Frage von Guesst:
Why does my control Adobe Premiere Dv Recorder Panasonik DV2700 does not?
Panasonik thinks that the problem would probably lie alone at Premiere.
I've been at Premiere cersucht all possible settings, but it does not work.
In the device list is synonymous only the little brother (2000?) Indicated.
Kammt the fact that the 2700er has cut its own functions and therefore will not be reinreden?
Antwort von Markus:

how did you connect the DV recorder s.den PC (right: via firewire)? If the device is in the Windows File Manager under Imaging Devices as' AVC compliant DV tape device "message?
Digital video recorders with Firewire connection to use all the same
Antwort von GhostDog:

Thanks for the quick response!
Yes, the device is connected via Firewire:
Under IEE controller only OHC1 Copmliant listed IEE 1394 Host Contrtoller, which is probably the I-Link Conreoller on board.
To your question: The recorder is in the Device Manager as:
"Imaging Devices" => "Panasonic DV Tape Recorder / Player"
and => "Panasonic Vendor Unique subunit
Antwort von WeiZen:

try it once with a repeater [URL =]Conrad-Datenblatt-PDF[/URL] see synonymous here
Canopus Forum
Antwort von GhostDog:

Yes, as you have probably hit the mark. =% c3% 9f & do_fh_search = 1 & fh_session =% 2Fscript% 2fwgate% 2fzcop_b2c ~ flN0YXRlPTY0MzAzOTU2OQ% 3d% 2f% fh_search = 3d & Firewire Hub & search = fh_refview
The solution seems to be.
I shit, thrown away before ner week of my birthday gift voucher Conrad, wel, I thought, since I'd buy anyway, and nothing I do not want hoard 100,000 note ....
Well, sure there are probably ne acceptable solution.
Thank you !!!!!!
Antwort von Markus:
I shit, thrown away before ner week of my birthday gift voucher Conrad, wel, I thought, since I'd buy anyway, and nothing I do not want hoard 100,000 note .... If that your friends and acquaintances to read, they never give you a voucher! ;-)