Frage von MaestroXXV:
Hi folks,
firstonce: Forum.Konnte ingenious take a great deal.
But unfortunately, I stand here before a decision only with the experience to be clarified.
I want for my 550D a shoulder rest kaufen.Nur I do not know which one?
Does anyone have experience with shoulder supports made of this kind?
There is still a rig with, Matte Box and Follow Focus LCDVF it.
With shoulder support 2 you would put in the middle of the situation, the DSLR, which I think I am wrong because drehangenehmer ist.Oder and it would rotate with a comfortable shoulder falls?
Antwort von Axel:

Since this camera via HDMI only low-resolution images see, for example an extra Monitor, this is not sufficient for focusing. It follows that you can do as well or better to take with the camera display preferences. It follows that this should be exactly located in front of you - and not easy right - that is off-center from the rig, but as in "shrig". The fact that the hardest part - the Camera with Lens - will sit on a perch, however, is nonsense. Better yet, the camera, so has the stand anyway, unfortunately, only one thread without the usual little hole for the locking pin in video, to be mounted on a movable tripod plate. For details, you should live in a photo shop to bring in experience. The small counterweight behind the shoulder like me, it helps enormously when balancing, will do better, than with a small breast support bruises.
The second comic Rig has no real control. The Height is adjustable s.and thought well for themselves. But
later you will probably want the camera barely.
The rig with the rods (in distance and size standard Justierstangen, forget all the other solutions) is modular and that reason alone, the better. Most likely you will have the camera above eye level when you use the rig in terms of a shoulder camera, this sucks totally. In order to get lower, you could about the shoulder rest on an adjustable "Riser" (see Picture, the riser is black).
Antwort von MaestroXXV:

Thanks for the reply.
Was very argumtiert entscheidungsweisend and good.
I am more likely to support synonymous with the rods, except that the price was the double.
Where can I get for such a riser?
Antwort von Axel:

A well-known brand is
Redrock. In this Redrock. In
zum Bild
out, with the call: Now shoot! Imagine scenic views before you, how to do it. All of this is necessarily either an external monitor or the like Ikan ahead or neck rings:
zum Bild
Mit dem ziemlich exakten Nachbau aus Indien (selber Shop wie der alberne Glider, CineCity, ProAim, DigitalVideo, DV -Shop, scheint alles "Familie" zu sein) sparst du etwas, die haben synonymous Riser and können dir ein Rig nach deinen Wünschen zusammenschrauben, basierend s.besten auf the .
Antwort von Macaroni:
Since this camera via HDMI only low-resolution images see, for example an extra Monitor, this is not sufficient for focusing.
Unless there is a Marshall with peaking. External Video Camera without peaking make s.der but actually not much sense.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Tell me ..., hand grips s.zwei:
- How do you take the third hand on the video release
- And zoom
- And the Focusierung
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The two handles are just the result of the action benefits is just more stable.
The focussing with shoulder rest is eh Sun based topic that is making itself very steep. I like it not.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:
The focussing with shoulder rest is eh Sun based topic that is making itself very steep. I like it not. I would like it to, but I can not do it properly. Actually I am a trained focusing (at s.KB Enhancer, s.der Repro camera s.Filmprojektor), but here it is not just
right sharp, and I pump out of insecurity. Two of my friends have become quite good at it, but we are talking of about two years, more frequently practice.
What is going very well, is at rest (only scenic!) It sharp and then just next draufzuhalten. be a second, even a third point of focus can Pinned "or marked, but as a person with a swivel to follow, which changes its distance, as others have ran. We talked in connection with "intuifocus" about the ability to save points of focus, as it is in many camcorders (Set Focus Memory, Shot Transition). In any case, it is fair to point out one thing: Small manual focus in the moving image is incredibly delicate. Even
with a FollowFokus. And even from the Tripod. What good is very strong, a high-resolution monitor. The 7D can live draw synonymous nor the smallest sharpness when using HDMI on a Full HD monitor provides the Picture. Professionals working of course not. Search for "Focus Puller ....
EDIT funny Germanized (): Is the depth of field is not quite as shallow as eg with long focal or f 1.4, you still have an adequate, I say,
beautiful bokeh with sufficient clarity.
Every point makes any z within, say, 80 cm, is only 10 cm Old Shatterhand a shot. In lowlight course there is no other way, then you should just do without simultaneous sharpness relocations.