I have no description, but it looks similar and behaves synonymous
> Identical.
> On a battery-powered preamp, then behind the
> Vivanco subperiod.
>> The Vivanco, a technical or a user problem. At
>> An preamp allows you to actually gain control s.die
>> Distortion limit, or beyond synonymous drive.
> In I was already informed that the
> It probably would be that the line-Grabber Level expect the amplifier
> But only on Microphone-level increase. Therefore, should I get the two
> Amp switch in a row:
Yes, the grabber has "audio line in", and a micro-phone preamplifier should
actually the microphone level to raise, without being backed
"Noise box" dazwischengestöpselt be. In general
synonymous works well and simply, no preference whether dynamic or
Electret Condenser Micro.
> "I thought I'll give you now a link to a stereo
> Input for Mikrophonvorverstaerker with Electret Microphone (5V
> Phantom Power over 2k, not 48V and not for dynamic mics)
> By small jack and stereo RCA output, but nothing there, only
> Kits or 19 "slots, I've probably not the appropriate
> Keywords. "
> The rest is here then:
> Http:// gs6vc8 $ pf5 $
Google News Server makes just break :-(
- Snip
> At the moment, we added to the video unusable even with a
> Small MP3 dictaphone a pure sound that is on the stool with
> Flowers in the middle of the room lies. The volume is not
> Exhilarating, but ok.
Could you cut together, but really hard.
>> Did you ever have lavalier microphones or headsets thought?
> Is a Lavalier Microphone the same as a Electret Micro?
These are those little things that subtly s.Revers the Jackets sit ...
s.Mund as close as possible to stop the speaker. If not for you but question ...
> You could possibly synonymous Micro even closer fit, a headset would be
> But impractical, especially as possibly synonymous Between questions or a participant,
> For a demonstration after coming forward, are profiled.
Then Microphone depend of the ceiling, between Flipchart and chair circle.
>> If somehow familiar to me ... Now I am curious what the
>> Seminar.
> If a communication training.
>>> Currently we filming of far (behind the chair circle, 3-5m away)
>>> Using a tripod.
>> The Micro still has "forward"!
> That should be enough so synonymous. ;-)
>> Serves you the camera, or just run with it? (Pan, zoom up
>> Flipchart, blah ...)
> No, the only runs with.
A pity, this could be something Dröge.
>> This is to create. It takes some time for you to try.
>> Did not anyone in your friends' an old camcorder?
> Hmmm, could I possibly rumfragen times. Actually, I would, however, so
> Little time as possible with trial & error, know that I do
> Already have little time ...
The reward is a handsome and anhörbares video.
From the previously stated, I see that you have such things still not too
often have done, and you should test in the safe handling, if you
in the worst case "only" can build and run w
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvf47q $ 6dd $ ...
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> Large CCD brand video equipment - and Still Image technology, only to
>> Connection possibilities sure and good. So what looks like Canon or 'ne
>> Panasonic, if unproblematic Connections, then synonymous Sony ...
> Hola, just compatriots on eBay, there is really only what s.150
> Euro upwards?
> Would a webcam then maybe the better solution?
Neee, definitely not.
Strangely, this must be the much-economic crisis: D
Last fall, I have a Hi8 camcorder of Canon for 35 Euros
erebayt, this year the already mentioned Panasonic M5 shoulder camera
for around 40 Euros.
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> Yes, the grabber hardware encoded to DVD format (720x576), the
> Is a classic DVD for TV, two to three hours of film. For 352x576
> You get "more" film on the silver, the quality suffers "something".
> If you could DL a good 6 hours unterbekommen, without the
> Visual outcome must lead to depression.
That sounds look good.
The idea is that, at least one or two DVDs directly from the
Seminar can give extra for "urgent" cases.
> Yes, the grabber has "audio line in", and a micro-phone preamplifier
> Should the microphone level to raise, without even
> A "noise box" dazwischengestöpselt be. In general
> Synonymous works well and simply, no preference whether dynamic or
> Electret Condenser Micro.
It seems not.
>> The rest is here then:
>> Http:// gs6vc8 $ pf5 $
> Google's news server does just break :-(
So ein Mist.
Try this:
Google Groups, I really think the handling of corrosive.
