Frage von Ranzmann:
Would I be happy with a DV camera recorded Sonypc4 holiday videos to DVD's do.
Is there a program in which one can familiarize themselves quickly (easy to use!) And the still very worth seeing results provide?
Pinnacle? Adobe? Magix? Or is it something else? I look through is not easy: (
However, maximum price is 300 ¬.
Love Greetings
Hans R.
Antwort von domain:

This is a recurring question in the forum and there is no clear answer. But decision-making are some tips:
1. Find out who is the leader in this price range
2. Test Reports and experience in trade journals and forums read
3. If possible, test yourself Trial Versions
4. Shop around yourself, who among your acquaintances with which software is already working to get him possibly of some help or tips to be.
LG Helmut
Antwort von embee15:

Can you widergeben only my personal experience:
Pinnacle Studio: super program, but unstable, prone to crash
Magix Video Deluxe: The demo has been with me like so many error messages => just uninstalled
I now have Premiere Pro and Premiere Elements Encore downloaded as trials, we'll see.
So far, I personally advise ULead Media Studio Pro. Not quite as intuitive to use as all sorts of controls, but the results speak for themselves and stability.
Nero, I advise personally synonymous, but has all the features you need for household use, but the DVDs have it spun s.and too.