Frage von pampa:
Hi folks,
I'm new here, although I have visited this page almost daily. But specific issues but can only be resolved in the forum. So here's my entry the same question :-):
You know of someone who crane is used here? Thanks s.Euch much in advance.
VG Jürgen
Antwort von Axel:

The URL contained a malformed video id. We are sorry.
This URL! Sounds like what the Augsburg Puppet Theatre. Yes, the Urmeli, open another opens!
Antwort von pampa:

Well, I try it again with copy and paste :-)
or is the title: Making of IMMOMAK (L) ER FILMS Part II
Hope this works now. VG Jürgen
Antwort von Pianist:
Well, I try it again with copy and paste :-) Caution! :-)
Antwort von jwd96:

What kind of a crane, I can not tell you, but this is actually quite synonymous no preference. If you before you have to create a website, try it with even build your own. The cheap and is synonymous not very complicated.
Antwort von Axel:
What kind of a crane, I can not tell you, but this is actually quite synonymous no preference. If you before you have to create a website, try it with even build your own. The cheap and is synonymous not very complicated. Hmm, this reminds me of
Try it with rent yet. We always rent the same Porta-Jib, so it looks like:
zum Bild
zum Bild
Zusammengefaltet, aber ohne Tripod
Das Ding wird als Mini-Jib bezeichnet. Er schafft maximal knapp 3 Meter Height (1,70 m der Arm, der Rest abhängig davon, wie weit man das Tripod auszieht). Klingt wenig, ist aber recht eindrucksvoll, solange man nicht über's Dach fliegen muss.
Und: Mini oder nicht, das Ding ist hell hard, it should show people in the building are two elements essential and it should be synonymous to serve only two. We use it for music videos because it is the fastest way, change of position in space to make a stable (as an alternative to continuously re-orient the tripod). This grabs the cameraman, the camera front, and I look out the rear that the counterweights None jaw gets beaten on the. Paranoia? When you see how fast you across the room so that compasses (which is ultimately the reason why you want to use it), you get a bit more respect.
Antwort von Ernesto:

If it must be not necessarily the above, then this could
and compact Krahn be an alternative.