Frage von Johannes:
Since I am very interisirt in the video area and it is to some newspapers,
but all the price was not the cheapest. I ask you what the newspaper of which there are highly recommended. And who says go but the nearest kiosk and try all demsag even now I live in the countryside because there is not something in the next shop and not synonymous. Therefore, I wanted a newspaper Subscribe. But what duchschnits at a price of approximately ¬ 7-10 is for me as a student no bargains.
trozdem many thanks in advance
Antwort von Markus:

Hi John,
You make progress. Only the Sony is heading for this question perhaps be reconsidered. ;-) (I have the thread moved).
A business magazine and even a tank can you provide any scientific journal. You just need to tell you that this or that once would have gladly Magazine. Often it makes sense synonymous, the Internet for the publisher to look and then a cheap trial records.
So I had many years ago, the selected
video and later the
PC video. - But ultimately you have to look at the magazines for which you provide interesting topics.
Antwort von Gummi:

My subjective rank:
1. Film & TV cameraman
2. Video Aktiv Digital
3. PC Video
synonymous with the order changing times.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Johannes:
Hi John,
You make progress. Only the Sony-section upps! just like happened?
Well s.der Tanke, there are many newspapers the majority of the car.
The eintige with the technique has to do is Subscribe to CT but we since 19. already. My problem is more what the magazines, there is everything.
Montanwerke I know the Active Video and Film + Tv Kameraman and had both read. I am speaking of two ore assets in the video. But I have more on the subject Vieo s.Zeitungen not found.
Antwort von Markus:

See not so long run. A subscription can be synonymous announce a new and complete, if the magazine wants to change sometime.
Alone in the Fachverlag Schiele & Schön, you will find three magazine, with the video issues, plus two film formats:
Antwort von PowerMac:

BTW you have a question mark s.Ende of the sentence by the very daring "question mark".
Antwort von PowerMac:
Antwort von Pianist:
1. Film & TV cameraman Can I fully stress. This Magazine is essential reading for anyone concerned with this issue. Incidentally the only magazines, of the 15 years I have been every single issue in a shelf keep. And not just because I myself sometimes to the circle of authors belong ... :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Although some weak spending, mandatory reading!
Antwort von Johannes:
Although some weak spending, mandatory reading! That is my opinion after geschmags sache! So next time when I have bought a mall and I was shocked when I change the whole advertising (the most part) had waraus out the "book" a booklet has become.
Is this normal or was it only at me so because it is a trial issue was?
Antwort von PowerMac:

That was the special advertising edition for John. In order to show you how bad the magazine, has it just for yourself fully with advertising. Is quite normal for advertising spending, the potential readers away. Only when his Profffi quite like you;)
Antwort von Johannes:
Only when his Profffi quite like you;) None yet, I am :-).
No. times in earnest is the normal? It will have our full Parpiertone ruckzug ;-)
Antwort von Pianist:
That is my opinion after geschmags sache! Exactly. Good spelling, however, is not a matter of taste.
CAMERAMAN When we are with probably one of the rare cases to do, where even the advertisements of the readers explicitly estimated. Because there is not used for margarine or toothpaste advertised, but for the devices, with which we all earn our money. Also offers an extensive CAMERAMAN jobs and classifieds section, this is synonymous of the readers very much welcomed.
You should also be clear that it is not possible to reach such a large monthly magazines, which are relatively small industry s.eine directed at such an affordable subscription offering, if there is no revenue from the ads there.
Antwort von Johannes:

Was previously in Berlin in a kiosk and have a computer video Names newspaper has found someone, or someone reads them? After I bought 2 more newspapers have had my money for 2 weeks school dinners WAY. (The biggest part for advertising). Why there is little or no CAMERAMAN s.Kiosk?
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Have a computer video Names newspaper has found someone, or someone reads them? (...) Which is to be expected.
Antwort von Pianist:
Why there is little or no CAMERAMAN s.Kiosk? Because it's a pure subscription-Magazine is. The target group is so extremely small that it does nothing to help him s.Kiosk offer. All people who work in this industry, know the magazine and read it in private or in their respective companies. There were many years ago a study times that each copy of an average 5-10 people will read.
Antwort von PowerMac:

The advertising on the cameraman is just like a pianist from the Lord writing interesting and helpful.
Antwort von Johannes:
There were many years ago an investigation times.
Matthias Let's take a look here: Anyone who reads the newspaper cameraman, logs. How much is it now?
Antwort von Pianist:
Let's take a look here: Anyone who reads the newspaper cameraman, logs. How much is it now? The yearly costs EUR 51.80. But I believe that here the reader density is low, because you will not provide a representative result. I'm of the opinion that you're a bit nervst ... :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:
Let's take a look here: Anyone who reads the newspaper cameraman, logs. How much is it now? That sounds pretty immature.
Antwort von Jan:

because when we grad theme, such as professionally / technically correct, most Mags?
The cameraman, I now try out the scoring.
I read Videofilmen & Video Enabled Digital s.unz be synonymous chip Still Image / Video.
I make my mistakes so synonymous (today), I'm not always 100% factual, but may be a number of serious errors in a magazine today really still be what 100.000de read?
Let VAD, since I'm only a few days rübergestolpert, because I had not noticed is. During the tests, the picture angle mitangegeben 16 / 9 and 4 / 3. Let's take for example such as a Panasonic GS 27, it has small effect on focal 35.7 mm, which should be in accordance with the existing fixed formulas about 63-64 °. Why does the test VAD 51 °? 50 mm but has been 47 °, which can not entirely agree with it? Sony cameras such as the HC 23 have with its 44 mm focal but not 41 °?
Ich hab dann mal an analog SLR with a 50 mm lens compared, the picture came in almost s.eine angle HC 23 ran, so it fits with the 44 mm.
Video I was in SW Recommendation (back of the booklet) disappointed, Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 has no audio capabilities are said (- no audio capabilities) Why can I nachvertonen after Slashcam of the type described above? What are audio features, if not nachvertonen, ie Music & Language Project to insert?
Yes, the error of the data when the new models must be well-VAD & videos (eg GS 230-optical stabilizer) forgive, it is probably not always a lot of time before printing starts, or the company only puts the data out wrong and unclear.
Well, the error in and worse of the (especially the product comparison) are actually for the world companies disgrace.
Please s.Matthias question: "You already read your 2 or 3 A4 pages and experience reports for the magazine carefully and examine / test the data of the companies?" When I read your remarks here, I think you take your writing seriously, probably synonymous in the cameraman. Somehow, this is incomprehensible that the sources of error in other magazines is so high, the grade with plenty 10.0000-100.000 conditions.
For all the bleating about VF and VAD, I must sound, accessories (lamps + editing program tests) praising the surprisingly often have a good level.
Antwort von Geizhals:

Why read magazines on the Internet there is all this information for zero euros.
Antwort von Pianist:
When I read your remarks here, I think you take your writing seriously, probably synonymous in the cameraman. Somehow, this is incomprehensible that the sources of error in other magazines is so high, the grade with plenty 10.0000-100.000 conditions. Perhaps the authors of the other leaves her things are not quite so serious? Or they simply do not have enough clue? Or they do not investigate thoroughly enough? I can not judge because I have not read magazines for videographers, but it's a completely different audience. The CAMERAMAN of professionals is written for professionals. Accordingly, the quality of contributions.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

For some magazines you have to be synonymous often recall that reporting sometimes with manipulation is exchanged. It is sometimes frightening, what one or the other ex-chief so after years auspackt times.
That the competition is unfair, uncertain times and was considered.
But the "cameraman" smells quite okay, as that is concerned.
Antwort von Pianist:
For some magazines you have to be synonymous often recall that reporting sometimes with manipulation is exchanged. Particularly vulnerable are the other car magazines, which I trust is not on the road. There are "journalists" to expensive trips invited because the new vehicle going to be in expensive Swiss ski resorts in Dubai, or even be presented. The family must come naturally. Sure, there will be moral dependencies. To the case with the radar in the new S-Class stars in TV, where the then-chief Autobild reporters themselves actively participated s.der tampering.
CAMERAMAN When there is something not. There, on concrete experiences in real turning operations reported no preference whether a camera with a normal rental has been rented or perhaps by the manufacturer for a specific project was made available. But the industry is much too small and clear, that there be any tampering attempts would work.
Antwort von FritzK:

Hi John.
What would you like for a Learn to read or magazines?
To help you with something you have to be precise.
Antwort von petepopcorn:
For some magazines you have to be synonymous often recall that reporting sometimes with manipulation is exchanged.
Particularly vulnerable are the other car magazines, which I trust is not on the road. There are "journalists" to expensive trips invited because the new vehicle going to be in expensive Swiss ski resorts in Dubai, or even be presented. The family must come naturally. The authors of video magazines are showcasing new camcorder synonymous with the most charming places invited - but without a family ...
Antwort von Quadruplex:

[quote = "Anonymous"]
The authors of video magazines are showcasing new camcorder synonymous with the most charming places invited - but without a family ... And? The question is whether a tester is of the vermilion can impress - or not. If I am because of my personal experience, a test for them, I wurst, whether there is any hack a camcorder in Majorca, in Buxtehude, or in his office gets presented.
The magazines can be serious anyway between imagination (the info is used for a message and novelties at best, even for a practice test) and a test (the model for all editorial comment Manufacturer / laboratory and to be compared under identical conditions) differ.
Antwort von Muecke2:

not forgetting of course, is synonymous to the influence of large advertisers, any magazine is dependent on and will not vergraulen ...
Antwort von Quadruplex:
not forgetting of course, is synonymous to the influence of large advertisers, any magazine is dependent on and will not vergraulen ... Also it depends of the magazines from Many (synonymous, some small) strictly divide between editorial and advertising department, while others make editors more or less blatantly mention in the editorial part of an ad-dependent. Or, conversely, trying, through friendly marking the advertisers to keep happy. On some leaves (which, ironically, when tested properly bother), it is almost impossible to have a worse note than "good" to receive.
Antwort von Pianist:
not forgetting of course, is synonymous to the influence of large advertisers, any magazine is dependent on and will not vergraulen ...
Also it depends of the magazines from Many (synonymous, some small) strictly divide between editorial and advertising department This is the so-called "Chinese Wall", which is good in all publishing houses and media companies. A practical example: The Berliner Morgenpost is the largest and thickest subscription newspaper in Berlin with the most extensive display portion. Here comes the real estate part of a special importance. A large real estate entrepreneur in Berlin there for many years a plethora s.Anzeigen running, he was a particularly important advertiser. However he fell in Berlin through his often questionable business practices, so that he several times in the editorial section of the newspaper was the subject of reporting. What I mean: The Editor takes no account of advertisers and the advertising department does not influence the editorial board. This is synonymous not necessary, because the advertisers synonymous to the publications of their ads in a major newspaper depend. Thus synonymous, they have no interest in their advertisement orders to stop. BTW: The Empire of the said real estate entrepreneur is some time ago with loud banging completely collapsed.
Antwort von Muecke2:

Antwort von Quadruplex:
Let VAD, since I'm only a few days rübergestolpert, because I had not noticed is. During the tests, the picture angle mitangegeben 16 / 9 and 4 / 3. Let's take for example such as a Panasonic GS 27, it has small effect on focal 35.7 mm, which should be in accordance with the existing fixed formulas about 63-64 °. Why does the test VAD 51 °? 50 mm but has been 47 °, which can not entirely agree with it? Why do you question here and not in
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Why read magazines on the Internet there is all this information for zero euros. If you think ...
Sure, there are cheese leaves, the black under the nails are not worth it - a strong circulation leaves your computer has, until recently, not about entblödet, with the complex geometry and convergence measurements s.Flachbildschirmen to brag. LCD PC monitors have all sorts Gebre - geometry and convergence errors include but not ...
For me, complementary print and Internet information: Basics Many are bundled and understandable (and with only a few spelling errors) in magazines. Often enough to have any article then occasion for me, even in the network to seek and perhaps synonymous nor things to find the hack escaped - but I at least had a basis.
Even though I am here with many useful Slashcam and expert advice to find: There are no assurances that the writer or the writer knows what she writes. And elsewhere, it's fast underground: When I think about how much I solder, for example, are about "" must have read - many thanks. When unsuspecting their experience with devices known, is synonymous only stop writing ahnung loose out.
Once again: Even the magazines you should look closely. But so far I have noticed quite quickly that magazines thick boards drill ...
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

Digital Productions is my favorite magazines wenns professional post production goes. Did synonymous but its price (15euro)