Frage von hennes588588:Hello,
I hope that this topic has not yet been treated, because otherwise I have not found or read about.
here the data that may be needed:
windows xp home, plenty of memory 1 gb
Ulead VideoStudio 8 SE
Now I try to have some time, the videos of the mini-dv camcorders to pc via the cd `s to banish. I simply do not get quality her. if I have the digi cam directly s.den tv anschleiße is klasse bild.
've tried all possible settings, of avi, mpeg 1 + 2, dvd, wmf, it is simply not true. under his instructions, I have already seen through, but I find no error.
it is determined any settings are missing, but what ?????
who can help me and is working with the program as I do.
thank you
Antwort von JMitch:
Video CDs are all appropriate in VHS Quallität. Burn a real DVD, it is synonymous to Quallität better.
Antwort von JMitch:
you want to Video CDs - not DVDs - right?
For a stand-alone player s.TV you need so s.Standards orient! Because CDs are for only the following format:
"Video CD": MPEG1, 352x288 pixels (this is only a quarter of TV resolution), 25p (frame)
Super Video CD ": MPEG2, 480x576 pixels (full line resolution visible but reduced horizontal resolution), 25p or 50i (half or full)
If you now your DV cam directly through CVBS (yellow RCA-Male) or S-Video (Hosidenstecker) s.den TV connects directly the DV material and analogous change in its full splendor issued. DV brings barely visible compression artifacts and has the full PAL Resolutionvon 720x576 pixels at 25p or 50i (half or full)!
On the PC you are probably in one of the above standard formats converted. Here you can keep the quality scale not create.
Why do not you besorgs DVD Burners (or you have one)? Then you can with MPEG2, 720x576 at 25p or 50i full Resolutionbeibehalten. If you only 1 hour material squeeze onto a DVD, probably only a small, only visible at a closer look, deterioration may occur.
Antwort von hennes588588:
What is 50i (half or full)?
Of course I have a DVD Burners.
Thus, under the format of recording settings are available on DVD.
Under Options> MPEG Settings> Template: Custom 1> MPEG-Type: Type 2 TV system: PAL> Frame rate: 25> Image Size: 720x576> Deinterlaceausgabe without hook> output Halbbildreihefolge: UnteresHalbbild first> Aspect ratio: 3> Method : Variable bitrate> kbps: 9500> Audio Format: MPEG Audio> Sample Rate: 48000> Bitrate: 384?
I have asked my program. OK ????????????????????? ß
Antwort von JMitch:
What is 50i (half or full)?
hennes588 ... "Interlace" is a procedure in which the television should not be used, but can and usually will be synonymous. Your video will höchstwarscheinlich synonymous interlaced footage! Search times in the forum for "interlace" and you'll find. Nevertheless, a statement of mine:
PAL material has a technical Resolutionvon 720x576 at 25 frames at first. That is, it may retain 25 full "Photos" in the second transmitted / stored. TVs provide the material, however different, as a PC monitor: First Picture 1 of every odd scan lines (horizontal) to 1 / 50 second section (ie 1, 3, 5, 7, ...). After all even (ie 2, 4, 8, 10, ...). Then the whole picture with 2 again of going forward. A Picture is therefore presented in two steps. This can be exploited by exactly 50 frames and 2 each include half of the 25 images each. The first picture makes the odd lines in Picture 1 of 25 PAL images, the second the even lines of the same image. This has the advantage that on the television now prizipiell 50 half-frames with Resolutionzu see (higher motion resolution). Has a scene little or no motion, then two sequential images captured almost immediately and you will see the full resolution s.Television.
Practice: Make genuine material from your DVDs, so MPEG2 for DVD with full resolution. They DO NOT deinterlace to click, because then you lose again s.Resolution. Then you burn a DVD and you should get the desired result! Admittedly, the interlaced method to understand is not trivial ;-(
Good luck!