Frage von actaion:
I wonder mixher the whole time, why has) not really a Manufacturer camcorder with fairly large chip on (; as APS-C format.
When one reads occasionally rim forum, then all but a few are aware that the larger the sensor, the better, both because Lowlight, secondly because of depth of field facilities.
Well offer for some time Sony, Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras, which have a synonymous HD video feature.
They are getting together with a stabilized 11-fold zoom lens for under 1000 ¬. Chipgrößer is about 1 inch.
Panasonic offers a compact with the TZ7 camera that has a good video function, HD with zoom and AF during the recording. The whole with 12-times zoom, and a 1 / 2, 33 "sensor. All in Hosentascchenformat For about 350 ¬
With camcorders, however, I get, even if I put more than 1000 ¬ on the table, just once, at best, a tiny 1 / 3 "chip.
Why even have 1000 ¬ camcorder smaller chips than 200-400 ¬ snapping photo with similar large zoom?
But it should be possible to build for 1000 ¬ a camcorder with 10x zoom, and at least a 2 / 3 "sensor, as in a Fuji S100fs. The Fuji even has 14x zoom and only costs about 450 ¬.
That's not to me opens up, why keien Camcorde rmit slightly larger chip is ....
But could also offer Canon or Sony camcorder to which one can connect the Stillimage Lenses same brand.
Antwort von domain:

You could achieve anything. But is not the point. It is about maximizing profits and the survival of companies with no profits and because different rules apply as you would like to see them.
Sonyz.B. lies in the substantial losses in Europe for years now synonymous in general in a world threatening crisis.
Antwort von tommyb:
Well offer for some time Sony, Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras, which have a synonymous HD video feature.
They are getting together with a stabilized 11-fold zoom lens for under 1000 ¬. Chipgrößer is about 1 inch. SONY would be new to me. The Alpha series has no video function.
CANON has priced the only useless 1080p20 and 720p30 useful.
Nikon has arrived with 720p24 good about what I have seen so far is relatively poor.
It is not only a good chip (which, large) must play - must be synonymous Optics. Lenses can s.Vollformat APS-C digital SLR will not be used because they do not fill the image circle. Do they not synonymous - but cost significantly less than a reasonable Vollformatobjektiv.
In principle, it would be synonymous to the Manufacturer's no problem - but one must not forget that many still synonymous Manufacturer prof. Cameras have to offer. If I for 2000 Euro camera with an APS-C fit for 50p or 50i, or what can always bring synonymous, then the customers are not quite buy my HDCAM secure.
Antwort von Ficeduld:

Domain it says. The Big interested mainly in what can be sold en masse, the whimpering of the ambitious Videot leaves them cold, a priori. The potential market is what counts. And the little ones, like Red, there is no s.Ressourcen to something like the Scarlet rauszubringen within a useful time.
Antwort von meawk:

Jo - but really there is no "seller's market" (, 50s, 60s, etc.) more, but we already live in a "buyer's market". . .
But buying so long as most of the "buyer" the mini-chip camcorder crap (; sorry) still will not change.
So act Buy No longer: and in the shops again and again to point out that you only have your camcorder with a large chip (; will buy ala DSLR). It will happen - I think spreading fast - and then the Manufacturer should stretch before. . . I certainly hope so.
Antwort von JonasB:
No longer buy in the shops and to point out repeatedly that it only camcorder with a large chip (; will buy ala DSLR). Do not take personally, but that sounds very naive: D If I was blonde my Saturn of larger chips, then replies, telling them one hundred percent, "Nene, the more megapixels a camera has the better and they s.besten hard drive, no tape, vlt video because it's uh, uh uh ... maybe buy better ". xD
What do you mean try a vegetarian for quite a while. Do not eat meat and reduce demand and thus the meat production. The cold drops in the ocean.
My grandfather wants his wedding camera synonymous no big chip, because then everything is so blurred.
Are too few of us there: P
We also know the guys of Canon and Sonybesser than we imagine to be already have their reasons why not sell Vollformatchipcamcorder. ;)
Antwort von meawk:

Logically, this sounds very naive. . .
But it is precisely times. If most potential buyers would do that, the Manufacturer would have to respond. Of course I know that this is just a pipe dream (; Why is the blender and liars actually re-elected forever? The "wide" mass thought to be low and, if necessary, which is synonymous with more of 10% voter turnout does not confuse - to celebrate their election victory then synonymous still strong.). Nonetheless, we must "minorities" will not stay silent, synonymous if we have no chance of change.
Antwort von Korbi:

Well, actually it is good to have a camera that is also a video camera. Sure, some functions are missing, but when the come, then it's a great thing: You can shoot great videos and almost incidentally, still 21 million-pixel-shoot pictures. And all in one device and with high quality optics. Anyone who has been working with a D5 Mark2 and ideally another Redrock rig or something similar had been available will confirm that it is synonymous of handling her no preference whether one has now done physically with a camera or a Videocam too.
For all I could only combined devices are produced. Besides, another interesting link, spoke of ensuring that the two image recording devices may be verschmälzen more:
Liebe Grüße #
Antwort von iasi:

I had long been a major critic of reflex - as the Red Scarlet was delayed, however, I am switched to a Canon 5dII and it has the firmware update a huge fan.
It may be that the MOV format and bring the problems with 30fps, but working with the camera is wonderful.
I need not synonymous rig, which ultimately only the camera again makes bulky. Access could follow focus would be nice, but it would obviously be a great thing, if you manual on the Focus Lenses as Engines of over USB.
Antwort von beiti:
That's not to me opens up, why keien Camcorde rmit slightly larger chip is .... They'll come soon, at least in the Semi-Professional and Professional segment.
One must not overlook the fact that large CMOS chips with Live View mode only been about 1 or 2 years are at reasonable prices. The current DSLRs are virtually a finger exercise for the Manufacturer, and with the next generation of chips will come synonymous proper camcorder. Canon, Panasonic Sonyand already tinker with it. If there were already such a device, it would be basically nothing more than a filmtaugliche DSLR without a mirror and in the elongated housing, because the filmmakers were rightly disappointed.
Quite so easy is it to not do it. If you "only" the digital version will have a simple camera (; manual where absolutely everything is set and you can live with Stillimage lenses) would be the development stage is still manageable. More than the 5DII with latest firmware so a camera could not. True universal is such a system only if it helps low-priced zooms with variable zoom speeds are. Would (; cost to date for 35-mm zoom cameras and a small fortune to multiply the price of drehfertigen Camera.) (For reporting purposes, or even in the event that you want to sell such cameras s.Laien synonymous), you would also be an appropriate auto want working smoothly and no pumps, and the still cope with the shallow depth of field. This calls for a lot of development work, could catch up until a camcorder with a large chip in the remaining properties with today's camcorders.
Antwort von iasi:

seems to me a great sensor for reportage purposes and synonymous for "amateur" is superfluous - the would bring more disadvantages than advantages.
the very shallow depth, which make great sensors with itself, but is rather counterproductive for reportagen.
s.das extremely 1.0/50 times when I think - or synonymous s.ein 1.2/85 - who wants to have with the tracking aperture sharpness wise - and the AF, I would like to experience that the focus on the eyes of a moving person can hold, while the tip of the nose blurs even in the blur.
also more likely to fit a zoom into a camera with a smaller sensor - made just for fun in the flat space.