[Separate Audio]
> Could we cut together, but really hard.
Far too much effort, there are so synonymous breaks in the course of the seminar, etc.
> Then Microphone depend of the ceiling, between Flipchart and chair circle.
Ok. Or attach halt somewhere in the vicinity of the speakers chair
Flipchart and has a door latch s.die could possibly depend on the Micro.
>>> Serves you the camera, or just run with it? (Pan, zoom up
>>> Flipchart, blah ...)
>> No, the only runs with.
> A pity, this could be something Dröge.
That's ok. It is only for participants who were always there,
as a memory.
> From the previously stated, I see that you are such things not yet
>'ve Done too often, and you want to use safer,
> If you are in an emergency case "only" build and run can do. It
> Else could give a very bitter disappointment (not captured,
> Vermurkste camera perspective, sound is distorted or totally punishing, and
> What are otherwise still so upset can)
Well, then you should just try it.
But in principle I imagine this is not as difficult as before.
My friend is just s.anderen end of the city and I will now
not afford to go there (45-60 minutes per way).
> I have your audio hardware does not remember, but I always think
> Yet, because what is not true. I've been such recordings with 'its
> Behringer small-Mische made the last time was a DAT recorder
> As a preamplifier between them (additional audio recording), all
> Is going smoothly.
What would happen if the Micro in the micro-camera input connector
and then the audio signal of the Camera abgreift?
> When we two are the only ones who post in this thread, could
> Synonymous mails we send. The rest of the community seems to be
> Bored ;-)
Well, it is after all for posterity archived. ;-)
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> Last fall I have a Hi8 camcorder of Canon for 35 Euros
> Erebayt,
Are Hi8 equipment because of the quality sufficient?
> In this year's ever mentioned Panasonic M5
> Shoulder camera for around 40 Euros.
This is quite huge, right? I wanted to have liked the old
Tripod continues to use. ;-)
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Andreas Wenzke wrote:
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> Last fall I have a Hi8 camcorder of Canon for 35 Euros
>> Erebayt,
> Are Hi8 equipment because of the quality sufficient?
why not, who says that one always and everywhere HighEnd
must apply. Occasionally meet here with me a couple of people and
we watch together, or even old Betamax-VHS video. Of course
this is not HD, but it always?
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Bernd Nomi wrote:
>> Are Hi8 equipment because of the quality sufficient?
> Hello
> why not, who says that one always and everywhere HighEnd
> Must apply. Occasionally meet here with me a couple of people and
> We watch together, or even old Betamax-VHS video. Of course
> This is not HD, but it always?
The point is that a business spends money to his seminars
recorded. The result should be on DVD (% commercial context).
He is of course no studio requirements, but it would be nice
if we would see anything.
If you just picture s.Ende mud, can you give the DVD synonymous
and would have no need to spend money.
However, neither he nor I know of the matter have, I ask
here the pros. ;-)
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvjokp $ b6h $ ...
> Hello,
- Snip --
> The point is that a business spends money to his seminars
> Recorded. The result should be on DVD (% commercial context).
> It is of course no studio requirements, but it would be nice
> If you would see anything.
> If you just picture s.Ende mud, can you give the DVD synonymous
> And would have no need to spend money.
> However, since neither he nor I know of the matter have, I ask
> Here the pros. ;-)
> Best regards,
> Andreas
Ouch, that it is so bad, I would have not provided ;-) (the
with the entrepreneur)
A good old Hi8 would be enough if the lighting and the
Field of view are good.
But suppose you like 6 hours with video is always the "same" picture before.
I can just because you suggest that someone uses the "cameraman" makes (zoom,
Pans, always the essence of the event with photographic views and
full screen place)
The sound needs only "clean", but it can happen that a
little needs to be filtered (Condenser Mics are usually höhenlastig).
The slopes of the Mics of the ceiling to avoid kick -
(Body-) sound transmission and provides the ability to "language level"
If you have an old cassette Tapedeck have a great preamp!
Otherwise, what useful buy. Friend, I would actually nothing but
Sense, since a Kleinmischmult, because it is synonymous for other fun
Things in life is, for example
Have you ever DVD "made"? Six hours is only possible with the chapters.
Incidentally, I would not go through the recording, but to everyone
Pause Recording a new start. The editing is much friendlier.
