Frage von jamakasi:
Unfortunately, I could search the Internet is not 100% deliver quality answers, so I must now ask again. :-)
I screwed s.meiner Panasonic SD300 an original Panasonic Wide Angle Adapter 0.7 x.
Now I would like this (due to the lack of wide-angle of the camera in the original position) as often as possible to let the camera. However, I would also like to leave open the possibility to be able to handle with additional filters and do not necessarily fall back on a Cokin system need.
My current WWK is yes (like everyone else, hopefully correctly) geschaubt directly to the camera (eg supplied without lens hood or filter in between). However, the WWK "front" no more threads in which I could screw additional filters.
Is here at WWK any way? Or only the Panasonic WWK? Have the Raynox WWK eg an additional filter thread?
Thank you already for any help.
Antwort von Bernd E.:

Such practice foreign savings - what does it cost for even a filter thread? - I will never understand, but Panasonic is the point, unfortunately, leaders in this respect. The Raynox converter on the other hand usually have a front thread for filters and actually indispensable for the lens hood, but I can not guarantee that there is no inglorious exceptions. Look s.besten the bid times on the Raynox website: Just a few other companies put their products in such detail before. Information on the front threads are as mentioned in any case.