Frage von Alex 1984:
hello everybody!
I am considering grad, wants me to take home a new section that is to replace my old system and thereby. currently cut njoch with pinnacle pro one, if that tells you what, pinnacle cut card + Adobe Premiere 6.5.
I ask first: what do you say to avid liquid 7 pro? compared with the former is the pinnacle per one ca or higher because I tend to see what all the effects, transitions, etc. concerns. is there something similar to hollywood fx synonymous with the 3dtransitions?
2. ask if I'll get avid liquid, which I should in any case the purchase of computers (note the graphics card, how many hard drives, which operating system would, ..? really everything out of the program and endow the computer up well, synonymous wenns 2000 euro are.
derezitiger my pc has only 2.4 gh, and 512 ram., window xp home
matrox g550, probably too little.
expanding its your pc's together yourself, or is it ok synonymous in the media market combine to buy himself a well-equipped and since then vorzunhemen any changes if something fails rather badly.
beg you for your help ,....
now !!!!! Thanks
mfg florian
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Florian,
a multimedia PC of the rod is sufficient for a simple DV editing rule. But if you want to with a regular video card to work, you first learn exactly what you need and keep strictly s.zahlreiche requirements so that the system is running properly afterwards synonymous. The only way you can fully exploit the benefits of the hardware.
If you want to have a functioning calculator pay without much studying all possible compatibility lists and, if necessary, without unnecessary dearly for incompatible hardware, then I recommend you a dealer specializing in video editing to consult (eg
Magic Multi Media).
Meinen eigenen DV Editing-PC habe ich synonymous beim Fachhändler gekauft and nach dem Durchlesen der Handbücher (es waren drei dicke Wälzer) wusste ich, dass ich keine Freude daran gehabt hätte, den PC selbst aufzubauen and zu konfigurieren. ;-)
PS: Wenn Du eine Kompatibilitätsliste für Deine zukünftige Hardware gefunden hast, suche trotzdem nach weiteren Listen. Hin and wieder sind mehrere, verschiedene Listen im Umlauf.
Ein Beispiel:
problem with the DV Storm2
Antwort von schulli:

Hello Florian,
to 1: Avid Liquid 7 does not support NLE editing cards more. Everything you want to do so is imposed on the PC. One exception is the PRO. This is a USB 2.0 solution with a large number s.Ein / outputs for Sound and Picture. Thus is also a preview s.TV possible (only in FX of) rendered material. But when the load is more powerful than your PC. The PRO box is doing too if the USB port of course the rest.
Your PC or the graphics card needs to be fully Directx9 be compatible. Berechnnen addition, they should be fairly quick to calculate because its Liquid EchtzeitFX by the graphics card can. SLI or Crossfire is currently not necessary because of AL7 it is not supported.
to 2: It is important to purchase an Avid Liquid 7 PC's the question, what will you do with it. Will you stay in simple DV editing, it does so any standard PC s.3 GHz upwards. You should, however, the data stored on a separate HDD, because otherwise you lose too much performance. Two hard disks in the system is the minimum.
Would you like to cut HDV then you ought to seek advice at a retailer. Alternatively, you can synonymous in the forum of the Working Group Edition DV reinschauen.
So much, perhaps only once.