Frage von Dhub:
Title says it all I think.
Christmas is just around the corner and I have certain "gift budget", which I can verplanen wishes.
What cutting edge software, you can recommend me?
I have z.Zt Pinnacle 9 are at home (this bothers me is the lack of 2 video track but otherwise it meets in large parts of my Anspürchen) and Ulead VideoStudio 9 (here bothers me that I have scenes with transitions, by a cut of the scene automatically. the transition mitlösche)
Can anyone recommend a cutting program, which> 1 video -/Audio Track has simple audio editing offers (I think here as pleasant Pinnacle Ulead), Blueboxanwendung integrated, ideally on Windows Vista and will run on Win2k, it cost under ¬ 150 and possibly even as Sahnehäupchen somewhere on the Internet as a test trial version can be downloaded. (Is like a watermark version)
an approximately 2 years old MAggix talked me into the handling not to.
I do not have a HDV cam, so I would not even have this point in my program
Thank you for your help
Liebe Grüsse
Antwort von jayt1234:
perhaps even somewhere on the Internet as a test trial version can be downloaded. (Is like a watermark version) Premiere Elements 4 is a trial version at Adobe on the matter. I have the software on my calculator and tried it made a good impression.
Antwort von C.I.W:

So for 99 ¬ you get Magix Video Deluxe 2008 Pros. I think the software is really good. Can only recommend them to you. You have 99 tracks, no preference whether video, audio, title ...
You'll no better place for 100 ¬.
Antwort von Vidiot:

I would in any case you like Premiere Elements recommended if you want to cut a long films (300-400 clip). Magix is suitable for not very good (experience of a friend, she could not with their film Magix end cut because of alleged problems MEMORY).
Good luck wishes
Antwort von Dhub:
So for 99 ¬ you get Magix Video Deluxe 2008 Pros. I think the software is really good. Can only recommend them to you. You have 99 tracks, no preference whether video, audio, title ...
You'll no better place for 100 ¬. Has changed in the handling of MAggix in the last 2 years, much improved?
I would in any case you like Premiere Elements recommended if you want to cut a long films (300-400 clip). Magix is suitable for not very good (experience of a friend, she could not with their film Magix end cut because of alleged problems MEMORY).
Good luck wishes
Vidiot I will probably tomorrow mal ne Premiere 4 session:) ... purely out of interest, what can as this Pro version "CS3" in Comparison to Premiere Elements?
Antwort von Nacho:
what can because this Pro version "CS3" in Comparison to Premiere Elements? Some - it depends whether you need, what can CS3 yet. If you do not need, then you will not notice that it is not there ;-)
At least in element 3 could be synonymous plug-ins of the Pro version in the folder and use cut.
Synonymous with Magix wanted a look, but on the website, I have found no trial version.
Antwort von Markus73:
Has changed in the handling of MAggix in the last 2 years, much improved? Lately, there's the "Story Maker" no more, its functions were otherwise integrated in the program, what the whole thing makes much more logical, since it is now customary in the past "two paths to the target" no longer exists.
I Magix than enthusiastic users of this Recommendation would like to connect a lot more functionality for you will not get the money. I have in 1.5 years, the intensive use Magix now, no major problems.
What bothers you because s.der handling? The program is holding the scale are very complex, this one does not learn in 5 minutes. Especially bad was I's never.
Antwort von Dhub:

What bothers you because s.der handling? The program is holding the scale are very complex, this one does not learn in 5 minutes. Especially bad was I's never.
Markus I found it simply illogical:) In the other programs had / I have my story line. My clips and transitions, I click & drop by in this short gecuttet in SL, sound anything, done.
That I could then (sadly n.mehr which was Maggix) nciht so easy. Until I Stroyline erstmal bisschen filled, I got the 10 already operating errors, but what makes me angry moderate:)
Pinnacle and Ulead have up to the above mentioned cut / transition issues in Ulead, not so rumgezickt:)
Is there a demo version of the current (but this is above Magix Video Deluxe 2008 Pros?) Maggix? yes ... is not that I would not be willing to try new / learn:)
Antwort von Markus73:
I found it simply illogical:) In the other programs had / I have my story line. My clips and transitions, I click & drop by in this short gecuttet in SL, sound anything, done. Just so I'm always synonymous with my Magix :-)
Is there a demo version of the current (but this is above Magix Video Deluxe 2008 Pros?) Maggix? I suspect not. So far, there's always one, but I could not find exactly synonymous. I suspect that with the version 2008 + (which it has been there a few weeks), was probably the demo version abolished.
Antwort von Dhub:

