Frage von Blu3B1rd:
hello forum,
so slow I doubt s.mir: P
BUT even a SonyDCR-TVR (? Or something like that was certainly usb) cam I can not get captured ...
there are network setup must s.anderen.
who can help and tell me why my capture frame rate is constant NEVER?? no preference what source, I have it now with a VCR and nem-composite scart adapter tried, and breaks in VDub my frame rate after a few seconds to 14-16 a ...
I take on uncompressed video and clay, is it them?
to the sony-cam: yes is synonymous to digital, but sends the signals via usb s.den computer. usb is so lame, this is not possible to capture reasonable? at least I did not take more than 8 frames in the .. and image and tone are asynchronously or image looks pretty kacke from (colorless, crumbly, etc.)
Who can tell me the ideal conditions to capture video material with eg VDub to? (latest edition dvd, or tv-format) I get the Pimpernelle here ......
no, I do not own a / d converter, on it just my capture card "impact vcb" of hauppauge with a supposedly good BT chip
postet please people, I know that-if anywhere-can then be here in the forum helped me:)
Antwort von jens:

Hi Blu3B1rd,
an answer to the why, although I'm not - but try's views
FireWire FAQ">in order.