Frage von brendan:
with my Canon XH A1, I will News / spin accidents, vllt synonymous times on a trip.
So as I see so far, there are a few good programs:
- Ulead Media Studio Pro
- Ulead ViodeoStudio
- Sony Vegas
- Adobe Premiere CS3 (which is good OnLocation? Is similar to the Canon Console?)
- Avid hire
It is important to me: quality, output / conversion in all sorts of formats and purposes, a DVD compilation, Vista64 compatible ... well, more I do not know what it takes. Since the Einlernaufwand probably high, I will after Möglichlkeit only once;) The price is secondary.
Antwort von robbie:

with my Canon XH A1, I will News / spin accidents, vllt synonymous times on a trip.
We know we are now all well, just that you are looking for a head light and you think that in 2 days you're the best road movies, because you have so much previous experience through photography searched;).
So as I see so far, there are a few good programs:
Just because the name occurs in the Pro, the part is not good. Final Cut, you have forgotten, that would be for the MAC recommended.
It is important to me: quality, output / conversion in all sorts of formats and purposes, a DVD compilation, Vista64 compatible is compatible with something quickly. From the quality are all equal in so far as you with no difference this equipment will detect.
well, more I do not know what it takes. That is always bad once. We can only guess what you want. Output in all the "format" you will probably not have the necessary money, and allowed SDI you certainly do not need ... From here forth, it is totally "no preference" which program you use.
Since the Einlernaufwand probably high, I will after Möglichlkeit only once;) The price is secondary.
As you alone know what program you s.meisten them. As I said, quality gifts is the "big" all nothing.
You have such a sinister friend who advises you, or are not synonymous, perhaps you use the same software the same as he, then you can easily exchange traffic accidents, etc. ..
Will probably only Premiere, Avid MC, Vegas or Final Cut left. One way or another.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
OnLocation what is good? Whether you know it already with the help of the Adobe homepage searched out?
Antwort von brendan:
We know we are now all well, just that you are looking for a head light and you think that in 2 days you're the best road movies, because you have so much previous experience through photography searched;). This is sometimes good to know! ;)
> Final Cut you have forgotten, that would be for the MAC recommended.
No, do not forget, because I am in the run-up had been informed - and not a MAC user bin.
is compatible with something quickly. From the quality are all equal in so far as you with no difference this equipment will detect. > We can only guess what you want
vllt synonymous if something sounds stupid, but exactly what I expected. With a lot of experience we can perhaps estimate about what I would want.
> From her because it is completely "no preference" which program you use.
habs feared. I then check it out after the praise, or even Adobe Photoshop yes because I know from the photograph .. ;)
You have such a sinister friend who advises you, or are not synonymous, perhaps you use the same software the same as he, then you can easily exchange traffic accidents, etc. .. yes, I have actually. but he is not in my "computer" generation, which is why I have such technical decisions (that in the cam-synonymous choice belongs not to him * g *) go their own way, or at least I would like to secure.
OnLocation what is good?
Whether you know it already with the help of the Adobe homepage searched out? No, you? ;-)
PS: As suspected, like the Canon Console.
Antwort von robbie:

As expected, similar to the Canon Console. They have much in common, such as donkeys and horses.
Antwort von M-Kult:
Was ist Onlocation?
Antwort von brendan:

As expected, similar to the Canon Console.
They have much in common, such as donkeys and horses. So quite a lot!
Direct-to-disk recording
By Recording of DV - and HDV material directly onto the hard drive to optimize the video production. Control the desired recording immediately, without the tape forward or rewind them.
You already s.Drehort create optimal conditions for the best possible shots. Adobe OnLocation CS3 to quickly calibrate cameras, settings, and check the signal monitor. The virtual reference monitor, waveform monitor, the vectorscopes and audio spectrum analyzer help you problems before they occur and the recording quality. (Via Adobe OnLocation)
With the optional add-on program "Console", the XH A1 is blooming for the first full Production HDV recording system. The program makes an ordinary laptop to an external hard drive HDV recorder with all the comforts vectorscopes, waveform monitor and FullHD-Prewiew. These can be on the program of the camcorder synonymous in all details and remotely adjust. (Slashcam on Console)
Antwort von robbie:

Na also, as I said, like donkeys and horses. But the most important sentence is the last:
"This is about the program of the camcorder synonymous in all details and remotely adjust."
This can only be the Canon software.
And vector scope and waveform is a league that you will not need more.