Frage von black928gts:
my name is Michael Horn. I'm in this forum as synonymous in the field of digital Filmerei newcomer. Currently I play through all my old holiday videos of VHS tape on my calculator. For this I use the program "The big copier VHS 2004." That works for some settings s.Programm pretty good. The "best quality" is synonymous the Picture good. My problem is that I do not know what file format I choose. After recording the raw AVI files are created, which then can be cut. Then, after completion of the film, various file formats (MPG, DVD files (VOB, IFO, BUP), etc.) and even elected to disc bebrannt be.
Only what file format is the best quality for the DVD? And which for the calculator when synonymous movies on your PC in order to play wants to leave? A friend told me that I have in both cases, DVD files (VOB, IFO and BUP) should generate. Is that so?
Another problem is that no preference what file format I choose, for longer shooting several AVI files or VOB files in the size of about 1 GB can be created, although it is
a film. What must I do so I use the film on the calculator or after burning s.DVD player synonymous as
a film and not see every 15 min. Next click on the file in order to continue the movie?
If possible when you burn
a movie it made? I have Nero Ultra synonymous and synonymous thus Nero Vision. Should the DVD files (if there really are the best) from the AVI files so that produce?
Schon mal vielen Dank für eure Tips and beautiful greeting
Michael Horn
Antwort von Pianist:

Only what file format is the best quality for the DVD? The File on a video DVD is, by definition, an MPEG-2-File. That means: Ideally, you should see your first cassette in an un-compressed format or as little eindigitalisieren that all depends what you like editing your program allows. And only then if you get your clips as you edit as you it on the DVD archiving want you codierst the films as MPEG-2 and burn them as video DVD.
So the Mpeg-2-File is the final result, which will not be processed next.
BTW: For the Eindigitalisieren your old VHS tapes you should here and ask who you a TBC (Time Base Corrector) for some time to borrow, so you can turn the intermediate. The device provides for the representation of relatively bent VHS signal for a much better quality. The playback of the tapes should have an S-VHS recorder with S-Video (Y / C)-output made synonymous if it is not S-VHS recordings.