Frage von Migel:
Video Friends
I bought a Panasonic Lumix SLR but the SD card is much too small 32MB,
I want a 1GB of buying but what is the best SD card for this digital camera, or has no preference which,
because differences with Bathtub s.The image quality.
Antwort von Kiara Borini:

That should be no preference for photographs (assuming compliance with the specification times ...). The so-called RAW mode large to very large quantities of data, it is a fast card always helpful!
In video mode (with a DSLR probably can not) expect to be there as a feature that a slow card limits the recording time.
It is generally considered but the quality of the video mode of cameras in this forum too big a compromise!
Lumix DSLR?! Is now available at all?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Lumix DSLR?! Is now available at all? According to the Panasonic L1 will come in September to the German market, but in times of global connectivity could Migel have indeed purchased in Japan or the U.S., where the devices almost always have a few months earlier.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Migel:

Thank you for your response,
I'm happy will you help me
at first I überhaubt no idea of digital cameras, but I bought trodz one Ordered Panasonic DMC FZ 30 when I had this camera for Nekermann it was too clearly show that this is an SLR camera, after I got here in forum help I it is clear that this is not a SLR camera, and I got this camera for a months, today I have claimed in nekermann, and who thought that was a stretch of errors, so I can send the camera RETURN, you can book me others recommend a digital camera to 650 ¬, or is this camera that I did well, I'm just a new pair Gerig what an SLR is a big no underschied to my Panasonic or
I ask again for help,
Antwort von Jan:

If yes, the good times, not only "my" chain of unfortunate misinformation is the FZ 30 is obviously no SLR camera, a good digital camera with 12x optical zoom, nice + AF zoom ring and optical stabilizer, etc., is a mirror in it but not installed .
In the class certainly one of the best digicam's is up to SonyR 1, but with the "little" of CCD 1 / 1.8 "Normalo it a super-equipped digicam, but the picture quality of them is a mere ¬ 500 SLR ala Nikon D 50 (failed 18-50) with 23.7 x 15.6 mm CCD clear, well with her but you need on your big zoom, give the video function, the compactness with a large zoom, the live image etc, but you finally see what have you through the "lens" of the D 50 and not the bad wouldn video viewfinder (synonymous problem SonyR 1) and first-rate picture is not synonymous with higher gain and noisy images at ISO 400 / 800.
Card? The question is do you use RAW / TIFF, and your pictures should be read as quickly? Then ULTRA SAN disk (9 / 10 MB / sec) an Extreme 3 for the camera I think is a waste. For JPEG's would be a normal SAN Disk or Panasonic etc with 5 MB / sec is recommended.
Even with cheaper tickets Hama ala (thus) sec to 2.5 MB / man video 's record until the card is full - or at least 1GB, but quite cheap Diskountkarten the video function can be limited to 30 sec.
But honestly I'm changing every day, plenty of cheap tickets to ala Hama, where people went on holiday break, the best card for which the vacation is over. Buy Better a higher class eg SAN DISK 1 GB with 5 year warranty and storage box - now of buying advertising time on me my chain Saturn for 29,99 ¬, as would bother continuing.
Quick Buy tickets for the video feature (ala Ultra 2) today is nonsense, many companies have already switched to MPEG 4, MPEG 2 requires a maximum even ca 1,2 MB / sec consistent speed - that creates the SAN disk Normalo loose now Soon erscheinente S 600 D first Casio with Divx MPEG 4 codec requires only about 4 Mbit / sec (0.5 MB / sec) data rate should be what would make even the blindest card.
The movies are jerky to the compression and low data rate (eg as a result MiniDv), at least the stand today.
And statements of my chain (Media Markt) advertising, such as eg there are distortions or the picture looks worse shape slower card are utter rubbish, you either have to wait longer until the camera is ready or the video length is limited in the extreme.