Frage von Orlando Bloom:Hi folks
I have ne question that I think understands None:
And while there are indeed different films (documentaries, action) and these films are indeed synonymous somehow a different picture. You know what I mean? So, a documentary is indeed more in real time, which looks like an action film just different. And are there because a program with which I get that effect, or if the s.der camera?
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:
Hi folks
I have ne question that I think understands None:
And while there are indeed different films (documentaries, action) and these films are indeed synonymous somehow a different picture. You know what I mean? So, a documentary is indeed more in real time, which looks like an action film just different. And are there because a program with which I get that effect, or if the s.der camera?
Antwort von Markus:
Hello Luke,
Not only that you sinnfrei the title "Difficult question," choose (
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:
dankeschööööööööön :-)
Antwort von Jan:
Hello Orlando,
na I can sell my reading glasses at times the font size.
I think you'll probably smaller depth of field for Action (the degree of fuzziness) and the larger report on my cameras.
For an action film with a smaller budget would be a not bad ala Vollbildaufzeichnete Camera JVC GR PD 1 or Panasonic AG DVX 100 AE / BE for the home video maker.
Proper professionals turn their action movies with more possibilities such as the 35 mm cameras, Arriflex 435 / 535 - a good part horny ¬ 100,000 worth - that I would be happy times ....( serve a wide variety of known or Stallone action films with Schwarzennegger were rotated so). When I look at as an action film of John Wo / look at his cameraman) (eg Mission Impossible 2 and Face Off shine my eyes, these images / camera guides are world class.
Typical documentation cameras eg JVC DV 5100, some use synonymous SonyPD 170th
For larger stations because there's obviously still higher category.
I think we can make synonymous in post-production which, since I know me, but not so good because you can give someone else a tip.
Antwort von Markus:
[code: 1:4 f5903fe2b] [size = 24] [color = red] Difficult question :-)[/ color] [/ size] [/ code: 1:4 f5903fe2b]
What a blessing that formatting in headers are not included. Otherwise be here all title lines
in bold, red giant and in CAPITAL LETTERS! Aanndd hhiinnssiicchhttlliicchh ddeess ssiinnnnffrreeiieenn Dooppeellppoossttss ssiieehhee aauucchh mmeeiinneenn oobbiiggeenn LLiinnkk .. ;;--))
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:
Hi folks
Yes thank you for your answers.
And I'm sorry that I've adjusted my writing so great
Ps: Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker: Thirty years a baby drove up! No socks and no shoes'. my dear Luke that was you!