Imagine, after five and a half hours "swallowed" the calculator, and
the entire video file is no longer to save (which is so large files
synonymous occur)
Oh yes: A couple of Title Inserts at the beginning or new
Seminar sections would be synonymous helpful to focus on the disc to
orient. And provides opportunity for "advertising".
In short: This simple picture can Tonergebnis and conditions in your
obviously only amateur quality.
But this is not bad.
Evil would be only six hours, the "same" picture to see (usually much too
far away from happening), the sound just "mumpfig" to hear and not be interpreted
turn to what you want to see (especially important passages Seminar
or himself, höhöhö)
I wish 'you much joy with the Project,
Hopes you like an amateur
PS You could perhaps breathe free, if you have two to three seminars
try and verwursteln could before the thing "marketed" is.
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvjdd0 $ b6h $ ...
- Snip --
> That sounds look good.
> The idea is that, at least one or two DVDs directly from the
> Seminar can give extra for "urgent" cases.
Please do not.
* C * corresponding to the capture and output format * immediately * DVD
draus synonymous here could burn an evening program.
From MPG VOB must still be. Or you create the software immediately (on the
- Snip --
> Google Groups, I really think the handling of corrosive.
Äääh - you are here via a browser?
> [Separate Audio]
>> Could we cut together, but really hard.
> Far too much effort, there are so synonymous breaks in the course of the seminar, etc.
>> Then Microphone depend of the ceiling, between Flipchart and chair circle.
> Ok. Or attach halt somewhere in the vicinity of the speakers chair
> And flipchart is a door latch s.die could be possibly the Micro
> Hang.
- Snip --
No No No No! So not meant.
I would like the thread after posting when Bernd Nomi continue, it will
otherwise obscure.
In various threads herumposten I do not want to.
So here Tschö
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> Ouch, that it is so bad, I would now not required ;-)
> (With which the entrepreneur)
What now?
> A good old Hi8 would be enough if the lighting and the
> Field of view are good.
Ok, super.
> But make 'you 6 hours video with always the same "picture before.
> I can just because you suggest that someone uses the "cameraman" makes
> (Zooms, pans, always the essence of what is happening with
> Photographic view and full screen place)
This is not the first problem, there are not many people who
DVD would buy, and which would only ever want to see certain posts.
> If you have an old cassette Tapedeck have a prima
> Preamplifiers! Otherwise, what useful buy. Friend, I would
> Actually nothing but sense, since a Kleinmischmult, because it
> Is synonymous for other fun things in life is, for example
MaWin said yes in the linked thread that something was just not.
> Have you ever DVD "made"?
Years ago, even, yes. Was a Fummelei and by converting
ran Picture and Sound not 100% synchronously.
> Six hours is only possible with the chapters.
> Incidentally, I would not go through the recording, but to
> Break each recording a new start.
Sure, anyway. The lunch break is one hour. ;-)
> In short: This simple picture can Tonergebnis and conditions in your
> Of course, only amateur quality.
> But that is not bad.
No, that's ok.
> Schlimm would be only six hours, the "same" picture to see (usually much
> Too far away from happening), the sound just "mumpfig" to hear, and not
> Then turn to what you want to see (especially important
> Seminar passages, or himself, höhöhö)
That's right.
> PS You could perhaps breathe free, if you two to three seminars
> Try and verwursteln could before the thing "marketed" is.
So nothing is marketed as the DVD is 5-10 euro or so
cost, which is really just an expense.
>> The idea is that, at least one or two DVDs directly from the
>> Seminar can give extra for "urgent" cases.
> Uff.
> Please do not.
> * C * corresponding to the capture and output format * immediately * burn a DVD of it could be synonymous here to be an evening program.
> From MPG VOB must still be. Or you create the software immediately (on the fly)?
Ach so. I have not nachgeguckt now, my friend told me
just that he did such a thing ever seen at a seminar where someone
had such a grabber.
>> Google Groups, I really think the handling of corrosive.
> Äääh - you are here via a browser?
No, I wanted you there just the other thread raussuchen.
>> Ok. Or attach halt somewhere in the vicinity of the speakers chair
>> And flipchart is a door latch s.die could possibly depend on the Micro.