I suspect not. So far, there's always one, but I could not find exactly synonymous. I suspect that with the version 2008 + (which it has been there a few weeks), was probably the demo version abolished.
Markus Perhaps only takes ... bissl was synonymous with premiere Elemts so that they immediately release any demo version had offered.
Habe nochmal formulations about my thought:)
The above points are virtually the basics, which, as I think, very fast and absolutely easy to operate. If I get any Clipeditierungen and mask making have allowed the peaceful synonymous bissl slow, but the basic functions should be fast in his story line:)
Antwort von cutty:

Oh, I can recommend synonymous, after I tried CS3 and Pinnacle have. A 2 hours concert movie (classic) with 3 Cams 100 musicians around 200 soft visors and Sound mixed from 3 Mics was without any problem geschnitten. I lack only the Linux version, which I would like. ;-)
Antwort von Dhub:

How good is because the screen capture?
How many swallows same resources? ... do you so you could record video, without that they are unplayable? yes ... is synonymous lots of background activity ...
If the screen capture by any combination of keys, and off?
Have a demo version is found ... is the 2007/2008 in terms of 2008 + somehow representative?
Freue me info about your fast
many thanks
Antwort von Voltz:

So if you just take the 2nd Video track, then I recommend in this price class Pinnacle Studio 11 Ultimate.
Insofar as you do with the Vorvorgänger Studio 9're happy, you just give (via ebay) a cheap upgrade to 9Plus. This includes useine second video track.
Antwort von Markus73:
How good is because the screen capture?
How many swallows same resources? ... do you so you could record video, without that they are unplayable? Hm, probably not. It slows down quite significantly. To work of office software as a demo recording ideal for quick games tend not to.
Have a demo version is found ... is the 2007/2008 in terms of 2008 + somehow representative? Main difference: The top of my already mentioned Story Maker is in the current 2008 not exist in 2007/2008, there's still him. Personally, I think the thing now (ie Version 2008) logical and better than before.
As a consequence, the Mediapool been rearranged, where now the functions of the former Story Maker has been placed. Besides, give the two is not much.
Antwort von Dhub:

What was the story maker?
Did you hire webspace? Could I hire a couple of times actions 3-4 record clips to insert into the story line, one to two Übegänge, a few cuts, etc.:)
really like to know what awaits me:)
Antwort von Markus73:
Did you hire webspace? Could I hire a couple of times actions 3-4 record clips to insert into the story line, one to two Übegänge, a few cuts, etc.:) I'm trying something here to.
Otherwise, I would refer you to the demo version, because nothing much has changed.
Antwort von topgun:

Work for 2 years with Magix Video Deluxe 2007 plus. Previously with Pinaccle 9th No Comparison. As an outpost wrote: initially, the program is somewhat complex, but has been one bites incorporated everything works great.
Not to be underestimated is the Music Editor synonymous in the price of 99 euros is included.
I believe you will find for this price does not have a better program. So many video tracks ... where there is otherwise still?
Antwort von Problemehasser:

I can give you only Pinnacle Studio 11 pros recommend, I did it myself. Costs about 99 ¬ and is very good.
Antwort von anonym:
I can give you only Pinnacle Studio 11 pros recommend, I did it myself. Costs about 99 ¬ and is very good. How is it regulated with the activation? Have on my Windows calculator (video editing) is not the Internet?
Antwort von Dhub:

I must admit, the longer one is employed with Magix ... seems all the more meaningful one's everything.
Most times I still bissl next (2006/2007 immo with silver) and then reports back:)
Antwort von Dhub:

Tests as mentioned above so now Magix.
How can I use effects because Greenbox? ... ie, the green rausrechnen
and where can I rotate a clip?
Antwort von Rene K:

for magix 2008 plus, there are very probably the story maker.
He now calls himself only "show movie maker"
Antwort von C.I.W:

Grennscreen keying can only be bad, because the program is very rough to handle.
What am currently ready to make the screen capturing. I just do not get out a video from You tube to that behind synonymous in the same speed playing. Can someone next to me help?
Antwort von Markus73:
for magix 2008 plus, there are very probably the story maker.
He now calls himself only "show movie maker" No.. These are two completely different things. The "Show Movie Maker" and it was there still, while the "Story Maker" since the current version in this form no longer exists and its functions in the body s.anderer Mediapool integrated.
Antwort von Markus73:
How can I use effects because Greenbox? ... ie, the green rausrechnen Video Effects -> Greenbox
However, due to computer hardware used Chromasamplings generally not very well suited for Chromakeying. Contrary to other reports, but when you get careful work synonymous with Magix relatively good results, there are a few tricks (such as "Blur" to activate), in Magix's forum should be to find something.
Supplement, see eg:
and where can I rotate a clip? What do you mean? I understand the question.
Antwort von Dhub:
and where can I rotate a clip?
What do you mean? I understand the question.
Markus Oh well:) When I got married at the civil registrar in terms of possible refusal of work for its part, insisted that I have the camera out of hand there (so that's not bad, but in the subsequent celebrations the following faux pas was actually before) has a the camera men "thought it would certainly be great for the camera 90 degrees to rotate (like a Hochkantfoto)
... ultimately makes the resulting material is still surprisingly good for a Picture-in-picture scene.
For this course I had the clip by 90 degrees.
Is there such function? And if so, where? :)
Antwort von Markus73:
[...] I had this course, the clip by 90 degrees.
Is there such function? And if so, where? :) Ah, ok :-) I read first "clip rotate" like "film" like "record movie" :-)
Also: Right click on a clip in the timeline, "Size and Position". There's a lot of beautiful things, ussynonymous "rotation".
Antwort von Dhub:

Where can I find the item for video effects?
in 2006/2007, there is a silver item Effects -> Video Object Effects
but I find it with Greenbox nix: /
Antwort von Markus73:
Where can I find the item for video effects? For me (version 2008 +) I reach him via right-click on a video object in the context menu (or Shift Y).
Is of course quite possible that in the "SE" version is different, which are often given away as a booklet and leaflet are restricted in some score.
Sorry, because I can not help much further.
Antwort von noname:

According to my experience there is Magix Although Chroma Key, but with very limited parameters, no wonder that since the results even with DV are not what they could be. Premiere Elements cuts in this aspect even better.
Antwort von Markus73:
According to my experience there is Magix Although Chroma Key, but with very limited parameters, no wonder that since the results even with DV are not what they could be. I again repeat my statement above of:
With a little care and know how to get Magix synonymous in a result that you can own heart. Just "Greenbox" to click is not enough.
Antwort von GMasterB:

To Greenbox (Blackbox, etc.)
I can understand the criticism at s.Chromakey VdL not understand.
In any case in the new versions of Magix VdL results are obtained, which neither I nor with VideoStudio9 with Ulead Media Studio Pro 7 target. Magix expects me synonymous Green shares from the background (okay it was bad), I with the other two programs do not rausbekomme.
Premerie element I do not know.
But the editing capabilities of the tracks in the timeline can I find VdL simply awesome.
Antwort von Dhub:

Hiho people:)
... synonymous if the thread so now a few days on the back has, I hope I still have to answer a few:)
Once I have for some time now synonymous VdL 2008 and most will always satisfied with the program, I will now definitely at Christmas 2008 + Magix VdL get. How is that legally and technically activation.
I have 3 PC's which (unfortunately) only 2 to provide the necessary system requirements. Can I use a purchased Magix program legally and in full on both PC's to install and use without restriction?
Is for private use and only for me.
I have something in mind that I once had read that an activation code Magix zuschickt, which according to its own Hardawre created, but I just 3 times a system must implement change.
Since I use it on a tower with Win2K as well as on a laptop with Vista jungle want to activate the above would probably not possible ...
Antwort von Dhub:

I do not like, but I push the high times, can hire someone to answer my question yes:)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

A binding answer you can give only the Manufacturer. Also in the FAQ there, or look in the license conditions, possibly s.den Email Support.
Everything else is Spökenkiekerei and helps you later in the dispute is not really next.