Frage von PeterM:
As some one we are usually the chain s.Ende say when Distrubution / event.
Therefore, our production department is quite small.
Usually we turn with EX1R or for larger projects with RED.
Since often been extreme optics use (Fisheye / Superweotwinkel) was the
GH2 really an asset to smaller jobs. But it is creeping into many things too limited (handling frame rate, no SDI 4:2:2 output.
In the waiting time for EPIC-S when it comes überhaubt because we are thinking about AF one hundred and first
Songs I've only played briefly with the CAM, since they significantly within the EU and in HK and China is not available. Finally, we would have to "order blind in the United States.
Also testing for DVX users and other forums are very emotional but obviously has the Cam niemad dragged into the test lab.
I would be interested in a simple Comparison SonyEX1R GH2 and AF101.
The first two are found already in the database Slashcam. Sorry, but not the one hundred and first AF
Slashcam. When are you testing
Antwort von Jott:

Ever seen some length:
Antwort von meawk:

Here's what the "Pana-slaves" Barry Green, who I respect, despite his love of monkeys very Panasonic: