Frage von hubomo:Hello am owner of a SonyHDR-SR11E.
am now looking for a Tripod.War on the Sony site
And there was the Model VCT-1170RM EIA 600euro/guenstiger p.349 euro and VC T80AV EIA 180euro/guenstiger found s.130euro.
Now, I would be interested in what exactly these times its price differential makes? Would also include views of interest that both camps is a ball head?
What do you think? Can you help me or even suggest nen better, cheaper tripod?
Should in fact be between the above stands not much difference, I'd better tripod of Sonybevorzugen.
Nen am still quite Laie.Bitte so no stupid remarks;).
MFG Dennis
Antwort von Arminius09:
Now, I would be interested in what exactly these times its price differential makes? Would also include views of interest that both camps is a ball head? If you make yourself the trouble and the technical data would have compared, the differences are so obvious that even with your lack of experience would have noticed (sorry, but this had to be stupid remark).
The VCT-1170RM is designed to significantly heavier camcorders (up to 5 kg), has a high weight (> 3 kg) and a larger pack size.
The question you need to answer: For what purpose you need the tripod? Then you should choose your tripod.
I have searched for such possible light, and Small (pack size) for easy carrying on hikes and as my GEO E540L of Velbon increased: 1.3 kilograms, 47 cm max.Height pack size, 162 cm. To a matching 2-way head (Fluidgedämpft).
Do you really Hinterkamerasteuerung, like the Sony Tripods have it? And what do you mean with ball bearings?
Antwort von hubomo:
Thanks for your reply.
That with the Hinterkamerasteuerung I do not need.
With ball bearings I mean a tripod, which one pan in all directions below kann.Also not only up, down, left, right, but motile, or sowas not really need one?
How much have you put down for your tripod?
So, the VCT-1170RM only so much more expensive because larger camcorder can be connected and because it has a so-called Hinterkamerasteuerung?
The tripod I mostly needed for holidays to take landscape shots to ranzuzoomen s.weitentfernte objects and to track moving objects.
Mfg Dennis