Frage von RobertoS:
When compressing of avi to wmv (fürWeb) the target file is replaced by interlacing!
Why is that?
What am I doing wrong?
Does it have something to do with "inter-lance" to? Asked for clarification and Tips!
Thank you very much.
Antwort von steveb:

You can describe your problem a bit more detail ... What editing program, codecs, etc.
What are these "lines" jumps "from?
Antwort von Axel:
Does it have something to do with "inter-lance" to? Most likely. Somewhere there must be a filter "Deinterlace repeal" or "interlaced." to turn on your material to
before you export as wmv. The distortion will disappear.
Antwort von Roberto:

-I take it on with miniDV.
-take it with Adobe Premiere Pro 2 via the HD 1394
-cut set to music ect.
-export the Project and save it as. from avi.
When you look at the exported. Avi file is on the PC monitor everything iO
next you go:
-export it. avi comp. I am with Boilsoft ASF Converter wmv 420x340, 384kbits.
When sharing the. Wmv on the monitor are already identified in small movements, slight horizontal Zeilenungleichmässigkeiten too.
I hope this was detailed enough.
Ps: I use the Boilsoft because it is the only one I know the Prog me the opportunity avi X-Files to select all and allow for succession by rattling. If there is synonymous Prog others can please!
by Roberto
Antwort von Wiro:

420x340 px is false in any case - maybe it's synonymous one prescriber of Gov. You have to stay at 4:3, which would then 320x240.
It is even better if you take exactly 1 / 4 original size - that is 384x288 px. It simply counts the encoder every 2 Pixel out and there are no odd pixel value.
And another thing is very important: you must set when encoding square pixels, otherwise it will inevitably lead to distortions of proportions.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Roberto:

What is the next larger size for the 384x288?
Antwort von Axel:
What is the next larger size for the 384x288? Salut Roberto.
388x291, namely to achieve with the natural number of pixels, the ratio of 4:3. Each scale is theoretically possible, but only with division of the PAL Resolutiondurch
2 (4,8,16) you get to that each time-shifted
half of the video image will be completely discarded (similar in effect a simple de-interlacing). The visible interlacing stems from the fact that in a curved scale is pixels from a different
time (s 1/50tel sooner or later lost).
So if you want free of scale, you must initially deinterlace qualitätsschonend possible. This issue is so complex that I ask you to use the search function.
Antwort von Markus:
-export it. avi comp. I am with Boilsoft ASF Converter wmv 420x340, 384kbits. Actually, no problem, since you cut the DV material did indeed initially exported as AVI (DV-AVI with the same image size and frame rate as the O-shots?). Up to this point of the interlacing is preserved, which is synonymous correct.
Have some time on a trial instead of the Windows Media Encoder Boilsoft ASF Converter. There you can set any target and choose Properties, under> Processing> Deinterlace.
Antwort von Roberto:

Many thanks for all the info.
The Boilsoftware for me is a must, as I am instructed to work with the masses. eg 60Videoclips à can go through 30-second automated. This feature I missed the Media Encoder.
I will respect for the correct scale, the square pixels and the DeInterlance.
Feedback is coming!
Saluti Roberto
Antwort von Markus:
This feature I missed the Media Encoder. There is the function of the batch synonymous in WME. ;-)
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