Frage von Theo_Rehticker:
The search in the forum when I was not really the issue further.
Wide Angleist almost indispensable for me, of Canon difficult and expensive to get Kenko o, 5, at Ebay as a reference for HV20/30 advertised but has a thread of 37mm and requires an adapter, the intent has no filter thread and makes the use of Pol, Closeup or other filters and lens hood impossible. When I found synonymous Raynox no 43 mm intent. Either 37 or 52nd Since I will probably prefer the larger but more competent people I perhaps clarify on what is better justified.
A 43mm Wide AngleNoName in the auction ring with Macromedia offered the much-quality Canon lens with a "low shear" on which seems contra-productive. The ability of HDV-wideangle adapter is probably a "must "(?).
Tips, links, tips, buying recommendations or experience reports?
Even teachings or rei ... Klugsche of me are welcome!
Antwort von Fubi:

I had same problem and am for 2 weeks with the following product more than satisfied - fits wonderfully for my HV20 - this I have a lens hood purchased.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Search in the forum asked me this issue is not really brought ... Could happen, though the question of wide angle for HV20 here quite often been asked and answered is.
... When I found synonymous Raynox no intent ... 43 mm For the Raynox converter is appropriate adapter rings (either attached or as accessories), so that they are synonymous to fit 43mm thread. On the Raynox website you can find the way, a special section on all the appropriate converter HV20 that manufacturer listed.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

I'm excited - this is mainly s.dem 72'er filter thread. For my clippers crate, I have a 72'er with Lens thread. Hood, Cokin filter holder and filter a lot, I can then use. The Cam is a bit top-heavy, but so I can live.
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Thanks Bernd,
again: who can read is a clear advantage.
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

So, the question of intent was wide right actually already seen here in the forum. With more refined search, I found a few threads. The HV20/30 will surely find some buyers and they will probably just look for a Wide Angle questions like I did. For these seekers do I add a few links and then this thread can continue to be buried. + HV20 Highlightbroken = weitwinkel + HV20 + HV20 + HV20 + HV20 + HV20 For more info you get with the name of the wide-prefixes in the search as "Raynox 6600 '- and do not forget Google!
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

That with the links I have to practice again - but the address to copy and paste into the browser works so synonymous.
Hopefully help - feedback would be nice.
Antwort von Markus:
That with the links I have to practice again ... I had initially thought that you "Disable BBCode in this post" had clicked, but that was not so. By taking the [url] statements were then links auto recognized as such. No clue what it is not voted (to observe the times).
by moderator
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Thanks, the links can now be used comfortably.
One question I have: Yeah, unfortunately, forgotten, as the links be abbreviated. I can read somewhere else synonymous, but a brief statement would save me time.
Antwort von killerbees19:

[code: 1: d93033ce6f] [url =] and here the link text, eg www.domain.s.oder else ...[/ url] [/ code: 1: d93033ce6f] - the Hilt? Further to this is in the phpBB BBCode FAQ:
faq.php? Mode = BBCode MfG Christian
Antwort von Markus:
This may be synonymous, I read somewhere else ... ->
Linking to another site ;-)
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

fast, faster, Slashcam - Thank you!
Antwort von leoHDV:

Hi Theo!
Which Wide Angleund hood have you decided now?
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Hi Leo,
Prefixes with the cheap 43mm threads fit in perfectly and obscure the sensor of the autofocus, but the quality seems to be amiss: vignetting (dark areas in the image corners), poor image quality (to the outside edge of the picture to increasing blur), correcting poor (eg, color bleeding ) and lack of or poor coating (multi-coating), which is unpleasant reflections in full swing.
Prefixes of Kenko 37mm Raynox or have partially (Raynox) a good quality but several users have reported the black edges of the threaded adapter, not only with fisheye lenses (extreme wide angle).
Of the 52mm wide-angle adapters, I prefer the Raynox HD6600, of 730 DCR has a weaker Resolutionvon 375 lines per mm, the 5000 DCR s.HV20/30 not seem to be quite durchzoombar and the HD7000 is probably not optimal for the Lens of a HV20/30 vote.
As I have learned here is not only the quality of wide importance but synonymous with the interplay between the respective lens.
Thus, for someone of my best wishes to have only the "original" Canon WD H43 - converter in question.
The part will cost 200 euros, but!
My (previous) election falls on the Raynox HD6600, because the synonymous but still about 100 ¬ uro search costs I just one for Ebay
(S.Alle greeting the next time I want to offer ;-))
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Dear experts,
In my formulation with many words such as: apparently, or probably my hope is to recognize that I am a beginning. Be merciful with me and corrected or supplemented taught me in nice shape.
Antwort von scream:

Thus, for someone of my best wishes to have only the "original" Canon WD H43 - converter in question.
False, the part does not provide such good quality as the Raynox HD6600 PRO-52nd
Have a few photos posted: # post102211
Antwort von leoHDV:

Does the HD6600-PRO actually a screw?
Antwort von scream:

Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Caution with the lens hood, in the thread friendly Scream now has links to reports (with Still Image) that Geli 72'er in the corners is visible. A `82 but he is with a little editing on the lens fit and then no problems.
Antwort von scream:

True, the front threads for filter is only thought. Find me but OK.
And the 82er worked really bombproof tulip sits firmly on top.
zum Bild
Antwort von leoHDV:

Thank you for your answers!
Can I s.den HD6600 PRO-Filtersethalter of such a Cokin folded with the red sun visor (like the one on the Cokin website can see) for ranhängen camcorder or there are problems (excluding the top-heavy Camcoder of course!)?
If such filter holder rangeschraubt? Can it give Randabschattungen?
Antwort von scream:

If you link to the Cokin NEN product would post, I would have maybe you can give an answer.
Antwort von leoHDV:

So what, for example:
or would be better:
Antwort von scream:

You can certainly attach s.die HV20, the question is - why? Reichen normal filter not enough?
At a Vignittierung should not come, but a 100%-ge confirmation you can deliver only a test ...
PS. The holder is vorgeschraubt.
Antwort von markus1701:

.. How can someone mE for the best just want to have the "original" Canon WD H43 - converter in question. I test currently experiencing Raynox HD 6600 per 52 s.einer HV30. On my HV20, I have some time since the Canon WD H43.
The Canon converter is difficult Kloobig and expensive, but of very good image quality. The losses are in practice not as good as can be seen. When he is amazing against unanfällig against reflections. A filter, I have not missed. The WD H43 is unproblematic to the long end durchzoombar. Despite the bulky design does Instant AF in good light at all focal lengths with no restrictions. In my opinion, is the good Canon glass worth every penny.
The HD 6600 is slightly, knuffig and inexpensive. The black look fits the HV30. In contrast to the Canon converter, it can be with Geli and stock filters. The latter, he has but synonymous urgently needed. In contrast to WD H43 Raynox is very vulnerable to all kinds of stray light. The biggest problem is that the converter is not fully durchzoomen leaves. From about 250mm Brenweite (converted) works for me is no longer the AF. The motive remains blurred. Even manual focus is almost impossible. The overall picture quality, I would describe as satisfactory.
As an adapter ring, a Soligor included. Whether it is? Or I have a cucumber erwischt. Let's see. I test next. So far I can of the Raynox HD 6600 Pro 52 Not quite so convincing.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
HD 6600th ... .. From about 250mm Brenweite (converted) works for me is no longer the AF ... Or I have a cucumber erwischt ... This behavior is, in practice, while annoying, but your converter is okay: The HD6600 is not out of house durchzoombar.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

The various comparisons Canon vs Raynox I find very exciting.
The assertion of this thread could be buried, I hereby expressly back ;-)
Antwort von Gerold hh:

I also placed the HD-6600-52 + 43mm adapter of Soligor. If you are not the same dealer was? I use this on a HV30 and am the sharpness and contrast values top happy. The scattered light sensitivity to the Canon, I think is normal. The Raynox is so synonymous a larger angle.
Antwort von Realsound:

So I have the Raynox HD-6600Pro-52 just tested with my HV30 and am surprised and a little disappointed. When I see the pictures of the Cam on the HDMI port and a full-HD screen look, the pictures definitely washy. I do not want to say blurred, but almost just as milky. This is me recently with concert recordings already noticed. I knew, however, not quite what it is due. I might make a fundamental error in the handling or is it really s.Raynox? In this form it is the lens for me in the recording operation can not be used.
Antwort von DigiDau:

@ Real Sound
Have you made pure wide angle or zoomed been synonymous?
Antwort von Blofeld:

Fits the SonyVCL WW-0737 adapter maybe somehow s.die Canon? Has 37mm Druchmesser ... may be scarce, but it is good glass.
Antwort von hock jürgen:

If someone is a wide-angle adapter fürseine Canon HV 20/30 looks looks at times in the forum after offer. I then sell the original intent Canon WD-H43. The class can be done in film quality.
Best Regards