> - Snip --
> NO NO NO NO! So not meant.
Why not?
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Andreas Wenzke" wrote in news post
news: gvke8a $ $ fts ...
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
a thread-zerstückelnden contribution
>> Ouch, that it is so bad, I would now not required ;-)
>> (With which the entrepreneur)
> What now?
Long face with the "entities".
- Snip --
>>> The idea is that, at least one or two DVDs directly from the
>>> Seminar can give extra for "urgent" cases.
>> Uff.
>> Please do not.
>> * C * corresponding to the capture and output format * immediately * DVD
>> Draus could burn synonymous here to be an evening program.
>> For MPG VOB has yet to be. Or you create the software immediately (on
>> The fly)?
> Oh. I have not nachgeguckt now, my friend told me
> Just that he did such a thing ever seen at a seminar where someone
> Had such a grabber.
Yes, there are, but neither you nor I really know now whether your grabber
and the software at once such a live-capture in a DVD format
really create. Try it I find it very useful. Yes, something will cost
- Snip --
>>> Ok. Or attach halt somewhere in the vicinity of the speakers chair
>>> And flipchart is a door latch s.die could be possibly the Micro
>>> Hang.
>> - Snip --
>> No No No No! So not meant.
> Why not?
Because you s.einer doorknob not hear as much as if one of the speakers
directly into the ear (Microphone) speaks.
Too much Nebengeräusche.Also: Heran s.die sound source (speaker)
Maybe even comment on these cameras:
Usually, the "automatic audio volume control", ie the
Volume level is the sound intensity adjusted. I suppose, a
super loud hum, you need not.
Have fun
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Andreas Wenzke wrote:
> Hello,
> Bernd Nomi wrote:
>>> Are Hi8 equipment because of the quality sufficient?
>> Hello
>> why not, who says that one always and everywhere HighEnd
>> Must apply. Occasionally meet here with me a couple of people and
>> We watch together, or even old Betamax-VHS video. Of course
>> This is not HD, but it always?
> The point is that a business spends money to his seminars
> Recorded. The result should be on DVD (% commercial context).
> It is of course no studio requirements, but it would be nice
> If you would see anything.
> If you just picture s.Ende mud, can you give the DVD synonymous
> And would have no need to spend money.
> However, since neither he nor I know of the matter have, I ask
> Here the pros. ;-)
Jaja, schon klar. But I would not, in principle, everything that is not
hyper-modern, as "Picture slush" abqualifizieren because scheintDir
really the experience to be lacking. For the purpose of the whole needs
neither HD nor DolbyDigital sound, the quality of a good
Video8 Camera or Hi-ranging and completely from any bet that many of the
Synonymous difference HD would not recognize. It is simply that it
mainly depends * how * with a tool is handled. If it
too little light and the camera constantly zooms and wobbles, use synonymous
the highest quality technology nothing more, do you have?
Antwort von Wolfgang Hauser:
Andreas Wenzke wrote:
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> But suppose you like 6 hours with video is always the "same" picture before.
>> I can just because you suggest that someone uses the "cameraman" makes
>> (Zooms, pans, always the essence of what is happening with
>> Photographic view and full screen place)
> This is not the first problem, there are not many people who
> DVD would buy, and which would always look at only certain points =
Nevertheless, should you worry about. Above all, synonymous,
how ...
> So nothing is marketed as the DVD is 5-10 euro or so
> cost, which is really just an expense.
... at the micro quantities to be when someone with
normal hourly rate is drangesetzt.
Taking into account typical PC adversity seems to me a
Hard disk DVD recorder is the most appropriate recording device to be a relative
easy to use (how much sense such a project, if the only
Half-an expert of the company sick or is on holiday?), Reliable,
if necessary, a simple cut opportunity available (you need more
apparently not at all), off on DVD not a big expense, and even
still cheap in the acquisition.
BTW: Written consent of all participants for the
Video available?
Antwort von Wolfgang Hauser:
Andreas Wenzke wrote:
>> Hard disk DVD recorder
> And what is such a device for an input signal?
The usual Analogkram: audio as a stereo line-in, at least video
as a composite, often synonymous S-Video.
You could then direct the camera easily and the Mikros anstöpseln
on the mixer needed anyway.
There is a catch, however: For the handling of the equipment you need
Television videosignaltauglichen or a PC monitor.
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Bernd Nomi wrote:
> For the purpose of the whole needs
> Neither HD nor DolbyDigital sound, the quality of a good
> Video8 or Hi-Camera goes completely off and every bet that many of the
> Difference to HD would not recognize synonymous
So now I have 10 dollars for a Sony CCD-V600E shot, a
Hi8 Camera.
I am curious. :-)
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Andreas Wenzke wrote:
> Bernd Nomi wrote:
>> For the purpose of the whole needs
>> Neither HD nor DolbyDigital sound, the quality of a good
>> Video8 or Hi-Camera goes completely off and every bet that many of the
>> Difference to HD would not recognize synonymous
> So now I have 10 dollars for a Sony CCD-V600E shot, a
> Hi8 Camera.
> I am curious. :-)
So the V900E had myself a long time and had later, when they told me
then look verreckte a replacement camera on ebay still worried about
some Hi8 tapes to play and with the newly purchased computer to PC110E
The series (synonymous to V600) was actually quite good, especially, the
Auto Focus better than the predecessor models. They started not
as for the "Handycam" on how crazy out and her to focus when
short times someone ran through the Picture:)
For cameras with tape drive is of course that the
Weakness. To change the track position with the times. In the
Sony cameras dissolves some Alufwerken one of the great, weird
below Umlenkstifte if its mother is not adequately secured
is. The tape is then no longer true and there are dropouts picture
or, Störstreifen often is synonymous throughout the sound off. Remedy in the case
is simple: mother dress, with backup Slack, Locktite or
similar safeguard. The biggest problem: a lot of different screws
Length of the enclosure to remove and woe (!) If these when
Reassembly confused
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> A thread zerstückelnden contribution
That was especially so of you wanted ...?
>>> Ouch, that it is so bad, I would now not required ;-)
>>> (With which the entrepreneur)
>> What now?
> Long face with the "entities".
How long face?
>> Oh. I have not nachgeguckt now, my friend told me
>> Just that he did such a thing ever seen at a seminar where someone
>> Had such a grabber.
> Yes, there are, but neither you nor I really know now whether your
> Grabber and the software at once such a live-capture in a
> DVD format really create. Try it I find it very useful. Yes,
> Something takes time.
Should we then look at whether the grabber can.
The Grabber is here, because no new purchased. Either he can do
or not.
> Because you s.einer doorknob not hear as much as if one of the
> Directly into the ear speaker (Microphone) speaks.
> Too much Nebengeräusche.Also: Heran s.die sound source (speaker)
Ok, try.
> Maybe even comment on these cameras:
> Usually, the "automatic audio volume control", ie the
> Volume level is the sound intensity adjusted. I assume that
> A super loud hum, you need not.
So but in the Microphone input of the camera go?
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Wolfgang Hauser wrote:
> Nevertheless, you should worry about. Above all, synonymous,
> Like ...
>> So really nothing is marketed as the DVD is 5-10 euro or so
>> Cost, which is really just an expense.
> ... at the micro quantities to be when someone with
> Hourly drangesetzt is normal.
The Secretary is there anyway, which would then almost only incidentally times
a button-press. Works quite well so far synonymous.
> Taking into account typical PC adversity seems to me a
> HDD-DVD recorder is the most appropriate recording device to be a relative
> Easy to use (how much sense such a project, if the only
> Half-expert of the company ill or is on holiday?), Reliable,
> Need a simple cut in any way (you need more
> Apparently do not), off on DVD not a big expense, and even
> Still priced in the acquisition.
And what will such a device for an input signal?
> BTW: Written consent of all participants for the
> Video there?
Sure, the law is everything.
If participants do not wish to be the parts in which they
see are not synonymous burned.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Andreas Wenzke:
Bernd Nomi wrote:
> Yeah, already clear. But I would not, in principle, everything that is not
> Hyper-modern, as "Picture slush" abqualifizieren because scheintDir
> Really the experience to be lacking.
Yes, that is correct. I only joined "VHS" picture with mud and wanted
indicate that it is not a hobby project of film enthusiasts,
but a commercial intent behind, although with the
Shooting no money to be earned.
Thanks for the help.
Liebe Grüße,