Frage von metulski:
I am looking for a camera, with which I readily movie stills and can hold. What the Resolutionangeht, 0.8 megapixels should suffice. It is important that the camera has a remote control or via a software s.PC controllable.
What is better to have a camera with tape or with flash memory? Very nice it would be and that makes the previous question almost superfluous, if I could record directly s.PC without the camera internal storage media to take them. Wär's best if I turn still and movie could begin.
I wanted to spend for the camera no more than 300 ¬.
I would be very happy if someone could answer these questions, because I was bloody Camera Beginners s.Produkten of the mass was almost killed.
Antwort von Markus:

for stop-motion are preferably digital SLR cameras, ie cameras. The frames can then with a video editing program as a video scene and further import. Advantage: better picture quality difference and higher Resolutionals with a video camcorder possible.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

In a reflex, the mechanics of the mirror when the trigger moves after a certain number of allowances in the bucket - about this there is another thread somewhere. If you max. Want to spend 300 euros, the DSLR anyway only if you did it anyway. Maybe you're there with a better Digiknipse not power operated ... Despite the cutbacks, which you can then of course s.anderer body then do it.
Antwort von metulski:

Well, I already have a DSLR (Nikon D50). Especially the high Resolutionstört to me. For stop motion photography, a 0.8 mega pixels Resolutionvon all imho. I want so synonymous additional recordings in Time Lapse record. The desire to send me a DV Cam zuzulegen, is considered. Also I do not live preview s.PC.
With my old Canon G2 does it without any problems, just so I can not make shots that are worth mentioning. Apart of the video snippets, which are expected to make.
Ne, I need a good DV Cam.
A very important question I have. From when I need a firewire card?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Nikon D50 ... ... Especially the high Resolutionstört to me. Then you could be with a reduced resolution - with the D50, however, still about 1.5 megapixels - record.
From when I need a firewire card? From the moment your videos from your camcorder to the PC and want to note that your PC is no Firewire port.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Murmeltier:

If you have a DV camera will do, it might be very good if you build an interval circuit, because you're so much more flexible set intervals can. If the camera has such a function then there is usually only a small choice.
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Antwort von beiti:
Very nice it would be and that makes the previous question almost superfluous, if I could record directly s.PC without the camera internal storage media to take them. This goes with
any DV camcorder via the Firewire s.den PC. Film anyway, and frames / Stop Motion depends of the used-capturing software. Since there is
What we consider is the behavior of the camcorder with (not) an inserted cartridge. Is a tape in it, turn the camcorder after a few minutes in standby in order to save the tape. Is the cassette tray is empty, the camcorder should be left on permanently, but it is equipment, which still, after five minutes (which will be for the Stop Motion film would be annoying).