Frage von Nikk-Lauda:
Please help with a cheap and good (no preference whether or not used) Panasonic AG-DVX100 to find! Do you know good websites or shops?
Antwort von and12wo:

The question is, what you understand under favorable. The first glance at the most advantageous offer will be good here: - trying times but the search for the shop, because it does not seem to be some problems (have no experience with the shipper). Oh yes: Inch and import VAT you must still synonymous drauf expected.
Otherwise it would be perhaps even more interesting: The shop has 100% positive reviews and seems to be ok. I consider whether I da 'ne HVX20 buy (there is quite favorable synonymous offered), but I am somewhat skeptical, because sitting in Belgium. Apparently the shop in order and according to assessment profile because many of Dt. purchased. Pickup would be synonymous possible (times to be had).
So s.Rande question: has someone experience with the dealer or someone sees a hook (once apart of the warranty)?
When does the miser DVX Cam in 2900 - I think this would be the end of the current price - the part you will get no more than needed.
Antwort von Nikki-Lauda:

So I come from Belgium synonymous and synonymous've ever requested for pickup. So, to sit quite deep into Belgium. I live s.der German - Belgian border near Aachen and out of here, it is still quite far. So this internet shop you've mentioned above, there is the panasonic s.dvx 100 only for 1800 but how can I do to check whether the seriousness is. If yes everything regulated by bank transfer.
Antwort von Jerzu:

Global Media has been synonymous here so often discussed. They have 2 branches: one in England and one in New Zealand (where the head office seems to be). The fact is: these are all reimports and no guarantee it would have been entitled in Dt. !
Whether the trusted? No clue - I had a little concern, since only against prepayment lieferm, but that is so synonymous with ebay so. I unfortunately do not know that there ever was ordered. I am in discussions only ever noticed that all grumble, but there is no real experience with the shop to appear. Kannst ja mal in DVX Forum browse - there was the topic often synonymous already tuned.
As for the dealer on ebay: It irritates me because basically, that the shop in France as a private seller is registered, but is sent out of Belgium. This is something I do not completely geheuer.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... this internet shop ... there is the panasonic s.dvx 100 only for 1800 ... If you offer durchliest, you will notice that the offeror clearly indicates that this is not the final price is: There are nearly 100 (!) Euros for the shipment, then the inch (I know, about twelve percent) and import turnover tax of 19 percent. Then you have more than 2500 euro is a Camera, the Panasonic Germany outset of each support declines. If yes, then take a 50 euro price would no longer take this 102BE the Europe version 100BE.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von camtv:

I have in global media in uk already ordered. Has worked fine.
As the company sits in the EU, is not (!) Inch. Only VAT.
Antwort von camtv:

And because of warranty: You guarantee that you've bought in the EU. Panasonic Broadcast in Wiesbaden has no problems.
You can only not in Japan or Hong Kong to buy (but who wants to NTSC) ... always on the (e) Ensure!
Antwort von emu:

As the company sits in the EU, is not (!) Inch. Only VAT. The problem is: You are not the guarantee that the product is shipped from the UK (then you would have probably right - within the EU is likely the best of my knowledge no problem). On the HP, but all is quite clear in the help:
"EU. Can we tell you to supply us from your office UK VAT paid?
Sorry, we will supply from either office depending on our stock situation and transport cost factors. " It is therefore possible that the synonymous sent from New Zealand, although I can not imagine that the costs of New Zealand to Dt. as much, as of UK after Dt. ! However, the already very heavy shipping prices, so that probably was of a priori calculated.
Antwort von camtv:

Phone - and to clarify in advance .... should apply to the Homo sapiens, no problem ... _)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
And because of warranty: You guarantee that you've bought in the EU. Panasonic Broadcast in Wiesbaden has no problems. Interesting: On the homepage is explicitly the opposite. Note: We are talking here of the version 102, which is not for the European market is thinking. Guarantee for the 100 should in fact be making.
And what the topic is concerned Inch: On the Page globalmediapro is equally explicit, that the Prices NOT IMPORT TAX OR CUSTOMS included. How have you managed it since, no inch to pay? Was it about items that are duty-free anyway?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von camtv:

@ Bernd
With trade between EU countries falls in this case there is no inch - This is the meaning of the EU.
And even if the product comes from New Zealand, the billing address is GB and New Zealand for the Commonwealth as heard here is not synonymous inch! It is only important that the money goes to Britain! The rest makes DHL, including all the paperwork.
And because of warranty: This Camera (DVX 100) is part of the Panasonic Broadcast! Non-Consumer.
I had neither in Russia nor in Malaysia problems (including loan, delivery service).
And Panasonic in Wiesbaden, I was even mal ne DVCPRO50 s.Sylvester at 22.00 clock repaired (I could watch).
The service is available worldwide!
Antwort von camtv:

@ Bernd
I buy my equipment synonymous of PAG always directly in the UK. 've Never Inch pay. I mur the "intra" in my state sales tax.
Antwort von Jerzu:

Inside the EU, shipments but do not actually run on the inch? That would but the whole idea of community run and there are something like a free trade zone in the EU?
I had this at times synonymous Hauptzollamt, because I have a consignment of goods from the UK had missed (which is incidentally, never arrived): s.Telefon the good wife has asked me how the program should be and when I said the UK, it has blocked the same: the they were nothing, as the UK and the EU with the Inch has nothing to do.
If you want to about it, makes the perfectly made sense, because the goods were running yes, in principle, already on the Inch, Global Media as it has imported (at least if they send from the UK) - now there would still be calculated once Inch, yes we would have double taxation, or not?
Send but from New Zealand's looks different: then yes of the goods outside the EU and so would you have inches, etc. to carry.
The thing with the import VAT is not synonymous to me very clearly who is driving because goods within the EU, when the inch so has nothing to do? For non-European programs, it is clear: to be calculated at the Inch equal and either of the invoice or the logistics behind collects equal to the sum with, but who makes it in goods within the EU? DHL or UPS of from?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
With trade between EU countries falls in this case there is no inch ... It is only important that the money goes to Britain! This is something I already know. I remember only one of the countless threads Globalmediapro video in any forum to have read that the company in the UK only a duty-free warehouse run, but the goods so that customs still not technically within the EU. Very good to know that when you were obviously different, because without the bonus inches are so many offerings Globalmediapro but again interesting. Thanks for this info!
DVX 100 ... is part of the Panasonic Broadcast! Non-Consumer. I know ;-) In the DVX100, I would have synonymous - as I said - no concerns. Only for the Australia model DVX102, which is above went rejects Panasonic Broadcast in Europe every support. This is at least on their website, their own experiences so that I as a non-Panasonic customer no.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von camtv:

So I do not know how the vat with the private people. I started as a contractor a Ust. ID No. FA Saarbrücken. Since I register all stores with EU countries and pay my bill or tax.
So I get things from EU countries without Inch and without VAT. directly by mail but must be s.Jahresende VAT. to pay.
Antwort von camtv:

@ Bernd
That is exactly the charm!
New Zealand provides duty-free s.UK (Commonwealth)
UK provides duty-free s.dich! (EU)
You just need to make sure the account, you can get and beneficiary of the payment from the EU are coming! And on the Page of global media have even given German accounts!
Only the taxes then you need to, hire, in your statement EKST away!
Otherwise: tax evasion!
Antwort von Günstige Panasonic:

Of me. I sell a used Ag DVX100AE. If interested, please sign below
Antwort von ropers:

There are technical differences between the DVX102BE and the DVX100BE?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
technical differences ... ... .. DVX102BE Other DVX100BE? ... DV 20Product/Difference_100B_102B.htm
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von ropers:

On the Page of Expandore concludes:
Conclusion: Thesis 2 camcorders are identical except they named it differently to market s.different region The 102 is thus
identical but
no signet
CE and the
manual is
only available in
English. Have I understood correctly? The price difference is at least ¬ 280,00 in globalmediapro.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Enumerates England at about the EU?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... The price difference is at least ¬ 280,00 ... With this price difference you act but synonymous disadvantages: Since the "102" does not meet the statutory provisions of the EU, it is deemed illegal import, for the Panasonic as any support and warranty service declines. Officially reserves before you even of legal action against "importing companies or individuals who import these products are guilty."
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Thomas Knauf:

Hello Nikken,
versuchs times in pill Film in Wiesbaden. They have always good used in the field ""
I have my pill of synonymous purchased. The advantage is synonymous that can repair itself if it gives problems. So good luck.
Antwort von Lucas0511:

We had a little synonymous used to: