Frage von x-mode:
Howdy slashCAM,
I know you're probably not really the right person, but I hope you can still help me with my problem:)
Howdy Com.
I have a demo of VJ-day program
"Resolume"Dort empfehlen Sie im Manual Videos with folgenden Eigenschaften einzusetzen:
"Resolume"Dort empfehlen Sie im Manual Videos with folgenden Eigenschaften einzusetzen:
"Resolume"Dort empfehlen Sie im Manual Videos with folgenden Eigenschaften einzusetzen:
resolume_krabs.aviSelbstgecoded x-mode:
bubbles.avi I'm really just in front of insanity ....
Antwort von Gast 0815:

First of all: of your program, I have absolutely no idea.! I've seen times in the files but Gspot ( and I do not really fall to just 2 things: the first is when your homemade Avi the framerate a little too high (25,054), should be at exactly 25 frames per second are, but the problem is likely be more insignificant and can be corrected with VDub. Second: Your file is available as Avi 2.0, the other file in AVI format 1.0, read about the differences of the time format:% e4nkungen_Gibt_Es_F fcr_Die_Gr%% f6 % dfe_Von_AVI files?
So try changing the files by Avi 1.0 times, which goes with such AvimuxGui ( Options Open DML off for the Aviausgabe. Good luck!
Greetings from Marburg