Frage von jairside:
Take over of digital cable with composite power director movies on tv. Which format is recommended? Do a little experimenting, but AVI (13mb/sek) is too large, DVD (1mb/sek) is not directly in a better quality than mpeg1 or MPEG 2 (1mb/5sek). DIVX I tried .. I is the size of her little smaller than mpeg1 or mpeg2 divx codec but not synonymous unplayable ..
What I recommend you pros?
many thanks and lg,
Antwort von Markus:
Take over of digital cable with composite power director movies on tv. The context of "digital cable" and "composite" you need me to explain. Either it is digital or composite (analog). ;-)
Which format is recommended? Recommended
for what? The subsequent application or targeted processing is crucial in the choice of an appropriate size ...
Antwort von Jairside:

So, I have a digital cable box .. I s.die plug behind a EURO SCART Male s.welcher on the other end YELLOW, RED and WHITE cable. The forward then I plug in my PC ... where purely COMPOSITE VIDEO IN stands.
The picture quality when playing s.PC is 1A! Sound too.
I'd like series / Docus between 20mins and 1 hour record and would like the size between 50-200MB hold.
Danke lg Jairside
Antwort von Jairside:

Aja Nochwas ... hab with PowerDirector 3 one hours of yesterday (in DVD quality, about 2.7 GB), and the first 5 seconds, no audio, this is the sound then the rest of the time "puts". We found the contributions on subsequent remedy read .. but wonder whether the outset of what I could do (at the recording) to address this!
Antwort von Markus:
I'd like series / Docus between 20mins and 1 hour record and would like the size between 50-200MB hold. Record
what (ie what Picture-/Tonträger)? And why must the files so damn small? If you like the quality is not so important? Where are the video files again later on? Only s.Computer?